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Steve D

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Everything posted by Steve D

  1. As Vietnam War Veterans Day nears March 29, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund’s Wall of Faces is nearly complete but needs help from the public to track down the last few dozen photos. Of the 58,279 names inscribed on The Wall, there’s less than 80 photos needed to complete the Wall of Faces. The following are from New York if anyone can find some photos or know the families of any of the names: Ronald Lee Bellinger, Army, born July 8, 1947, in Jamaica, New York, died July 3, 1968, in Long An Roger Brown, Army, born June 13, 1949, in New York City, died April 9, 1969, in Tuyen Duc Miguel Antonio Bynoe, Army, born Oct. 3, 1948, in Jamaica, New York, died Sept. 17, 1971, in Quang Nam Henry John Caballero, Army, born Dec. 27, 1950 in New York City, died July 3, 1969, in Hua Nghia Steven Brian Calhoun, Army, born Feb. 12, 1947, in New York City, died May 18, 1969, in Pleiku Gladston Callwood, Army, born Nov. 12, 1947, in New York City, died June 11, 1968, in Binh Duong Eugene Edwards, Air Force, born Feb. 27, 1950, in New York City, died Nov. 30, 1970, in Quang Nam George Richard Green Jr., Army, born July 25, 1945, in North Babylon, New York, died May 5, 1969, in Pleiku Norman Winston Hassell, Army, born April 14, 1943, in New York City, died June 1, 1968, in Binh Duong Leroy Johnson, Army, born Jan. 21, 1942, in New York City, died Feb. 1, 1968, in Phong Dinh Jerry Jones, Army, born July 4, 1946, in Springfield Gardens, New York, died Sept. 30, 1968, in Quang Tin Jerry Lennon, Army, born Nov. 19, 1947, in New York City, died May 4, 1968, in Gia Dinh Frank Anthony Madison, Air Force, born Nov. 16, 1945, in New York City, died April 12, 1967, in Quang Tin Walter A. Marable Jr., Army, born Oct. 6, 1944, in New York City, died Oct. 27, 1967, in Quang Tin Ismael Mendez Jr., Army, born Jan. 15, 1950, in New York City, died Dec. 28, 1968, in Bien Hoa Luis Ernesto Muniz-Garcia, Army, born Oct. 17, 1949, in New York City, died Nov. 9, 1970, in Quang Nam Thomas Wayne Myers, Army, born Dec. 13, 1946, in Jamaica, New York, died May 7, 1968, in Ong An Anibal Ortiz-Rivera Jr., Army, born Dec. 9, 1947, in New York City, died April 25, 1968, in Binh Duong Hector David Oyola, Army, born April 13, 1949, in New York City, died Aug. 14, 1970, in Quang Ngai Walter Palmer, Army, born Aug. 9, 1948, in New York City, died May 17, 1969, in Quang Tri David Quinones, Army, born Oct. 13, 1946, in New York City, died Feb. 3, 1968, in Thua Thien Carlos Manuel Rivera, Army, born June 18, 1939, in New York City, died Aug. 10, 1968, in Long An Miguel Angel Rivera, Army, born June 29, 1948, in New York City, died March 21, 1969, in Phuoc Long Cristobal Rivera-Cruz, Army, born Feb. 14, 1951, in New York City, died June 7, 1970, location unknown Sylvester Roach, Army, born Feb. 5, 1943, in New York City, died Dec. 26, 1968, in Binh Dinh Harvey F. Rountree Jr., Army, born Feb. 3, 1950, in New York City, died July 15, 1969, in Binh Duong Cesar Ernesto Sanchez, Army, born Oct. 26, 1938, in New York City, died Feb. 26, 1967, location unknown Henry James Stuckey, Army, born Dec. 6, 1946, in New York City, died Jan. 10, 1967, in Kontum William Matt Thompson, Army, born Feb. 12, 1919, in Jamaica, New York, died April 6, 1968, in Tuyen Duc Hector Manuel Vega-Diaz, Army, born Nov. 10, 1948, in New York City, died March 8, 1969, in Binh Long The complete list can be found here: https://blogs.va.gov/VAntage/86048/virtual-wall-faces-almost-complete-needs-remaining-photos/?utm_source=VRfeature&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=VetResources
