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Everything posted by phade

  1. I've used VLC on my computer and had a TON of problems with it. Some people use it with no issues - if it works for you - it seems to work great. If not, you have all kinds of computer problems with it. Was your phone android or iphone?
  2. No problem. Any one of those three are serviceable cams. One last thing, not one person has even offered to buy me a single beer for the help, lol. C'mon man. Sorry for getting fired up.
  3. Guys, please don't take this the wrong way, but I've decided to roll back on detail and assisting people with cams, specifically on this site because it's got a real low ROI for me. I don't mind helping others, I really don't, but just on this site, I have had five people (not including these requests) in the last 14 days PM me asking me deep-ended questions that require a lot of back and forth conversations over the course of multiple days, even asking for text pics samples, to have text conversations, etc., just so people can buy a cam that works, at the best price, etc. I get the sense people just ask me so they don't have to do the research or search for the best price - and that's not helping someone out, that's using someone plain and simple. I don't mind helping out, but it's gotten ridiculous this year here. I own and use a lot of brands of cams. The cams that will email or text pics that are worth looking into (in order of my preference) are USA Trail Cams Patriot IC, Covert Code Black, and Spartan Gocam.
  4. Texted pic from this morning. This is about as bad as the pic quality will be - forced solely due to tower issues. Certain towers won't send the larger file size so this cam has a firmware update to send smaller size files. The difference in quality between the normal file and this one is big. Still a usable pic IMO. There, I posted something, lol.
  5. Maybe we should use crossbows to fix the national debt, too. Seems legit.
  6. Sure, right. I've hunted each one of those counties on free permission and/or state land (Crawford and Ashtabula on permission and Willard in Huron), so I know what kind of pipe dream that is and I am not buying your bridge in the desert.
  7. Just don't shoot a buck until Oct. 16 in one of the infected areas, lol. Vaseline won't fix it.
  8. Wife and I went Sat with the kid. Went to buy my license and it was a madhouse. Never saw the NYBBC stand. The whole place was about as packed as I have ever seen it. I'm good for another couple years before a revisit.
  9. Ohio has similar issues just like us. Draw a line from the NE to the SW and you pretty much (generally speaking) get the great deer area from the poor deer area. They have flat as a level farm fields and hills/mountains/hollers that will make you vomit trying to climb and hunt. I have zero doubts we could implement a large portion of their "system" and reap major rewards.
  10. Ohio isn't perfect, but their system is light years ahead of ours. *Queue the people who say NY isn't Ohio* You are right - we have a crappy system with crappy people with crappy rules with crappy decisions and hunters who can rarely make things happen (management/regs-wise). NY could be much better run and the results would be much better hunting and management of the resource.
  11. I don't post too many pics here nowadays.
  12. Hunting camps are such a great thing about hunting and it is sad to see them go by the wayside. We cannot escape time.
  13. sway back and pot bellies don't typically exist on three year olds either....three year olds look like race horses. Pretty easy to say 2 or 3, and I can see arguments for both sides based on that shot alone. Day shots would be helpful.
  14. Good call. I sold mine over this summer. Good tool, but it's not the end all be all for archery. Where I REALLY liked it was being able to use it when hunting from a blind or on the ground. The times I used it in the tree - I felt like a vertical bow was more fitting. Because my hunting is heavily weighted to stand hunting in bow season, it wasn't worth keeping around.
  15. I'd be curious to learn out if the repair is that simple - a lot of times the tensioning of the nut is so that taking it off makes it a gamble to break resulting in a much bigger repair. Kia has that issue with the Sorrento and the crankshaft pulley bolt. $3 bolt and once it shears...about a $4-5k fix for a customer.
  16. That really is the problem. Dodge/Ram trucks only have half of their nuts. Either that or the nut in the rear end came from the GM or Ford.
  17. I'd have walked into that dealership yesterday to offload that hemi.... Missed the buyback by one year on my Dakota I think. With all of the suspension problems of that truck, let alone the other issues...I would have gladly taken a stiff deal from them.
  18. My next truck sure won't be a Dodge/Ram. Probably a Ford, but do like the new Colorado.
  19. Don't forget shifts are slowly taking place. Even though still in velvet, bucks are getting a touch more sketchy each day. This time period typically marks when I start to lose some bucks and gain some bucks, or start to have frequency changes in their core or peripheral ranges. Not all bucks will shift, but invariably some do. Me and Moog apparently have had a pair of two year olds (ok, maybe one of them is a three) no longer show up on our cell cams for about two weeks now, when they were making pretty regular appearances together. Also picked up a new buck on another cell cam that hadn't been there for a few weeks prior to that cam being set. So many variables, you probably won't be able to really account for why. Just figure out how to take advantage of it now.
  20. Might be one of "those things" you just know about and need to remember when swapping batteries and not worth returning the camera for warranty if it works well. I don't think it'd be an issue that would degrade performance over time unless the contacts get intermittent. My guess is either the tray makes contact or it doesn't at all, and if you can remember that, it really isn't an issue if the cam performs fine. Otherwise, you are gambling on a cam that actually does what it is supposed to do on a replacement that might have a better battery tray contact but might also have a host of other issues, or it might be fine.
  21. Doe only MZ season...I am sure I'll get out once or twice, but it sure isn't going to be with any vigor. Or maybe I'll hunt it and shoot my does then instead of being enticed not to hunt the first two weeks of Oct to only shoot a doe when its hot and buggy and needs processing right away. Decisions decisions.
  22. People are very passionate about the rut and what they believe it to be. Life is really about 10% education, 20% exposure, and 70% experience. That rule tends to hold true most of the time. This is one situation where I believe it's not really the case, and is why there is so much disconnect. It's like trying to sell that the earth is round and not flat, but not having anyway to prove it back in the day in a way people could grasp. What hunters see is such a limited scope. Chasing and breeding in one spot might be heavy one evening whereas 1/8th mile away a hunter might not see a thing, but returns to that spot the next day and sees the chasing and breeding, some of which might be deer the other hunter saw the evening before. Our ability to perceive and grasp the components of the rut are very limited and I think stepping away from the weight given to personal experiences, focusing on the science and deer behaviors that are proven and largely accepted, and mixing in the factors that can impact success is really where we should be focused. Hunters still won't be able to "grasp" it, but they'll be better prepared to hunt this time period. We still need to include personal experiences, but it shouldn't be the lone driving factor. The biggest buck I have ever seen on the hoof was pushing a doe and a bb around the mid-second week of November in 75 degrees. Moog was even wearing adidas track pants in the stand that day because it was so hot. Conventional wisdom, experience, and science say deer won't be moving in daylight like that in such weather, and for the most part, its true. But not always. That's why I really try to take at least ten days off to hunt that time period in the first half of Nov. because being in the stand during that time and hunting wisely will often net opportunities if the hunter is smart. Even better if I get two weeks. That usually nets me the chance to be in the woods when I want to be (when speaking to the rut specifically), so I can have a chance at getting in the mix with A. the first hot doe, B. heavy seeking that presents shots and not just "appearances" from the stands, and C. the party situations (multiple bucks around due to a hot doe who has parked herself in a small area).
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