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Everything posted by phade

  1. A couple show up regularly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. If iPhone by a spigen tough armor. Spigen also offers the shatter proof covers. Tough and NOT BULKY. The military uses them if that's any idea of how well they work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Synergy is the only bow that made my Z a backup this year. Z still has a better draw cycle, but not by much. The Synergy is noticeably faster. I enjoyed hunting with it this year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. The term better hunter has two meanings and it deals with context. One is in comparison to others and the other is dealing with you alone. Determining a better hunter based on comparison is worthless because it ultimately is determined by what is on the wall. It always ends up there. That is worthless for many reasons but property time and money are the great mitigators. They make hunters appear better than they are when they're in ideal scenarios, me included. Referencing you - I commend you for thinking about it that way. Do what you believe will make you a better hunter if that is what engages you and drives you. As much as I would like to say I am automatic when it comes to killing, karma has a way of letting me know otherwise. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Dang dude... cheap. I like my Synergy. That's a deal! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. If you find a 2010 z28 on AT it could be in your range. Scoop it up - not many people will argue anything on that bow's performance. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Mule kicks for me resulted in heart shot with tail down. Deer looking like they were shot out of a cannon or starting gate of the Kentucky Derby meant center punched double lungs and tail up. Hunches and tail down and slow walk after a few jog steps has been stomach. Intestines usually result in further running before the hunching and quick bedding. It's not a rule but the exceptions to it seem rare for me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Challenge wise nothing beats bow hunting and spending time with my friends. Lots of laughs to accompany the intensity that is the rut or nailing a buck due to patterning and scouting. At one point this bow season I had a mature buck walk across me on a trail while walking in to the stand in the darkness. He glided across the trail like a ghost and I could have poked him with my bow if I extended my arms out. He never knew I was there - so close my second thought after "so cool!" was "oh my god I may need to defend myself if he turns this way". Talk about an adrenaline dump. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Older does have longer skeletal structures - including facial and body. They too get back and belly sag. Not that hard to determine alpha either by behavior. And your stat on 25% is generalized because the real factor is weight - threshold of 60-65lbs. Areas with ag, food, and good soil CEC without overcarrying capacity will have a higher % of fawns bred. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I try to avoid taking alpha doe, especially in areas where I know bucks will routinely visit in rut phases. I try to do the goldilocks approach - not young not old...just right, to avoid that. If there is no middle age, I will purposely shoot the yearling. Only time an alpha needs to go IMO is herd reduction of massive proportions (meaning you have several alphas on your ground) or she's flat out busting your setups. I will avoid otherwise. I've seen what it can do to patterns and corresponding buck movements. No thanks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. That's a huge accomplishment. Late season with the bow is not easy. Way to go! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. If using common sense is childish then so be it. If your design flaw was a legitimate issue you wouldn't be the only one complaining about it. But what do I know. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Best of luck grow. I just looked outside - the sky is still holding high. Hasn't fallen yet. Might as well take the opportunity today while it hasn't fallen to check my several thousand dollars of design flawed cams! It's a joke, relax. PS. I think your Kindle might be on the fritz - some of the words used seem out of context. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Again - you can't see the forest for the tree. Probably why you got the response you did from customer service. Me selling the cams is relevant - I speak to large amounts of consumers who provide feedback and I offer customer service and troubleshooting. Know how many times a customer has complained about about the cam design? Zero. Know how many who say the cams hide well with the arrays broken up? Tons. I'm not saying your feedback is worthless but I struggle when people have no grasp that their experience might be the outlier. You got a similar answer from Bushnell. Yet you believe otherwise that they should redesign the cams to fit your needs. If it doesn't meet your needs go buy another cam line. No company is perfect but Vista made $2B last year. That's a B. They'd change that design in a hurry if sales faltered. They've used that design as have the best cam companies on the market for several years including the standard bearer in Reconyx - $600 cams. I'm sorry but you're yelling into a canyon and talking back to the only voice you hear. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Yes I own one. And the pic I posted was a way of saying - let's get real here - these cams are in tough environments and we must maintain reasonable expectations. Build up of snow and ice has more to do with the Indian than the bow. Setup matters. I've sold around $25k in cameras this year doing it as a hobby. I can assure you that you're the only one who has ever said this is a design flaw. Get used to it - more cam companies will be using this general design. Browning uses it. Reconyx uses it. Bushnell uses it. Generally speaking - the best cams on the market use it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Many cams are moving to this to break up the IR array cover. It reduces its ability to stick out like a sore thumb. I don't think it has any real impact as you say. Here's a pic from a cam with no array disguise... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Trails to and from bed and food. I like keeping cams out for a month after season to pick up survivors but then I reel them in til turkey season. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Rayovac is fine. Colder temps will strain alkaline batteries. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Flooded basement - been there done that. Sucks. Wish you the best of luck.
  20. The fact they gave a severance package is showing loyalty. They could have just shown the door. This practice happens in large companies pretty often and usually not done in "rounds" so as to avoid press/public scrutiny. Even good, successful, well to do companies do this as a regular practice. Older EEs have higher wages, higher EE costs (healthcare), longer accrued vacation (less productivity). It is not something I condone, but I also understand the financials behind it.
  21. Sorry to hear that! I hope for the best for your family during this time. That said, I think you have a pretty good grasp on what to be thankful for and how to appreciate the times spent together and even how it all played out. Nice write-up, too.
  22. Field and Stream has some - go to gun counter and ask for it. Beikeirch's will also have it.
  23. I've hunted enough ghosts to know that they exist. They will string you along if you don't recognize it. You find this in areas where destination food sources or doe staging areas are a distance from the core bedding. You also find this in areas where property sizes are smaller. Are all bucks ghosts, no? But, some are on the properties you have to hunt. Property lines have a lot to do with this.
  24. If he is showing up hours after sunset, he may be bedding in an area you do not have access to hunt. Many a hunter has been tripped up by the handful of "middle of the night" pics of a giant going through their ground. There's not enough details to help you entirely, but it sounds like there are some pinches and other features that are bringing that buck there for a reason. My guess is that you are in some sort of funnel or transition zone that does were moving through. If does were moving through there at night, then chances are the buck would be there to scent check for does and posture. If there are no daytime pics and sightings (more important in my book - no pic doesn't mean he isn't there in day hours), you may be hunting a ghost that simply isn't going to show. At this point, I would be working toward food sources this late in the year and in some instances, focusing mostly on afternoon hunts. This time of year mimics a lot of what early season is about, beating a buck to his bed in the a.m. or getting close to his bed in the p.m. to the point he feels safe to be on his feet before dark. With pressure from gun season, a lot of bucks will be on their feet before dark, but they won't be going far from their bed at all until dark. This will start to improve even by midweek in the southern zone as pressure lightens up big time for MZ. Friday afternoon of MZ always seems to be the best afternoon in my book. People will get out Saturday morning to hunt and can impact the PM sit. Friday PM - they've had 4-5 days of much less pressure.
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