  2. Winchester Announces 2021 Price Increases on Ammunition and Reloading Supplies March 23, 2021 <img width="700" height="394" src="https://www-internationalsportsman-com.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/NewProduct_Winchester_Desktop-Banner.jpg?strip=all&amp;lossy=1&amp;resize=700%2C394&amp;ssl=1" class="attachment-large size-large" alt="Winchester Ammunition v" srcset="https://www-internationalsportsman-com.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/NewProduct_Winchester_Desktop-Banner.jpg?strip=all&amp;lossy=1&amp;ssl=1 1320w, https://www-internationalsportsman-com.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/NewProduct_Winchester_Desktop-Banner-250x141.jpg?strip=all&amp;lossy=1&amp;ssl=1 250w, https://www-internationalsportsman-com.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/NewProduct_Winchester_Desktop-Banner-700x394.jpg?strip=all&amp;lossy=1&amp;ssl=1 700w, https://www-internationalsportsman-com.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/NewProduct_Winchester_Desktop-Banner-768x432.jpg?strip=all&amp;lossy=1&amp;ssl=1 768w, https://www-internationalsportsman-com.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/NewProduct_Winchester_Desktop-Banner-120x68.jpg?strip=all&amp;lossy=1&amp;ssl=1 120w, https://www-internationalsportsman-com.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/NewProduct_Winchester_Desktop-Banner-750x422.jpg?strip=all&amp;lossy=1&amp;ssl=1 750w, https://www-internationalsportsman-com.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/NewProduct_Winchester_Desktop-Banner.jpg?strip=all&amp;lossy=1&amp;w=180&amp;ssl=1 180w, https://www-internationalsportsman-com.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/NewProduct_Winchester_Desktop-Banner.jpg?strip=all&amp;lossy=1&amp;w=360&amp;ssl=1 360w, https://www-internationalsportsman-com.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/NewProduct_Winchester_Desktop-Banner.jpg?strip=all&amp;lossy=1&amp;w=540&amp;ssl=1 540w, https://www-internationalsportsman-com.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/NewProduct_Winchester_Desktop-Banner.jpg?strip=all&amp;lossy=1&amp;w=900&amp;ssl=1 900w" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" data-eio="l" /> March 22nd, 2021 Winchester ammunition announced an increase in all ammunition prices effective May 1st. The letter from Winchester is below but amounts to a fairly large increase in the cost of ammunition. March 22, 2021 To All Winchester Ammunition Customers: Thank you for your commitment to Winchester and Browning Ammunition in support of our legendary products. Due to the increased cost inputs for manufacturing ammunition, it is necessary to increase ammunition prices for all shipments, including backorders, beginning May 1, 2021. Ammunition will be subject to the following price increases. Shotshells + 5%-12% 22 Magnum Rimfire ammunition + 5%-15% Hunting Rifle ammunition + 5%-15% All Centerfire Pistol ammunition +8% Components +10% Primers +25% (Due to our current backorder situation, until further notice, Winchester is not accepting new orders on primers) These May 1, 2021 increases will affect all pack sizes, sub-brands, and special make-ups. All existing orders and future orders shipped on or after May 1, 2021, will be shipped at the new prices unless you notify us requesting cancellation. Procedures for repricing back and future orders will be issued with new pricelists and programs in the coming weeks. Sincerely, Matt Campbell Vice President, Sales & Marketing
  3. Yeah I have received Schumer's letters before but have not had Gillibrand reply as of yet. Sending out a few more at the local levels since our newly elected state senator is anti-gun also. Sending out as many as I can and will keep sending them. Mine will probably be one of the first they come to get but I'm not giving up the fight.
