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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Nice moog! Need some range pic's from you too!
  2. Great pic's! Nice to look at something other than snow!
  3. Yup, I know exactly how that goes! Isn't it against the law, to have a reel just lying around without a rod?
  4. Looking forward to uncovering the boat!!!
  5. Nice looking deer thumper! Post up the results of the sight in!
  6. Venison cutlets Perch from ice fishing Turkey strips Gator
  7. grampy

    Eye sight

    Of all the body parts that seem to be "going south" as I age. My eyes are not one of them. Went in January for my yearly eye exam, and still have 20/20 vision out to distance. But do need reading glasses for up close work. Like moog says Dom. Use that dominate right eye, and keep the better vision left one closed. Seems like that is the better option, opposed to learning to shoot left handed? Wishing you good luck. No matter how you choose to get it done!
  8. Man, you really had it easy! Now, back in my day.................................................grin.
  9. Too far for me to go, and meet some of you city boys. So have one for me! Sounds like a good time!
  10. My biggest fear, was being grounded and having to stay INDOORS! Would offer to cut grass, rake, tend garden, ANYTHING, to not be indoors.
  11. Great looking little feller! Puppy kisses are the best!
  12. The closest I've ever been to drawing my CC, was in a Walmart parking lot.
  13. Priceless! The pictures in my mind, after reading this, made me smile.
  14. After nearly 50" in 5 days we never lost power. Lights flickered a few times, but never went out. Wires and trees are really hanging low this morning though! Got mine and our elderly neighbors driveway done last night after 11pm. Tonight after work it's back up to the farm, to get that cleaned up. Back, shoulders and knees are protesting big time! Aleve is my best friend lately!!! But I really feel alive! Hard work keeps me young!
  15. That's pretty cool! I wonder what he looked like at four and five years old, during his biological prime? Was his antlers even larger? More points? Not that he wasn't a beautiful buck when killed.
  16. Students were all sent home early. Now all the school offices will be closed at 1pm. So looks like I'll get an early jump to staying on top of this latest batch of frozen precipitation! Will be fine, as long as the machines and my body parts hold up!...............grin.
  17. As of now, 4 or 5 inches. But it's just playing with us now. Around noontime it's going to really ramp up, and snow 2+ inches an hour, until tomorrow morning some time. We are in the 24 to 36 band here. On top of the almost 30" on Friday. I say....bring it! I'll deal with whatever it is. This ain't my first rodeo. But certainly is a PITA.
  18. Know it well. I've hunted the Mottchman farm, at the bottom of Rivine Rd. many times. Some real nice bucks roaming those woods. And have killed a couple real nice ones in PR over the years too. Beautiful area.
  19. My stompin grounds! Where in East Berne were you? We grew up on Suto Rd, right above the park. Many still get to the Mobil by snowmobile when the snow gets deep!
  20. Same here in the hilltowns of Albany County. Another almost two feet coming, on top of the almost 30 inches we got on Friday. Still not as bad as the Tug Hill folks. But such is winter in upstate NY. This is the trade off for those beautiful summer breezes, we enjoy so much. And the perfect deer hunting weather, come late October, early November. Sigh..........guess I'll go gas up the snow removal equipment.
  21. My grandfather was a top notch woodworker. When going out into his shop, he'd always say, "c'mon in! It aint neat, but it's functional!" I still have some of the stuff he built. And will pass it on when I'm gone! +1. Looking forward to seeing it done! Got a good crew over there!
  22. Love my Axis in 7mm-08! I've upgraded and passed it to my grandson now. But it was absolutely lights out, DRT on any deer I shot with it. Just about any ammo I ran through it, shot well. For hunting, I used Federal Premium Nosler BT's in 140 gr. But the 120's will be just as deadly. Great deal Dad! I know she will love it, and can't wait to see her with a deer and a smile, come fall!
  23. If you keep doing that, you'll go blind! Seriously though, I always stayed cool and calm, for the everyday things. So when I did raise my voice, they would listen! They don't come with instructions. If ya follow your heart, you will do just fine.
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