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the blur

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by the blur

  1. Any reduction in yotes will help. Even 1.
  2. Just got power back. 5 days of no juice. Lost some venison & eating some. The pieces easy to BBQ were cooked & eaten. But the roast, and other cuts that require extensive cooking were lost. Bags of ice will keep meat cold, but not frozen. Plus the shortage of ice. Eventually it becomes a lost cause. The bigger problem is No GAS !!!!. Rifle seaon being 2 weeks away. If this gas crisis is not resolved, I can't possibly drive 2-3 hours upstate to Sullivan County. That would certainly suck to miss opening day.
  3. I think the deer go to shelters for the hurricane, and come out afterwards.
  4. You want to do a night hunt ? did you ever read the rule book ?
  5. I thought they wait until day light savings time.
  6. What do you do with him ? Mount him ? eat him ?
  7. I do the same thing. Drive 120 miles every hunting morning. Then drive home 120 miles that night. usually empty handed.
  8. I Just ordered some of thise new ammo from Cabelas. Anyone try it??? They even offer it in a .243
  9. Interesting Discussion. I have to drive 3 hours, and that drive takes 4 hours in the rain. That is the biggest factor. But I wouldn't enjoy being out in a down pour.
  10. I sit in the same spot every weekend. one saturday morning, I get to my spot, and there is deer droppings all over. It's like he knew I was coming, and he left me a load the night before.
  11. They coyote population is growing, which means less deer.
  12. Fawns do NOT survive by themselves. Besides the yotes, they need to learn suvival instinks from mama doe. That's why they will stay together during the entire winter, and into next season.
  13. I saw a guy with a hack saw, cutting antlers off a buck that was road kill. Way out east in wine country long island. The way he was looking around , you know it was illegal.
  14. And if you reached for your bow, she would have been GONE !!
  15. What do you do when you have to take a DMP in the woods ??
  16. many deeds have easements, right of ways, restrictions, etc, etc. that run with the land FOREVER, from owner to owner. I have a driveway easement on my neighbors land. he can't prevent me from using it. it's a legal binding easement, and the courts will uphold it. I have another lot, which has a 100' easement on the neighbor. I have full rights to 100' of his property, and he pays the taxes. Some deeds are CrAzY.
  17. you should walk public land sometime, and see what goes on. They'll take anything that moves. Cut the back straps out, and leave the rest in the woods. I wore a full orange jump suit. last year I seen 3 guys take a mama, and 2 little fawns. wiped out the entire family, and probably future generations. whatever..... you know there will be AR "mistakes", and now we know the fines.
  18. OK, so now we know. $250, and they take the deer. Do they take your license? Thanks for whomever made the phone call. Time to buy a serious pair of binoculars, with a built in tape measure.
  19. I'll be more clear. If you are in an AR zone, and accidentally take a buck that is too small. What happens ????? There certainly will be a penalty, but what is it?? is it documented any where ?
  20. Now that 1/2 the state has AR, what happens if you shoot an illegal buck?
  21. So what happens if you shoot an illegal buck ??????????????
  22. I'm in CA, walking on the Santa Monica pier. and 100's of people are fishing off the pier. They pull up lobster, and this one guy pulls up a small one, it's way undersize. He looks around, wraps it in newpaper. tapes the newspaper on all sides. and throws it in his backpack. and goes back to fishing. Obviously very experienced at this. and there are cops walking the pier, but these poachers are very experienced.
  23. Try the Perminathin spray for your clothes. I have heard great things about it.
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