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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. http://www.fieldandstreamshop.com/#
  2. Sorry to hear about this. I am glad to hear that you and your family are safe.
  3. We should start a funny elf on a shelf thread, lots of great ones out there Plenty that pygmy would get a kick out of
  4. Its pretty similar to a Bass Pro but without the fish tanks, not as many mounts and no boat/atv dealership. Alot better than Gander Mountain. Yes they sell reloading supplies, not 100% about powders though.
  5. Just saving you some aggravation lol
  6. So you are saying people who do deer drives lack common sense?
  7. Great buck! Congrats to both of you. Thats a great deer period, not just for a first buck.
  8. Honestly, I have seen just as much deer activity this year as most other years. One property is quiet and the other has been extremely active. I will say though, that the quiet property has not been hunted as much this year, at least not by me, as Ive been after a particular buck on the other property. If I hunt ML season, Ill be down at the "quiet" property since I dont want to be tempted by the buck Ive been after since Oct 16th lol.
  9. During the rut, yes that holds pretty true. In my experience, on the farms I hunt, if you want to go after a specific buck, the best time is early archery and late gun/ML season (if they didnt get whacked during the rut). They are more patternable at those times, and tend to stay pretty close to their core. During the rut all bets are off. You still have a good chance of seeing a buck near his core area, but he might go for a wander, or some other buck may wander in that you never saw before. Theres a buck that lives on one of our farms that I have tons of trail cam pics of, figured out his core area and I was after him all through bow season. I came very close to killing him twice. Since the second to last weekend of bow, Ive seen him once, at about 500 yards. I tried to cut him off but was unsuccessful. I havent seen him since opening week. This weekend Im going to collect up my cameras to put new batteries in and move them to new spots. Im hoping to see pics of him from the last week or so, as Im starting to think he got whacked somewhere else. I know Id have heard if any of the neighbors got him by now.
  10. The calendars are selling fast, get them while they are still available!
  11. You realize that this thread is from last year, right?
  12. What is the twist rate for your barrel?
  13. You and phade didnt snuggle at all this year? Slackers. You hunt further north than I do, we hit low 20s and high teens.
  14. A bunch of times I have been in 20 degree weather, but its mostly just been first thing in the morning, and it warms up in the afternoon.
  15. The food plot isnt the crux of my comment, the deer still have to eat. Find the food source.
  16. I have pretty much gone to buying just for the kids for the last couple of years. I get a gift for my mother, father, sister/her husband thats from the 3 of us. Thats about it. Since Ive been single I have tried to stay that way for Christmas each year lol.
  17. I may still have some once fired Remington brass around. Ill look tonight when I get home. BTW, you can always resize 308 7-08 or 243 brass for it.
  18. Last night I was grinding venison and my son and I decided to have fresh ground venny cheeseburgers. Nom nom nom.
  19. Yes, the texture is different than other cuts of meat. Some people like it others dont. My family loves it. Kids eat it up like candy when I make it. I usually take the hearts from deer that the other guys I hunt with dont want. I keep quart freezer bags in the truck just for that reason.
  20. I dont know about that turkeyfeathers, I spotted quite a few deer on Sunday during mid day. Shot a nice doe that was munching on turnips in one of our food plots at noon, and it was 50+ degrees out. I like the cold weather because I dont have to do a rush cut and quarter job. Plus it just feels more deery out there.
  21. Gotcha. Thanks for the explanation. I dont have any experience with elk yet, so Ill be watching this thread to see what is decided upon, then Ill just play copy cat lol.
  22. Just a semi-off topic question, but why dont you think the Fusions would work well for elk? I run the 150s in my 308 and they are simply devastating to whitetails. I have never had one not exit, and Im not a rib cage shooter the majority of the time. I have seen what they do to a big doe blasted through both shoulders, and I dont think Id hesitate to take a double lung or single shoulder/lung shot on an elk with them. I could be way off base though. Im asking because I may be heading out to CO for elk this coming year as well, and if I need to rethink my bullet choice, I will.
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