  4. Cruz blasts Dems for 'ridiculous theater' in calls for gun control after shootings https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cruz-blasts-dems-for-ridiculous-theater-in-calls-for-gun-control-after-shootings
  5. Well I don't know about the rest of you but I have had enough. It seem that our favorite senator is all ready pushing his crap again: Schumer vows Senate will take on gun control measures Majority Leader pledges debate on gun background checks after Boulder mass shooting I for one have sent him him a nasty e-mail explaining my concerns and will continue to do so. I have also sent one to Gillibrand who is the other leading senator for the state. While she has not introduced any bills as of late she has recently cosigned introduced legislation for other lawmakers across the country. It might be a futile effort but if enough of us step up we may be able to make a difference. Anyone needing assistance on how to contact or find out who your representatives are let me know. I will do my best to steer you in the right direction.
  6. I believe the only way to address the issue of gun violence is to address the cause. Lets face it the majority of crimes/shootings are not committed by legal law abiding gun owners. The emphasis should be on finding the source of the guns being used and how they are obtained. Not sure how the focus can be changed but the most logical choice would be from gunowners themselves. If the focus remains on the gun we will remain in jeopardy of losing them. Until the individual(s) committing the crimes are held accountable there will be more and more pressure to remove ownership. Politicians don't have a clue what the issues are and until they are willing to face the music we will be at their mercy. I would hope organizations like the NRA would take that approach but they seem to be more interested in stopping laws to restrict our rights which is not being very successful. We as a society need to address the issues by getting the message out or we are doomed.
  7. Not necessarily true. Complete a amendment form PPB-5 REV (ny.gov) and submit to your county clerk to get the pistols on your permit. Apply for a Pennsylvania pistol permit: Firearm/Gun Information for Each Pennsylvania County (pafoa.org) Once you get your PA permit. You can go get the pistols and transfer back to NY legally. To be 100% legal your Dad could take to the border and hand them over. Once we had the paper work for Pa. completed and we made the trip there it took about 15 minutes to walk out with a permit. It has to be done in person and you have to show your NY permit. The link I provided will will give a list of participating counties and you can download the form from their site. No FFL required CCW Reciprocity Maps For All US States (2019 Update) (gunstocarry.com)
  8. I might be wrong but if I remember correctly she won it in a raffle. Even more reason to get assistance for a new archer. Not trying to be smart, racist, or sexist but most women have a couple of obstacles most men don't have to overcome. All new archers should get some instruction and help, or the struggle for success can be long, difficult, and frustrating.
  9. Cynthia If you are stand in the same place every time and ending up with those results I would say you need some assistance with your form. If you have an archery shop with a indoor range nearby I would go there....explain your problem and most archery shops will have someone there that can show you the correct technique. The most important things are to have a good anchor point, and clean release. I wouldn't worry about accuracy or adjusting pins until you get that down. It is hard for first time archers and some help from someone with experience is the best way to get started. There is so much to take into consideration before becoming proficient. You should make sure the bow is tuned, have a good technique, anchor point, a clean release, and a sight that works for you. Find someone to get you started so you don't get frustrated in learning how to shoot. There are plenty here to help you but is pretty much a hands on situation. Regardless of where you hit on the target you have to get a good group first. Once you are able to shoot good groups it will be time to adjust the sight.
  10. DEC Acting Regional Director Tim Walsh announced the 2021 rainbow trout sampling events for Naples Creek in Ontario County and Cold Brook in Steuben County will not be held as a precautionary measure to prevent the community spread of COVID-19. These events, which have been held annually since the 1960s with a few exceptions, often draw large crowds. Last year, DEC canceled the annual events following the COVID-19 outbreak. For information about DEC's efforts to support healthy fish populations in waters across New York State, visit DEC's website.
  11. DEC Announces Residential Brush Burning Prohibited in New York State March 16 Through May 14 The annual statewide ban prohibiting residential brush burning will begin March 16, and run through May 14. With spring approaching, DEC is reminding residents that conditions for wildfires are heightened in springtime when most wildfires occur. Even though some areas of the state remain blanketed in snow, warming temperatures can quickly cause wildfire conditions to arise. DEC will post a Fire Danger Map rating for the 2021 fire season on DEC's website once there is a moderate risk anywhere in the state. Open burning of debris is the largest single cause of spring wildfires in New York State. When temperatures are warmer and the past fall's debris and leaves dry out, wildfires can start and spread easily and be further fueled by winds and a lack of green vegetation. In 2020, DEC Forest Rangers extinguished 192 wildfires that burned a total of more than 1,122 acres. In addition, local fire departments, many of which are volunteer, all too often have to leave their jobs and families to respond to wildfires caused by illegal debris fires. Forest Rangers, DEC Environmental Conservation Police Officers (ECOs), and local authorities enforce the burn ban. Violators of the State's open burning regulation are subject to criminal and civil enforcement actions, with a minimum fine of $500 for a first offense. To report environmental law violations call 1-800-TIPP DEC (1-800-847-7332), or report online on DEC's website.
