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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by mlammerhirt

  1. Good mechanic or not... tying up a vehicle for weeks on end must suck. Find a new mechanic that will get you a quicker turn around.
  2. Had a line doe walk by at 75 yards a few minutes ago....nice to see movement in southern 9g
  3. Keep us updated....May head down to Belmont for the crossbow opener.
  4. Between hunting and shooting in a winter 3d league I have owned three different hunting rigs and 1 3d specific set-up. Around 7-8 dozen arrows, hunted with Easton SST's for years and switched to victory 350's this year. Shoot victory xringers for 3d with 2'' fusion vanes.
  5. Very nice blind.....enjoy while everyone else is braving the elements this season!
  6. Break out the the video camera for friends and family.....or sit back and relax until gun opener.
  7. New set in 9g.....much rather be out here then watching the Buffalo Bills self implode today! Hopefully I catch something moving from bedding to food.
  8. Red What were you working on at West Falls? I shoot in a winter 3d archery league that makes a monthly stop there....nice club.
  9. I agree......and everyone driving in the first snowfall of the year acts like it's an end all Blizzard.
  10. Cash is King......seems like property owners prefer high cash offers for their land vs. Help around the property like the old days.
  11. Rule #1...No size restrictions in our camp...hunt hard and every deer taken is a true trophy #2...You either cook or clean.....not both. #3...help drag, and retrieve for camp veterans.
  12. Please post the end result after smoking.....those things look heavenly!
  13. My wife had a point for 9p from the previous year and did not get a dmp this year but got another point.....the guy where we bought the license said he has seen plenty of people who had 2 points for 9p get declined as well.
  14. I got a better idea....buy a lifetime license and they send it to your house! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Where is this Walmart if I might ask? Not sure if any in Wny carry guns anymore. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Go to multiple dealers and shoot different models.....when you find something you like search eBay and archery talk like crazy.....you will find smokin deals on both sights. Once you get the bow take it to a local shop to setup and through them some business and buy a 1/2 dozen new arrows. I also recommend buying all accessories online as well....if you know what you want you will find sights,rests, and quivers way cheaper then in a pro shop. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. I have a bar .30-.06 and love it. Taken a few deer with it since they opened rifle in the southern zone...most deer only take a few steps with any after they are whacked with a 150 gr hornady...recoil isn't much of a problem either.
  18. Thanks...on my way to camp.....Will be giving them a call in the morning
  19. Is this for 3d archery? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Looking in the Buffalo area or south to rent a pull behind trail mower. Need to clear some high grass down at the camp, and was wondering if anyone knew of a place that rents the type of mower you pull behind an ATV?
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