Mets , Knicks, NY Giants. In that order. I don't watch every game. I sort of stopped watching NFL the last few years but Saquan Barkley got me back to watching the Giants again. Man, is he fun to watch.
The climber stays on based on tension. As you stand further out on the edge, more tension is applied to the teeth that bites into the tree. When you turn around to tie your safety harness, the natural tendency is to step closer to the tree to get the straps around it. Make sure you keep that tension by standing further away from the tree.
Yankees didn't get the name "Evil Empire" because the kept a low payroll through out the 1990's and 2000's.
Their old motto use to be that they let the other teams develop the talent and then they would just sign the guy once he got good.
Hard to type. if you get the ones with the film on the fingers, they wear out over time and don't last. There's the ones with a little circular magnet on the finger tip. I'd imagine those last longer but I find them even more annoying. I've settle for mittens that have the cut out fingers that I can just pull the finger out when i need to use. I would keep the flap over the other 3 fingers and only leave my trigger finger out to type.|cid:690293682|agid:38384553987|tid:pla-378004940102|crid:154680274276|nw:g|rnd:12448091291829304573|dvc:c|adp:1o25|mt:|loc:9004069&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0ZT6roT83QIVEkwNCh087whnEAQYGSABEgKTOfD_BwE
I hunt on the ground too. Depends on the range. If I'm real close (under 20 yards), and everything lines up, I'll probably take the shot. Take out on lung at least.
Technically he's also can't help in any other way such as make duck calls, flush the ducks, etc. but it's sort of hard for them to prove he was unless the officer literally watched him do it or you admitted it.