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Steuben Jerry

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Everything posted by Steuben Jerry

  1. Wow, that's brutal on the dog! Must've stunned it with the first one or two whacks.
  2. See, I keep learning good things from this site!!
  3. You know, this poll proves to me that we're a diverse group. Some hunt meat, some hunt horns, some hunt for the experience. I certainly respect everyone's opinion and personal desires. What does get under my skin is "antler snobs". I've got someone whom I hunt with occasionally who fits that description. Unless it's 140+, we should pass on it. And anything less deserves scorn. Hell, I've only seen two bucks that fit that description where I hunt. And that's in 30 years! A few years ago, my buddy took one of those and became the antler snob he is today. Prior, he shot spikes, small forks, BB's, and I remember a fawn he carried out that couldn't have been 50 lbs. But then I shoot an 8 point 2.5 year old with a 15 inch spread (my best deer at that time) and I get lectured to about how I should have let that walk. Lectured right up to the next deer season. And that's from someone whom I let hunt my land, that I pay big taxes on. I shut that lecturing down finally. So hunt for what you like, meat, antlers, or experience, and respect other's choices as long as they're legal and ethical.
  4. Might want to move that camera...
  5. Got the day off after all due to me killing some nagging issues at work. Now to kill a gobbler. One more cup of Joe, and I'm out the door. Good luck guys, looking forward to seeing some pics!
  6. $98 fine, or you were going 98mph? Not from Buf, but have been there lots of times and am familiar with Transit Rd. Not the best place at all to open it up like that. Did they throw you in the clink?
  7. I set up a doghouse blind yesterday about 50 yds from where those last two pics were taken. About 6 yds into the woods under a pine.
  8. Going through my gear and I look out the window at the snow. The target is 50 yds from my deck.
  9. Lol, sound advice! I pretty much adhere to that for all reptiles and amphibians!
  10. Breaking news; NYSDEC conducts statewide sweep for 366 day old venison.
  11. Me too! If it is, it's a ridiculous regulation. What possible harm could it do to keep legally harvested frozen venison for more than a year. Hoo-boy, that'll turn this into another epic thread like the crossbow inclusion or coyote thread.
  12. Whaaaat?! If that's true, then I would have had to throw away a whole deer last fall because that's about what I had left on Oct 1. Link please.
  13. My old chest freezer crapped out on me last November, and I had to get a new upright to replace it. When I was swapping out the stuff, I came across a few vac-packs of steaks from one of my 2014 deer. Figured it wasn't any good, but put them on the grill for that night for the heck of it. Surprisingly there was absolutely nothing wrong with them. I don't know if there would have been any difference with a side by side comparison with fresh steaks, but they tasted fine.
  14. Got a vac day scheduled for Tuesday, but that's starting to look dicey due to some issues at work. Hope to kill those issues by Monday!
  15. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heisman_curse Cliff notes; very few Heisman winners have had successful NFL careers and it seems to affect quarterbacks disproportionately.
  16. No worries, half the country will identify you with the vagina hat people and you'll collect 50% of the vote. Stay away from over the hill porn stars and Russians, and you'll do just fine!
  17. Not that I recall ever even joking around with racist material, but this is another reminder that when I was in my early teens, the internet (and cameras in everyone's pocket) was still 20+ years away. Thank God for that!!
  18. Good Lord, that's a long day!! That would kill me inside of a month. When do you eat and sleep?
  19. I get it with the antlers on the big 8 or 10, but the meat hunters would simply take the bigger of those two choices.
  20. I'm out for antlers primarily, but I'm not obsessed about them. I've gone a bunch of years without taking a buck, but it's more disappointing to not have a freezer stuffed. I won't take a yearling buck any longer. Used to years ago.
  21. Even better to watch. A few years ago while waiting for a turkey I had one hop up on a fallen log at about 30 yds and drum a whole bunch of times. I was thoroughly entertained.
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