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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Regardless of what the final score is, that is by all definition a trophy buck! Is there not a scoring system, that credits all of the antler, a buck grows? Like Fletch said, shouldn't the buck be scored for "everything" he grew? In my opinion, every bucks rack is "perfect"! Why should inches be deducted for antler growth and inches added for thin air, spread?
  2. I really hope that one of the members with better computer knowledge, can help you out Doc. I have not had any problems like you are describing. And I visit here using three different devices. Would hate to see ya go over something that could be corrected.
  3. Uncle Ted is my favorite uncle!
  4. I'll be a gay ranchero, before I ever take a Texas heart shot!
  5. A very impressive collection of shotguns! So cool that with all those guns to choose from, you still go with the one Dad gave you. I hope you felt his presence with you today on that walk. Cause I'm sure he was right there with you. My all time favorite gun is my old, Model 37 Ithaca 16 Gg. I bought it my self, with money earned working on a farm. I was 14 years old. It's killed everything from chipmunks to decent bucks. I'm as proud of that gun now as the day it first touched my hands.
  6. Never have loose change in my pocket. Crank up November Rain on the way to property. Sleep with socks on, the night before a hunt. Pick out the "lucky" hat for that day, I have one over 25 years old. Heading in, being part Native American, I stop to say a silent prayer to the "hunting spirits". Me? Superstitious ??????.........
  7. I'd bet that there is one less yote running around your property today. Too bad, you didn't find him right there though.
  8. Isn't football great? Everyone has their own likes and dislikes! Even among family and friends. So fun to cheer or boo teams and players, for the fans of the game. The only bad thing about the Super Bowl, is that it's the last game of the year.
  9. Very cool collection and bar display! Looks like just the place to sit, relax and sip a few. And I too remember quite a few of those! Brings me back to another time and place for sure. Topic for another thread...............
  10. So sad but could have been avoided with a little common sense. I commented in another thread. That with the continuous freezing and thawing, the ice in a lot of places, is just not safe! I do love ice fishing. But a few perch is not worth taking a risk with your life. Condolences to their families and friends.
  11. Probably right Biz. But I wouldn't mind, not seeing the cheaters, pick up one for the thumb. Go Birds!
  12. 31 - 17 The Falcons in a blow out! I will smile broadly when I see the pitiful look on Brady's and Belicheck's faces! What would really be good, is if a tear were to trickle down a cheek! Can't stand any Boston team!
  13. Very large portion? Um....I think not. And where was your "very large portion" on election day? Get your nonsense in now, cause soon Trump will be taking away your Boma phone!
  14. Now they need to send the Pats packing! I so hope they do!
  15. Who says cheaters never prosper. Hope NE tanks!
  16. I see you made it back from the demonstrations ok. Did you wash the pepper spray out of your clothes yet?
  17. grampy


    I usually change the broadhead and after a close inspection, use the same arrow again. Hey, it's a lucky arrow! And there is a reason why it was #1 in the quiver. Pre-season practice showed that for whatever reason, it flew just a touch, better than the others! So I tell myself, anyways.
  18. Was looking forward to going ice fishing this past weekend on one of our local lakes. Took a drive around and saw some guys out there. But not many, along with a lot of standing water on top of the ice. Decided it just was not worth taking a chance for a few perch. I've had a couple close calls when I was younger. I no longer take chances on the ice. This winter has not been conducive to making good solid blue ice in our area. Lots of freezing and thawing have made the ice unpredictable. Unless we get an extended cold spell, this will be the second year in a row where I have not ice fished.
  19. Does this set up seem top heavy at all? When sighting does it want to roll side to side. Probably sounds like a dumb question, but I've never shot anything like this, so I'm curious. And by the way, I love the looks of your set up and I'm sure it is the nuts for predator hunting!
  20. A bow hunt in Alaska with some panninig for gold mixed in. Done out of a bush camp, of course.
  21. Wow! That looks like a real sweet set up! Come back and give us a review after the first hunt. You got it going for song dogs now!
  22. Nothing goes unnoticed in your woods with those eagle eyes! Cool find, again!
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