  12. DEC will resume holding in-person, instructor-led Hunter Education Program (HEP) courses starting April 1, 2021. DEC will continue to offer online hunter education courses, as well. COVID-19 safety protocols will be followed in every in-person course, including health screening upon arrival, mandatory mask wearing, social distancing, smaller class sizes, and sanitizing hands and equipment. In-person courses are free and taught by volunteer HEP instructors. Courses are offered in hunter, bowhunter, trapper, and waterfowl hunter education. Registration is required and all in-person courses require mandatory homework that must be completed prior to participating in the class. For more information, or to register for a HEP course, visit the Hunter Education Program page on DEC's website. Although the number of courses offered may be limited this spring, interested participants are encouraged to check back often as new courses may be added. Online courses are also available. The cost of the on-line hunter education course is $19.95. The course can be found on DEC's hunter-ed website. DEC also continues to offer an on-line bowhunter education course. Since March 2020, DEC has seen more than a 12 percent increase in hunting and fishing license sales compared to sales from the previous 12-month period. During this time, which roughly coincides with New York State on PAUSE, resident turkey permits have increased more than 13 percent and junior hunting licenses increased by more than 25 percent. Certain types of lifetime licenses also increased by as much as 50 percent. A combination of factors, including the availability of online hunter education for new hunters and more time available to participate in the hunting and other activities as New Yorkers looked for recreational options during the pandemic, likely contributed to the increase.
  13. New York State bear hunters took 1,723 black bears during the 2020 hunting seasons, Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos announced today. Hunters took an estimated 1,152 bears in the Southern Zone, comparable to the record set in 2019, and 11 percent greater than the recent five-year average. While take in the regular season was lower than last year, hunters had record success during the early and bow seasons. In the Northern Zone, hunters harvested an estimated 571 bears-the highest number since 2015. A productive early season in the Northern Zone is generally followed by a relatively low regular season harvest, with the reverse anticipated in the year to come. The 2020 bear harvest followed this pattern, with an early season harvest that increased four-fold from 2019, and a regular season harvest that dropped approximately 25 percent from 2019 numbers. and a complete summary of the 2020 bear harvest with results (PDF) in your region, visit DEC's website.
  14. Nomad...If you can stand to go through the last ten pages you will begin to understand those two are right and everyone else is wrong and out of line. They are so smart they can tell the mod's how to do their jobs. Everyone else needs to clean up their act and be more respectful of them.
  15. That is one reason I hope it doesn't get that far. The consequences could be devastating or be in our favor. If they keep pushing their agenda it will more than likely end up in the supreme court.
  16. I won't be going but if I can get the list I will post it. They used to post a spreadsheet for each auction with highs, lows, averages, and the number of buyers. I have not seen a sheet yet for this year so either they are not doing it or are waiting to compile one at the end of the auctions. If I am able to get one I will post it.
  17. Yes I do. There are two different auctions. One is on Sat. in Stanley with one buyer and the other one is on Sunday with multiple buyers in Honeoye.
  18. I agree. One can never guess what their ruling might be. Letting it get that far could be bad.......especially if they pack the Supreme court like they have been talking about for the last two-three months. Anytime it gets to the Supreme court one can never count on a favorable decision and quite often they come up with a "compromise" ruling or send it back to the lower courts. It is a gamble no mater which way it goes.
