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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I have a couple of buddys down there that think they are made of deer repellent sometimes lol. You arent using that new Dead Down Wind stuff with the cedar type smell in it are you? I picked some up by mistake this year and used it once. I got busted by every deer that came down wind of me. Went back to the regular stuff and havent been winded (to my knowledge) since.
  2. Im with ya Doc, I looooove hunting in the snow! Im not big on bow hunting in the snow, as the extra layers get in the way, but gun hunting? Bring it on!
  3. Come on down buddy, youd be welcome anytime
  4. One free warning where they are told to leave. If they shoot something or damage anything on the property, no warning, they deal with DEC. Ill be in one of the stands on one of the properties, or I may be still hunting, or a combo of the two. You never know where Ill pop up next lol.
  5. Mine was good. I saw some good bucks, plenty of does. Pretty normal I guess other than I didnt get out as much as I usually like to, but some of that had to do with rainy conditions.
  6. It depends really. On the farms I hunt, theres a group of us that hunt together. We have all put various stands in. We all put work in on plots, mowing, trails, trimming, etc and we all share our stands with each other. We do, however, make sure that we arent stepping on each others toes, we arent over hunting spots, we communicate about who is sitting where and when. I do not sit in other peoples stands that are outside of our "crew", and we expect that noone else is sitting in ours. It doesnt always work out perfectly, and there have been times when we have had disagreements about stuff, but nothing really bad. Trespassers are a completely different story. They get one warning, then the landowner and farm manager are involved, after that the law is involved.
  7. I used to hunt at my fathers place alot. Single stand, limited area, but it was in a perfect funnel. As long as I paid attention to wind direction and scent control, I could shoot deer there and within a few mins have more come through. There were houses nearby, so the deer were used to some human presence. I even had multiple encounters with the largest buck I have ever seen in a hunting situation. I was able to hunt that stand more often than most, but it was the right situation. More details would be needed to asses your situation.
  8. I saw bigfoot once, he was chillin on the shore of Hemlock lake petting his trusty Chupacabra that was sitting next to his Adirondack chair. Bigfoot was smoking an indian peace pipe filled with his best homegrown hydroponics blend and sipping on a mixed drink made of moonshine that he had distilled in his bathtub. I mooned him from the boat I was on and heard him swear revenge upon me. I never go anywhere unarmed.
  9. The way I look at it is that there is no 100%. Stuff happens that can affect the best shots. That is why I will never intentionally take a shot that is outside of the parameters of my practice. I take high percentage shots.
  10. Stick the barrel out the window, its not that loud. Hearing protection is a must.
  11. 2 bad shots that hit them in the backstraps (bow), one nick in the brisket (shotgun) and 1 that left no blood trail, but was found weeks later after the farmer cut down the corn field (bow). So what? Im human, and make mistakes, but Ill admit to them. Every one of those shots was at a distance that I practiced. All 3 of the bow shots were in the very early days of my archery hunting, one was a deflection. I would never take a "Texas heart shot" or attempt a shot at a deer that was at a range I had not practiced. I have probably passed on more deer than I have taken, because I didnt have a good angle even though they were in range, or were just outside of where I had practiced with the weapon I had in my hands. Quite a few were big bucks that I was trying to take that year. You are pretty darn full of yourself for being a "Christian". Doesnt the bible teach you to be humble? IMO anyone that takes questionable shots over and over is a slob hunter, regardless of the outcome.
  12. Dont forget hes also the guy that takes shots at ranges he has never practiced and hopes for Jesus to guide the arrow or bullet.
  13. For me, today was opening day. I passed a nice 2.5 year old 8, a small 1.5 year old 6, 2 forks, 3 buttons and a fawn doe.
  14. Bacon wrapped backstraps stuffed with Mozzarella, onions, peppers and fresh garlic. Rice with butter, pepper and salt and broccoli. So fing good.
  15. Turnips and groundhog radish. It’s about 1/3 the height that it was before we started getting frost and the deer started hammering it.
  16. Nice 8 just showed. Passed him up. He’s 2.5
  17. I’m back in for the evening sit. Wind calmed way down so I hopped In the stand where Haley and I saw The big 9 last week. Hope he shows himself again.
  18. Back at home now with a wicked headache. No deer this morning. Walked up on a big Mink on the way out. Wind seems to be calming down a bit, so I’ll be back out this evening.
  19. Nothing so far for me. A few other guys hunting here have been shooting, I’ll wander up and see if they connected in a bit. Gonna hang here for another hour or so. Should have worn my thick socks. My feet are freezing.
  20. In my blind down in a bottom hoping the big boy steps out looking for does down here. I’ve heard 7 shots so far.
  21. Well I’m up and I’m gonna give it a shot even with the wind. I’m heading to a blind that sits on a plot down in a bottom. I’ve seen deer there in the past when it’s been windy. I figure I’ll sit there for a bit and then head over to a different farm and put a stall on a creek bottom where they tend to bed down in west winds. Talked to my buddy this morning, I will Probably be the only one out today. Should be a good day to do a bunch of still hunting but we will see how the morning turns out first. Can’t kill them from the couch!
  22. Live from Tampa airport! Congrats on the harvests guys! I got A pic from my buddy hunting at the farm. One of the guys put a good busted up 7 on the ground this morning. 4 more does went down as well. Cant wait to be back home and have my butt in a stand tomorrow morning. I did Get to sit next to and chit chat with someone kinda famous on the first plane. A female Wrestler from TNA that goes by the name Raquel. Great chick to talk to and really easy on the eyes to boot. Heres the buck
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