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Everything posted by chas0218

  1. Same and mine is burning the $h!t out of my mouth. I like warm coffee but not something that is painful to drink.
  2. What about adding a grace period or email confirmation with one of those I'm not a robot check box with the numbers inside an image. I can't remember what the log in requirements were.
  3. My guess is that they just threw AR15 on the tag. Many don't know the difference between the 2 I have talked to people that constantly refer to the AR10 as an AR15. Either way they are a tactical rifle one is just bigger and heavier than its little brother. Personally I would go with the .450 bushmaster in the AR15 if I wasn't planning on shooting over 200 yards. That would wallop a deer and still utilize the lightweight platform.
  4. The barrel isn't the only thing, the receiver is much larger for the AR10 than the AR15. Everything inside the receiver, stock, and pistol grip can be swapped between the 2 but that is it.
  5. All dependant on the caliber stamped on the barrel. You can't call it a 5.56/.223 if it's a .450/.458 barrel. If that was the case my grandfather's old .410 single would also be a .270 which it isn't.
  6. Sorry that was supposed to read "staying or some of it"
  7. I did the same but lightly trimmed some of the wild apple trees around the property. I will hit them hard this following year. I had tons of apples but lots of dead and water sprouts.I'm hoping to get a lot more time to trim this coming winter. last winter it was a scramble every weekend to get all my firewood restocked.
  8. That's how it has been portrayed to me by the authorities.
  9. Pictures as promised, The brush you see might be starting or done of it. I have flushed 4 grouse or of it three last couple things i went up there. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  10. So far so good, I ended up dragging the area and broadcasted it. I really need to get a nice hand held one. I had a couple spots where the pull behind seeder sloshed some seed onto the ground. I'll get some pictures up it's hard to see but it's growing. Had some deer footprints in the wetter end of the plot, one set is definitely a fawn. Hoping they like the plot mix as they plowed under the alfalfa field across the street. I'm hoping they throw some soybean in there so come bow season they will leave the field and head to my property. On a side note at my parents property they planted corn this year, usually that means a lot of deer traffic on the property.
  11. I have been thinking about a seed drill for corn but might invest into a small 3 point disc and use that to scratch up the ground a little then broadcast and disc again to cover the seed slightly. My plan was to try no till but in the past I didn't have good results. I might till the first year to prep the seed bed and get everything level and ready for the following years. I think my seed bed was my problem in previous trials. I also used those "Throw and Go" type seeds so that could have contributed to my problem. My plan was to have 2 perennial plots and 1 annual to plant corn and soybean. Is what it is, people will come and go. Unfortunately in today's society you need thick skin to be able to partake in social media. It is just non stop personal attacks, I follow numerous Pro 2nd Amendment and have the antis attack me and my opinion non stop. I will admit I have been guilty of throwing a name out at a person on here before but when someone is passionate about something they love and are constantly ridiculed for little things it wears on them (not in my situation but in Grows).
  12. I saw a group of doe this morning looking overly plump, so my guess is they haven't dropped yet. Also haven't heard the yotes going nuts. I'm down in 8W approx. 10 miles south of Watkins Glen.
  13. I used to work there during summers from 2004-2009 my father is retiring from there in July. I met a lot of great guys and gals. There are some that forgot more than I'll ever know or learn, very knowledgeable people working there. I worked a lot with the fruit guys and maintaining trellis, canopies, fencing, bird netting. I didn't get into the pruning or grafting but a few showed me the ropes when I stopped and asked about it.
  14. If you want fancy ways of grafting they make grafting pliers (linked below). My plan is to also start to graft our own apple trees once my current ones start to grow a little more. My plan was to use the suckers for root stock from our already established old apple trees and graft the honey crisp to them. If you want you can buy root stock online for pretty cheap. I also think cornell co-op will sell specific rootstock varieties if you call. https://www.amazon.com/Upslon-Omega-Professional-Grafting-Pliers/dp/B01DIMRY1O
  15. I didn't read through everyones post but don't use that on a glass cook top! I love our cast irons and in the winter it is our go to for burgers, steaks, eggs, bacon, well really anything I feel like cooking on the stove. The wife still likes her non-stick pans but I'm slowly transitioning her. The cast iron just cooks so much more evenly.
  16. <insert @Pygmy humor> They are driving me to the brink, I'm going to have to take a leave of abstinence.
  17. I have heard guys taking a brush hog and making 1 pass around the outside edge of their plot just for the coons and turkey. Also saw guys brush hog a whole plot of corn come deer season. I'm guessing so it's all on the ground and no obstruction when bow hunting. @t_barb Personally I would shoot the coons and brush hog the edges. Leave it standing if you want deer to come to it for gun season. Deer will walk and bed in the corn when the hunting pressure amps up.
  18. A lot better than I thought it would I planted it pretty late and it got about 1' tall. It was mostly wheat and oates with some crimson clover. I was pretty surprised to see it do that well. This year I did the same thing, not really expecting much but something is better than nothing. I managed to get around 1/2 acre planted with brassicas, annual clover, and austrian peas. I'm going to get a soil test next year on the 3 different plots. I'm hoping to have a tractor by then to dig out the root balls. When you do your no till how do you seed, just broadcast? Do you kill it off with some glyphosate then plant 2 weeks later?
  19. I did that last year and this year. I'm trying to build up some good soil before I plant my Perennial plot.
  20. Yesterday I dragged and planted some stuff I had laying around from last year. Either I broadcast a lot heavier than I'm supposed to or these 1 acre bags don't actually cover an acre. I was being pretty conservative and barely had enough and looks like it's going to be spotty. O well I didn't get my plots ready in time so I'm just planting a small L shaped area I did get ready. Hoping the turkeys don't get to it before it germinates.
  21. It really depends on your deductible. We have $1000 deductible on our homeowners so anything up to $1000 is on us. I'm handy so it's not an issue for us. It is more for if we had a fire and/or total loss of the house. I'm not sure how bad the 1st layer of shingles was but I'm willing to bet you would be fine unless it is already leaking. It shouldn't take much to slide under a couple new shingles and nail her down.
  22. I think I'll buy one of those 500's in .410 I like the .410 for rabbit and tree rats. Heck that is what I started on. The price tag is nice too around $300 or less.
  23. I don't own any mossbergs but think I might buy one just because of this. You're right. I will never shop there again and I didn't buy just firearms. Their tree stands and such were good deals but not going to happen anymore. If I was in a pinch needed something quick they were my go to but I'll wait or go without now.
  24. You can not catch and release all species. It is illegal to target a species outside of their legal season unless otherwise stated legal to catch and release. That is not up for discussion or interpretation it is cut and dry in the regs. You are correct, you can not legally target a species outside of their season unless stated otherwise in the regs. If you want I suggest you go out April 1st targeting walleye or go out the last week in march targeting trout in streams that are not year long and see how that works out for you. You will be ticketed the instant they see you fishing for them. I have friends that have been ticketed for it "looking like" they were targeting walleye but fishing for Browns in the lake.
  25. Depending on what you get and want you can build one for way cheaper. I have been throwing around the idea of an AR10 and been looking at a few different uppers. I know some of the bushmaster AR15 uppers are super accurate and for a whole rifle with those same uppers you're looking at over $1k. The lowers are all pretty much the same it's the parts inside that matter. Get a good trigger and BCG and the rest is all on the upper. You are 200% correct it is a slippery slope, one of those things you don't let the wife know about. The nice part about building one is you can have $1k invested but all those small purchases makes the wife think you aren't buying much. Haha
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