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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by chrisw

  1. Food for thought: if you're totaling up all costs to see what your "cost per lb" is, the first step is using a scale... Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  2. I agree fully with G man. Greed is the problem, not limits. It's the same as hunting, some people will kill everything they can without regard to sustainability. People can't just take what they need and leave a few for the next guy. I agree with Rob too, these guys that post pictures of limits of perch EVERY single day for a week straight are not sportsman to me. There's no way they are eating 300 jack perch, they simply want the public image of being an above average fisherman. I really hate the guys that sell them, is it even legal? I would be all for a 5 walleye limit on Oneida if you could trust people's respect for the resource. Otherwise it's the same issue, guys fishing for a month straight stockpiling more walleyes than they can possibly consume simply because it's legal, while depleting the population for everyone else. I would like to see a slot limit on the walleyes if they go to a 5 fish limit at the very least, but I doubt they will... Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  3. If it works out to benefit you then by all means utilize it. I'm not begrudging anyone from wanting to hunt it. I guess I'm looking at it from more of a "I don't like that we just keep adding more and more implements and season lengths" side of things. I'm concerned where it ends. I'm concerned when is "enough"? Im concerned that as sportsmen we are losing sight of the end goal of a healthy herd for the sake of filling as many tags as we can for as long as we can, with little regard of what's best for the deer. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  4. 10 weeks is hardly a race. I never said anyone is a bad hunter. I merely insinuated that 10 weeks is a generous season already and the unsuccessful hunters are just that. Not everyone is successful, that's life. This is a thread on opinion, and that's mine. You don't have to like it, that's the beauty of opinion. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  5. Quit making it a "poor me" conversation. If you can't kill deer in the 10 week season then what is another few days going to do? Should we let the unsuccessful hunters continue hunting until they finally get one? Where does it end? Not all hunters are going to get a deer, you don't get participation trophies in this sport... Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  6. My opinion, unnecessary. Season is abundantly long as it is. And yes, I'd still be saying the same if I hadn't killed a deer yet. If you can't make it happen in the 10 weeks that you've had already, better luck next year. We can't keep extending seasons to cater to the minority that can't fill tags In the already generous season. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  7. I owned a 2015 Tundra I bought new in 2015 and just traded it in on a 3/4 Ton Ram. I never had any issues with the Tundra. Normal maintenance and drive it. I also only lost $4k after owning it for 6 years. I'll probably end up back in a Tundra, but I want to wait a couple of years after the complete redesign for any kinks to be worked out. I'm also disappointed that they dropped their V8, they were bulletproof and wish they were still an option. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  8. Yea who knows, very circumstancial. I just have seen first hand that some LEO will try to overstep if you let them... Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  9. I always get a drop in plastic bed liner. I hate spray ins, they dent, they're rough textured so they'll scratch things up in the box, they're harder to clean out. I'd consider them if you rarely put anything in the box but in my opinion the drop ins are much more durable. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  10. I believe they don't need a warrant if there is PC. I'd have been a bit pissed if they searched my vehicle, after I was the one to call them there to report it. I got hassled once by an idiot DEC officer at the very place the OP said this incident occured. I didn't budge an inch and he finally backed off and left. They will certainly try to bully you if you don't know the laws in certain cases. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  11. I know lol is used a lot and I never use it... But the karate chop "hiiiyaa!" got me! Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  12. Disagree. You CANNOT get the same marbling/fat/flavor from venison. I'll agree that some people don't like venison because it was prepared by some hacker with a knife who doesn't know what they're doing. I can't speak for the flavor of testicles and won't ever, so I'll let you speak to those uncontested... Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  13. I eat a lot of venison and enjoy it a lot, but it isn't as good as a good beef steak. I enjoy it more because I hunted and killed it, butchered it and put it in my freezer. It feels a bit more personal and feels "earned." I also enjoy that it is healthier for you also so I feel a bit less guilty about eating it often. I am of the same opinion that I don't care who or how it was prepared or where the deer came from, it'll never be as flavorful as a prime cut of beef. Same with wild turkeys, I'll eat them when I kill them and they aren't bad, but they're no butterball... Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  14. A few from the dozen we landed today, felt good to be on a boat in December. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  15. Haven't been working for me in quite awhile. I can open and view/respond when I first get the notification on my phone, but if I close out of it, it's gone and can't be found anywhere. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  16. I still have buck tags but haven't hunted since Thanksgiving day. If I truly only cared about trophies I wouldn't shoot does at all and I'd still be out there looking for a buck? You keep alluding to me having a terrible season when in reality it was probably my best, even without having tagged any antlers. I had a lot of opportunities to kill bucks and some pretty good ones that I let go, that in itself is a win for me. But again, you keep saying how sympathetic you are to me (which I highly doubt is sincere in the slightest) is just another backdoor way of you nipping at heels. I couldn't care less? I know that when you look for a specific age class buck you are going to go some years antler less and I'm ok with it. My goal is always to end up with 3 deer for venison and I did that quite easily this season so I have nothing to complain about... Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  17. I'm not fired up at all. Part of me thinks the only reason you're on this site at all is because, A) you think you're so much more knowledgeable than anyone else and you love spewing your off base science to an audience. you are a story teller, even in posts that may require a simple response, you go into a full story, not because you think it's useful, but you like the attention and love to hear yourself. C) I also think you just like annoying people, you get some satisfaction from nipping at heels like a tiny dog. D) It's also quite possible that you watch too many "homesteader" shows and fantasize about it. All of the "my family needs this amount of meat for the year," and "I need this many bass to feed my wife and kids." The whole chest girth BS, dude just buy a scale, if you'd use it I'll buy one and send it to you just so I don't have to see the ridiculous posts about it anymore. Ultimately I want to like you, but you make it so hard with the constant BS and poking and made up science, constantly contradicting yourself. I get it we all have our moments but for crying out loud, "neck shots are disrespectful but I'll shoot one up the ass", "my button bucks weigh 100 lbs dressed," "a 243 is a terrible deer cartridge" all of these things are complete BS and I know that you know it. So why go down that road? You killed a good buck for your standards, good job. I'm not knocking the buck, I'm knocking the hypocrisy that is WOLC... Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  18. First off, I take venison over antlers every year, always have. I have my meat for the year so I'm essentially done hunting. Secondly, you seem to be doing a lot of antler worship of the buck you killed? You've attached the picture in seemingly every post you make or at least mention it, why is that? Thirdly, your fawn kills don't impress me, so don't bother sending the pictures to me. And let's see that dressed button on a certified scale, none of this BS "make up your own weight" estimates. And also, you don't have time to trim doe fat but somehow find the time to write 20 short novels on this site everyday, half of which you are clueless about. Good luck on your quest for the dumbest deer in the woods this late season.... Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  19. I've been thinking the same exact thing. I've seen that picture interjected into a lot of posts lately, for a guy who is only cares about meat... Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  20. Yea, but I've had a change in POI with most every bullet I've tried clean vs fouled. I never hunt with an unfouled barrel. The powerbelts did load really hard though, I remember my father pushing his ramrod against a tree in order to seat the bullet. After 3 rds good luck getting that bullet down. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  21. Agreed. I guess I really don't HATE any particular bullet for whitetails except for powerbelts. My father uses them and hardly ever gets exits, even at close range. They aren't great for accuracy either. That being said, I've never lost a deer with a rifle, pretty much all rifle rounds work just fine on deer, they're easy to kill for the most part. I will shoot whatever shoots best in my rifles, not too worried about composition, people way overthink bullets for deer. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  22. Is it darker in NY 30 minutes before/after than PA? I said any quality glass will cover all legal times (yes I was talking about the new regulations). I'm not sure what you're getting at? If the scope worked there why doesn't it here? Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  23. I have multiple Leupold, a Weaver, Nikon etc. and honestly I could shoot well past what my naked eye can see with all of them. They are all bright enough to shoot before or after legal times and none of them are 50mm even. I don't care for 50 mm scopes due to the higher cheek weld it requires. Any quality glass should be more than capable of covering all legal shooting times. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  24. I always wondered why the muzzleloader season came after and not before southern gun season, like the northern zone. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  25. Haha they aren't hard to find trust me, and they get more views than the great shows where you can actually learn something. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
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