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Everything posted by johnplav

  1. Pre-Birthday beer run. Thanks for the recommendation on the Dirty Bastard @turkeyfeathers Delicious. But I think Rohrbachs wins because they’re local (for me at least!)
  2. Long day... followed by an ice cold beer.
  3. Any tips for smoking a brisket? Trying my first one this weekend. Ill season with salt and pepper plus a little spice rub and granulated garlic. Most recipes Iv found say 225 until the meat reaches 165. Then wrap in butcher paper and keep going at 225 until the meat hits 202-203. Ill figure out approx. times once I get the brisket and know the weight. Thanks in a advance... and stay tuned for updates!
  4. Gotta love velvet bucks... I’m anxious to see what this year brings. Heres some old ones I might’ve shared before:
  5. Rohrbach’s Scotch Ale is great. Can’t go wrong with it!
  6. Beautiful day on Lake Ontario!
  7. Space Kitty and a 5th Frame Hit Me Up... local and delicious
  8. 5th Anniversary dinner at Avvino... insanely good. Shrimp, burrata, pasta, lamb and good beers. Bonus that’s its walking distance from home.
  9. Keeping it light for now... it’s gonna be a long night!
  10. Does a beer mug count as proper glassware? What if you got it at the brewery??
  11. I’m feeling good still... my anniversary and birthday are in late July... a gun would make a fine present!
  12. How’s next year looking???
  13. Squeezing in a few innings with my buddy before bedtime.
  14. No peach in this one!
  15. Subtle peach, more in the after-taste. Really good. And it seems like some cans are peachier than others. Plus it’s 8.5% and brewed less than 5 miles from my house... what’s not to love!
  16. Yep... I’m loving these Fuzzy’s. And I’m enjoying it in a classier glass for @The Jerkman
  17. I had treestands in shagbark hickories for a few years. Nice stable trees, but boy can they be loud when the bark catches on your jacket.
  18. Damn! And he still has some growing to do
  19. One of my employees gave us some yellow squash from her garden. Great summer meal with grilled thighs and rice, paired with some of the finest water Canada has to offer.
  20. Pretty damn good. Not too much peach, and dangerously drinkable at 8.5%
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