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Everything posted by Gencountyzeek

  1. B3h this looks like what my mother is looking for. Thanks
  2. My mother has a tanned moose hide from a moose she shot in new foundland. She's looking to have a purse or some other things made. Does anybody know of anyone that makes good products from tanned animal hide.
  3. It's definitely not a law, it's a store policy. I bought .45 acp at Dicks at the galleria mall and I was asked what it was for. I told the cashier a springfield 1911. He then asked me if that was a pistol... yes, then I had to show my permit, and had to point out where the pistols were listed. Very smart employee.
  4. I was 24 ten years ago. I had a 20ga browning for deer, cheap remington slugs were $1.99. I had a remington. 22, a brick of 500 .22's were I think $10... now I have many more calibers and 2 kids and a wife. YOU have to be STUPID to not want the best deal on anything when shopping.
  5. U don't get it do u? Why would I pay more money for something if I don't have too??? If ur ok with that great, I like the ability to shop around for the b3st deal possible.
  6. Clearly u r just trying to stir up sh#t again. U cannot buy ammo at all stores, maybe I don't want to pay top dollar at the store when I could spend 30% less online. BTW shouldn't you be living in Canada or Mexico by now?
  7. Our last house we had built, it was on 7.5 acres of field and brush. I cleared about 2.5 acres of it and just started mowing what was there. Every year I would buy some grass seed and spread it. We were there for 7 years, and it looked like a nice lawn when we moved. U can take ur time with it if needed.
  8. Our pooch Shelby. Turning 9 in may. Half husky half norwegian elk hound.
  9. Mine would be my remington model 788 in .308. It was my dad's first rifle and he past it down to me for my first rifle. I've taken caribou and a bunch of deer with that gun. This year I got my biggest buck ever with it.
  10. Paddling down a river in the Yukon calling for monster moose. With my bow of course. That's one I'll probably never be able to afford but it's something to dream about.
  11. I believe the frames and made in new Hampshire, the slides in Germany. I know the company is german. I owned a p229 in 40 s&w only pistol I wished I never sold.
  12. I don't believe the 2 are connected in any way. Sig is based out of Germany. They make great pistols, and that's why the u.s. didn't pick them up the last time the m9 was up to be replaced, too costly.
  13. Thank god I was at brewfest before seeing that. Hopefully I will wake up not remembering that image.
  14. Not the biggest but I'll enjoy chasing them next season.
  15. My father's brit. Great bird dog great around my kids. On many occasions we walked fields that others have with differant dogs that didn't get a flush and we get our 2 bird limit. We all love Duke.
  16. This spring like weather motivated me to go for a run this morning. A half hour after I got back it started pouring and hasn't stopped since.
  17. Nope, he's probably another 1/4 mile down, same side though.
  18. My grandfather has 15 acres further down Schwartz before hall. Between my cousin and uncle they got 3 deer. 1 nice buck.
  19. Most likely they are clean outs for the drain tile below the house. I finished a basement in a house with those. It had 2 plus the sump hole. They were just capped 4" pvc.
  20. Just completed the recertification online. I felt it to b pretty easy. Took me about 10 min. If u have alot of pistols it will take u longer.
  21. I love the AR platform, there's not many guns u can strip down and tear the bolt down to clean and put back together in a minute. Hunt coyotes in the winter, slap a different upper on and u have a great hog/whitetail gun. I wish I had more $$ so I could buy more!
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