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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. Not sure about "spreading" your scent all over the place. The private land I hunt in the NZ, we also have a base tent camp set up on the land. I have mentioned this before, when we went to get a wood pile for camping the deer had used our camp as a bedding area last spring. There were a lot of poopy piles right where we usually dig a hole to do our business. In August when we got in for the first camp and I could do some scouting, we had a deer stand there looking at us on one of the trails, while we were on running four wheelers, the only thing that made the deer move was when my buddy got off his atv. Then, the deer bolted. The next morning I had to run to the local store for ice and saw deer handing out right next to the main road on the way to the store, and on the way back. That afternoon we also saw deer while riding the trails. I think over time, a lot of time, they do get used to some things. We ride the trails, his dad uses an atv to log the woods for firewood to heat the house. His dad also walks the land twice a day. So, I think are used to certain things. But, I would not go roll around in the woods thinking it will help your odds.
  2. Don't really have one. The style of music I like doesn't lend itself to hunting. Maybe Stone Sour 'Bother'. Don't listen to music in my truck much. As long as it ain't country, I feel lucky all day.
  3. A sheet of paper and a straw early season. Paper clips and a rubber band regular season. If those don't work I use a scary mask for the late season, I set up under ground and pop up "Red Dawn" style and try to scare them to death. On a serious note, my PSE for all seasons.
  4. I don't know. I looked up a map search to see where it was and what state land was really close. I also asked how much land and no reply. The OP needs to answer these questions. Not me. I just figured I would add where it was and the really close state land. OP, you can't get heated if you post something for sale and get replies.
  5. Bucktooth State Forest? Little farther then 5 minutes.... Here's a map: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Little+Valley,+NY+14755/@42.2583819,-78.8031387,12z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x89d28c2dd82d3e91:0x52ce98d3723f782e How much land comes with the purchase?
  6. If you are a ciggy smoker, and just can't go a few hours without a smoke, here's a tip so you don't have butts under your stand or in your blind. Use an empty tylenol bottle, or anything like that, with a bit of water in the bottom. Doesn't take much space in your pack, and you can keep it in your jacket pocket. Put your butts in the bottle. It's air tight, so the smell wont get out. The worst smell from a ciggy is the butt. For you cigar smokers...Can't help ya. This method might work, but I have no experience in putting a slimy phallic shaped thing in my mouth.
  7. I guess for me I have 2. My RealTree® Neon Green Topped knit beenie, and my base black bandana I use as a facemask. If I have them on I see deer. Other then that, like I said in another thread like this one, I used to carry a spent shot shell. It got lost years ago.
  8. It's near Jamestown, NY. On the North side. So I would say the state land is Dobbins Memorial? Probably around a 40 minute drive to the state land.
  9. Seeing that in the OP pic, you can clearly see it was cut. Look close and you can see the straight dead edges. So IMHO, it's a tree thumper trying to get lucky with a corpse bride.
  10. I just looked that one up. Found a step by step on EHow, and this vid: Should be the same process yes?
  11. I used to clean my shotguns and rifles like a fish. I would leave the bolt alone, it will give you gas if you eat it. The barrel is best with just a little butter and garlic. The stock makes a good, well, stock for soups.
  12. Not in the least! It makes you a very ethical felon. LOL!
  13. Never, your local trash men will want that stuff. Seriously though. Yeah, but as stone said try to keep it a good ways off trails. They are a little lighter to drag out when the innerds are missing.
  14. That's for sure. When me and my buddy started getting wood piled in for our camping spot on his dads land last June, I noticed they had bedded down about 10 yards from our fire pit. There were at least 10 dropping piles. I sat the area two weeks ago in the morning and didn't see a thing. They are on the other side in the thick stuff by the swamp now. I have seen some deer on the public land, but never in range. Watched 3 does mosey along the rr tracks about 100 yds going away from me three weeks ago or so.
  15. This is the first year I have hunted the suburbs. I mean where you hear a lot of cars trucks, and so on. I still prefer to drive to the woods where you may hear a distant car, but not often. Never hunted the top part of the ADK's. Hoping to get to do that next September for early bow. I can't get used to hearing cars and even a radio from time to time.
  16. She will be storing it. So the pressure canner is a must. She's been looking at a few on the web, but doesn't want to spend too much only to find out she doesn't care for that type of canning things. I will let her know about the All American, thanks Culver Creek.
  17. If it was in the water...........Air keeps the lungs inflated. Hence, it will float. No air in the lungs, it will sink. Most of the time. Then, after some time, the guts will bloat and it will rise back up, and stink. Sorry you lost that one. You will get another shot.
  18. Two years ago, my g/f got the idea to start canning things from scratch. Jellies, homemade garlic pickles, hot peppers, and even brandied apples. She does great on all of them. Except the first batch of pickles. Too salty. She fixed that as I told her cut the salt bu 80%. Anyways............ She wants to start doing things like pickled sausage. Due to acid and so on, she wants to get a pressure canner. Anyone here have a good pressure canner they use but doesn't beak the bank?
  19. How many people here hunt the burbs and close to home? Or how many people hunt areas where it takes you at least 30 minutes ( or more ) to the local town?
  20. God bless all the men and women who have served.
  21. Can't be the same guy. Dipstick at my gathering lives in Clifton Park, his name is ED. I find it very disturbing that people still do this.
  22. Where are you at zeus? That's funny as heck. Last weekend I had a guy at my horror movie marathon say he did that same thing. All I did was glare at him, and made a mental note, never hunting this this $^*&%^#.
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