  19. In case anyone is interested: Sunday March 21st Genesee Valley Trappers raw fur auction 4462 County Rt 32, Honeoye NY. Fur check in starts at 7:00am, sale starts at 10:00 Saturday March 20th: We will be holding the last Flatiron Fur Shed Fur Sale of this fur season on Saturday, March 20. Von Strahan's Flatiron Fur Shed is located at 3213 County Route 18, Stanley, NY. I will be there from 10:00 am until 5:00 pm and we will again, unfortunately, have to comply with Covid restrictions, same as at the past two sales. Thank you!
  20. What really irritates me is they don't enforce the laws they have on the books now and are allowed to plea bargain down is most instances. Why create more when what you have does not work or seldom gets applied. Class A Misdemeanor – Criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree Class E Felony – Criminal possession of a weapon on school grounds Class D Violent Felony – Criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree Class C Violent Felony – Criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree Class C Violent Felony – Aggravated criminal possession of a weapon Class B Violent Felony – Criminal possession of a dangerous weapon in the first degree A weapon “with intent to use [it] unlawfully against another.” A weapon which has been altered or defaced to prevent tracing it back to the owner or user. A firearm for which he or she does not have appropriate permits and licenses. A shotgun, rifle, or other firearms, despite having a previous felony conviction. Any prohibited weapons, such as stun guns, switchblades, and brass knuckles. NY Mandatory Minimum Sentencing for Gun Crimes NY Penal Law § 70.02, which sets forth sentencing laws for all types of violent felonies, establishes the following mandatory minimum sentences: Class D Violent Felony – While the normal mandatory minimum for a Class D violent felony is at least two years, the statute makes an explicit exception for third degree weapons possession, for which the mandatory minimum is increased to three and a half years. The maximum sentence is seven years. Class C Violent Felony – Aggravated weapons possession is also subject to an increased mandatory minimum: at least five years, instead of the normal term of at least three and a half years. The maximum sentence is 15 years. Class B Violent Felony – The mandatory minimum for a Class B violent felony like first degree weapons possession is at least five years. The maximum sentence is 25 years. Not saying I agree with any of the above but if they don't work change them instead of making new ones.
  21. That is pretty much the gist of this entire thread. Unfortunately the politicians do not see it that way and would rather restrict access and ownership than address the real issues. Their thought process is to eliminate or restrict the tool not the cause. I have yet to hear a politician say that we need to get to the root cause to solve the problem without mentioning gun control. Mainly because they don't have a clue what the problem is and those that do; don't have a clue how to fix it without hurting someone's feelings, offending someone, or worse yet being a racist. Time for some of then to grow a pair and do the right thing instead of doing what will get them re-elected.
  22. Permits can be time consuming to get but what really sucks is the different ways each county runs their permit licensing system when it is issued as a NYS permit.
  23. That won't fly here in NY. You have to show the permit to make the purchase. Take the purchase slip(not the gun)to your county clerk with your permit that amends your permit and gives you a slip with the county clerk seal on it to take back to the gun dealer to show it has been registered before they will turn it over. A royal pain especially if you bought it from somewhere on the other side of the state. The other option is to buy, get a copy of the purchase, take that to your county clerk, get a copy of the clerk paper, to the place where you made the purchase and have them send it to a FFL near you. You would also have to provide the seller with a copy of the FFL where it would be sent. Once your designated FFL gets it and you show them your permit and slip from the county you can take it home. Adds about $100-$150 to the price of the gun for shipping and FFL fees.
  24. Not trying to argue or dispute but while they may not have a database for ALL the guns out there you can be sure there is one on the majority of guns legally sold by dealers since background checks started. Besides that I believe gun dealers are required to record and report who their sales are made to. What they the (government) fail to comprehend is their emphasis should be the illegal unregister guns that are being used to commit murders & crimes. Unfortunately incidents like yesterday with a legally purchased gun will not help our cause and will only enforce their argument that we need more laws. Georgia spa shootings: Suspect confesses, claims he was not racially motivated, sheriff says (wsbtv.com)
  25. Also read this morning that Biden has put a gag order on the border patrol so they cannot speak to the media regarding issues at the border. All we will be allowed to hear is what he wants reported, the media reports, and how poorly the people crossing the border are being treated.
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