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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. I mostly hunt our own properties. I never wear the orange during bow season. But ALWAYS wear it, while hunting during firearms season. Killed a pile of deer over the years, and can't remember one instance, where wearing blaze orange cost me a deer. Better safe than sorry.
  2. grampy

    Long recovery

    So good that you were able to eventually 'recover' him Larry. Having been with Deer Search for many years, I have seen many times, where deer 'should have' piled up within 100 yards, and didn't. Though not common, after a perfect double lung hit. I have seen them go as far as you said, 250 to 300 yards and farther. Each time I've seen this, I am completely amazed at how they could have possibly gone that far, and bleed so little, but sometimes they do! I've also seen my share of one lung, liver, kidney and paunch and muscle shots, recovered under 100 yards. So go figure! The only given, is that there is no given, on any individual deer. If a hunter hunts long enough they will see this for themselves, on their, or someone else's deer. Don't have to tell you, they are amazingly tough, and unpredictable animals! Even the best Deer Search blood trackers, average only 35 -40% recovery rates. Most times that is because the deer is not dead while being trailed. Beagles have an outstanding nose, they can and do, make a perfect tracking dog! Dry and windy conditions are much more difficult for dogs to pick up, and keep on a scent trail. Did you have these conditions, when looking for this particular deer? Seems like it was the 'perfect storm' on this buck. Sometimes you can do everything right, and still have it go wrong. And vice versa too.
  3. Now that was cool! The evidence of your skill, is that I thought we were going to crash a few times while watching the video, and didn't!!! How long have you been piloting drones? I imagine there is quite a learning curve to get that good. Could you give a little basic info on the drone itself? Nice property and cabin!
  4. Happy Birthday! It's your day! Hope it's filled up with all the good stuff! Take it all in!
  5. Jared is my partner on this one! Gotta share the love!
  6. I'll pass on that type of mount. I have way too much respect for the deer I hunt, to mount them this way. But to each their own.
  7. Bill, I don't really think any of the comments are directed at YOU. But directed at the POST, that YOU put up. You have been here long enough to know how threads of mt. lions, ghosts, bigfoot, crossbows, and what is your favorite turkey call go. You will get many varied responses. That's all big guy. Nothing personal.
  8. Trae Young is an outstanding talent! And true that Oklahoma is a young team with not much depth on the bench. But on one of my brackets, I have them going to the sweet 16. On the other, I have them losing to R.I. in the first round. We'll see?
  9. Yeah he's real!!! My 13 year old grandson needs size 16 baseball cleats this year!!! No joke. Dem's some BIGFEET for ya!
  10. Absolutely! Our office brackets last year, was won by a 70 something, semi retired teacher! She has little, or no knowledge of NCAA basketball. She just randomly picked. The money collected goes in a fund, to help low income students with supplies or other needs. So most all staff get in on it. Perhaps, I'll get her to pick my bracket for this!!!! My picks are always the pits! Did do one with my oldest grandson. So maybe I do have a chance! hehehe....... Good luck to all participating!
  11. I think a Bigfoot euro mount would be pretty cool! Don't think I would go with the shoulder mount.
  12. Oh yeah. Been getting these hooks at wally world for a few years now, to use with the Senko's. The combination is absolutely amazing! Next best thing to Senko's, is the BPS Stick O Worms! Much more cost effective, especially when bought in the bulk packs, and seem to work almost as well! But if I'm fishing a tournament, it's only Senko's for me, if I'm tossing those type worms. I think they have a higher salt content, than other look alikes. Here is another tip. Look for isolated grass clumps off the main weedline in deeper water. Dropshot a wacky Senko in 12 to 16 feet of water, onto and around, those clumps. And hang on! Works anywhere there is grass and milfoil. Try a 'smoke with large black flake'. Oh yeah.........and keep it to yourselves!
  13. Having had homes on both lake and woods. Hands down......woods.
  14. Good to go. Reset the time in my truck before leaving this morning. Now we are one hour closer to the next nor'easter!
  15. Kinda boring last night, I thought.
  16. How bout a pillow case to store a crossbow in the off season?
  17. Haven't been in one of their stores since they sided with the fear mongerers. Don't plan on stepping into one in the future either! This just makes me more determined to stay out, and bring my hard earned dollars to their competition. Just made a rather substantial order to Bass Pro for some fishing tackle and gear. In the past, some of that $ would have been spent in Dorks Sporting Goods. I will never again give them one red cent!
  18. The small platform that fits your hitch, will be perfect! I see many with cars or SUV's, using just that. An inexpensive blue tarp to wrap up the deer will kerp everything nice, neat and clean! And no crawlies in the car is another benefit. Be sure to treat your outer layer of clothes, along with your boots with Sawyers. That will also help to avoid unwanted crawling passenger's on the trip home. Good idea to take a shower and check yourself once you get home too. You can never be too careful, when dealing with ticks.
  19. And I love Tom T Hall! Along with old dogs and children. And watermelon wine.
  20. Young hunters, that need ANYTHING. My wife, when she asks "can you do.............for me"? Anyone, who needs help with something. Especially my grandsons. Dogs Anything hunting or fishing related. Like gear, trailcams, scopes, or lures and fishing rods. Pretty young ladies, with a big honest smile.
  21. You firefighters are pretty dang awesome!
  22. You do have some really cool toys! And it's been said, variety is the spice of life!
  23. For the most part, I stick with what works for me. My bow is 18 years old. But I do play around with arrows and broad heads from time to time. Got a new range finder, as the 10 year old one started giving inconsistent readings. And I have bought a few things to upgrade old stuff, from members on this forum. I have camo and other gear, that is perhaps older than some of our forum members! But it still works, and gets the job done.
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