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Everything posted by phade

  1. 3-4 years ago I had a really nice 4 or 5 year old on cam on a very small lease. Less than 48 hours later, buck was killed just under 5 miles away as the crow flies. It was in late October and the buck had broken 3 tines in that 48 hours as well. Must have been like that 70s/80s movie where the little gangs all came across one another in their NYC travels. The Warriors I think.
  2. There's at least one rifle team on the east side - it's generally regarded high across the state. I forget where exactly...Penfield, Fairport, Victor something along those lines. I believe they have a couple girls who are lights out at the state level. There was a lot of coverage in the news because funding was being pulled for the team and they went public and got donations or something.
  3. My cam strategies have varied alot over the years. I generally don't have problems getting repeat pics and vids of bucks that we want to target. I also set cams close to stands, far from stands, on the way to stands. I was very rigid in my approaches, but now my approach seems to be more specific to what I know about the property, the deer, and their dispositions. We seem to do OK getting the bucks we want on the ground. This year held fewer targets but even they showed up on cams or in person (seen from stand). What I have noticed is that the longer a cam is in a spot, the less it becomes a factor for mature buck avoidance - as long as you aren't checking it all the time. The actual disturbance of the cam seems to be key. I have cell cams set next to stands and they don't pay it mind after a while. If I change batteries or cards, they seem to notice as I get more looks at the cam itself. If I hunt the stand but don't disturb the cam, I don't notice any behavior change toward the cam with scent in the immediate area. I'm talking cams within arm reach of the ladder, too.
  4. Some ranges in comments expected, but for a back-up, I'd really look into a CVA scout. It's a single shot, but light, compact, and pretty darn accurate. I have one in a .243 and it's accuracy with the junk kit scope was really impressive. In fact, when I hunt rifle zones, it's the rifle I take with me. I have a 110 in 7mm Rem Mag and a 30/30, but I still prefer the scout for portability and ease/reduced likelihood of issues. You can pick them up for cheap and they take a beating with the composite stock. I got mine for $160 when Gander closed and I regret not buying 2 or 3 of them to keep in storage.
  5. If it included buck hunting, it will be a crap show because it won't cover the goal of the DEC - reducing numbers in key areas. Few will pop a doe in the heat and risk alerting a buck they are after that they could realistically take right then and there. Kansas has an early ML season and it seems to be effective there, but they also do things a bit different management wise.
  6. I'll be in a tree Friday PM and Sat. PM after a specific buck. Outside of that, done.
  7. I have an F150 in that range. Having what I believe to be rear end issues, but it has 130K on it now. Scary and glad you are OK.
  8. From a revenue perspective, they'll make money on xbow license sales. More justified than the current tag alignment and hunter education requirement. I think we're equally likely to have an early ML season at some point in the over-populated WMUs. They'll probably charge for that tag, too. There is a lot of support for that within the DEC and I am sure many will be having beers the day that is established. Crossbows fully in bow is inevitable at this point, the legislature is the only thing holding it back. I see pro and cons to it but that doesn't change the fact I'll have to deal with it...it'll happen eventually. Still dreaming of OBR or allowing both buck tags to be used in archery, structured gun season after Thanksgiving, and a lengthened season on either end for "archery" equipment.
  9. I put in alot of hours this season and less to show for it than prior years. Actually more hours than the prior two seasons combined. Last weekend was the first time where I slowed down on the hunting focus. I'll be in the woods Sat PM and Sunday though, more or less for enjoyment and then a serious day of muzzleloader before I am all done for the year. Effort and results didn't align this year, but I am OK with it. Had fun and really just fueled me for next season.
  10. For a long time, and this just changed a couple seasons ago, hunters could legally take three bucks. Their bow/MZ either, reg season tag, and then in certain WMUs such as 8c, you could shoot a third buck. You simply harvested a doe on the DMP or statewide antlerless, brought the deer into the DEC office, and they issued you an either sex tag good for 8C. You could repeat that process with a doe many times over, but if you shot a buck on that either sex tag, you were done with added tags. The practice recently changed in past years to not allow it - and although I don't hunt in 8C, it was a shame they stopped it. That unit has extremely hard areas to get into (development, private, and access issues), and many areas are overrun by deer. It really decreased people's desires to hunt 8C.
  11. Yes, there was some water involved. Our buddy and me ended up being surrounded by 5 other hunters on three adjacent properties - all within viewing distance from our respective stands. Quite the disappointment for opening morning. Got down around 10:20, slow hunted to my buddy to make plans for a move. Knew a specific section along a creek had some recent daylight activity so I was ready. Watched some antlers lift up out of a bed along the bank and he crossed the creek, of which I had a window to shoot on the opposite bank (our ground still). He stopped immediately after climbing the bank and I pushed a shot through some brush, which hit him hard. He ran back across creek but couldn't make it up and came splashing back down. There was a bend at that point so i couldn't tell if he died there or went around the bank and was still covering ground. Called my buddy and told him to shoot if he sees the buck come through the brush as his stand was up along the creek. I heard him shoot 15 seconds later and he called back saying he thought he killed a different buck as this one wasn't hit. Turns out I jumped two bucks, one moved up to him from the creek and I shot the other. One was a likely 2.5 and the other a 3.5. Nothing crazy rack wise but good shooting and a fun hunt given a tough year for encounters. I slept well that night - good shooting, helped a buddy out, clean kill, legal/ethical/safe, and some "fun" hard work to get them out. It checked all the boxes for me.
  12. Gotta go swimming. Died in the creek. Woo! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. On the freaking board! Me and our buddy! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. People at work are shocked I hunt. You make me look like a redneck. Thank you. Lots of good hunting down in Corning/HH area. Pretty country. Looks like quite a few people can help you out!
  15. I have Predator Fall Gray fleece that breaks up outlines. Ground hunting a few times I was surprised at the deer's reactions (lack of). Recently invested in Sitka and that has the same impact. I think it's really going to be good on the ground in snow. Not liking it too much for ground hunting in early October though, lol.
  16. They have similar camo to the pic above. Battery life is pretty good on coverts. I ran one of these cams on a set of cheap alkalines and got 8K pics over 2-3 mos. I swapped the batteries out as it'll be sitting for a long while again before checking but they were still working fine.
  17. $70. Black flash, 1080P video, small viewer screen. Good camera for the price; carries a rebranded name from Mossy Oak, but it's the Covert Black Maverick.
  18. Opening day of gun season means less and less to me each year. But, it's still a very special day historically in the deer hunting world and I do look forward to the short window of what might happen before the impact is had on deer behavior. Comparatively, opening day was a school holiday in the south when I was a kid and got into hunting. It was a big deal and the anticipation was all us kids could talk about for weeks ahead of that. Bowhunting didn't have the fervor but was gaining steam. Some of that anticipation seems to be gone now as I know that day changes the way deer behave significantly, the Saturday opener waters it down, and it changes my focus/interest; pair that with small acreage/high hunter density and it's a recipe for dreaming about the next bow season or the one day I might get out for muzzleloader season.
  19. Sorry for your loss. A roller coaster of a few weeks for you and the family.
  20. All sold pending payments. I do have some Covert Black Mavericks but they are a bit more. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. It’s an injury of some sort. Shot, gore, something. He went by 4-5 days ago without damage. And I am done. Deer win. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Sounds good sir. Shoot me a text or message and we can connect. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Pic of cam in package. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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