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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I doubt VJP wrote the article. He isnt taking anything out of context, if you actually read this article, it clearly states that Clayton E. Cramer was the one to originally write the article titled “The Racist Roots of Gun Control”, so if you are going to address anyone for taking anything out of context, you should be taking issue with Mr Cramer. I do understand that you are just acting like you usually do though, ya know, shooting the messenger. Pun may or may not be intended. Gun control efforts today are nothing more than a power grab by the anti-gun lobby. There are plenty of laws making real gun crimes illegal already.
  2. If anyone doesnt get the reference, do a Google search for 'Antoine Dodson'
  3. Yep, they use chip board for the floors. Amazing, huh? You would think, with what campers sell for, that they would use something good, like marine grade ply for the floors. There is nothing under it, the black you see is the membrane under the camper that keeps the water off of the bottom of the floor. When I replace the floor sections, it will be with good plywood, not that particle crap. Over top of that is going to be the interlocking Pergo, which wont hold any moisture and will be easier to keep clean. Carpet sucks in campers.
  4. After finishing my roof resealing project, it is time to finish the repairs on our camper by fixing the water damage in the floor. Today I started out by tearing as much apart as I had time for, so the bed came out, fresh water tank, water pump, wiring, hoses, carpet and pad and the linolium was pulled so I could get a better idea of what exactly needs done. Here are some pics of the process. Bed coming out. Water tank ready to come apart and out. http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l160/jwolfe1976/Travel%20Trailer%20Project/DSC_6544.jpg[/img] http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l160/jwolfe1976/Travel%20Trailer%20Project/DSC_6545.jpg[/img] http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l160/jwolfe1976/Travel%20Trailer%20Project/DSC_6546.jpg[/img] Bed and water tank out. http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l160/jwolfe1976/Travel%20Trailer%20Project/DSC_6547.jpg[/img] Carpet and linoleum cut out. First, the road side, which is in better shape, wood not rotten, but needs dried out and sealed. http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l160/jwolfe1976/Travel%20Trailer%20Project/DSC_6548.jpg[/img] Door side corner, needs trimmed out and replaced. http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l160/jwolfe1976/Travel%20Trailer%20Project/DSC_6549.jpg[/img] http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l160/jwolfe1976/Travel%20Trailer%20Project/DSC_6550.jpg[/img] Next, I have to figure out how to finish getting the cabinets out, and the rest of the carpet.
  5. DEC may lose millions in federal funds By Dick Nelson Published: Tuesday, July 5, 2011 2:09 AM EDT Forget the fireworks, the most explosive news over the Fourth of July weekend was the acknowledgment that New York may lose its share of Pittman-Robinson (P-R), Dingle-Johnson and Wallop-Breaux funding — money collected from excise taxes on sporting equipment such as firearms, ammunition, bows, arrows, fishing rods, reels and other related equipment. Those taxes, which are administered by the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), are distributed to the states, with New York’s annual share amounting to more than $20 million. Even in this day and age, when gains and loses are measure in the billions and trillions, $20 million is still a considerable amount of money, and if we lose it, you can place the blame on Gov. Andrew Cuomo, whose 2011-12 budget allows the state Department of Budget (DOB) to tap into the Conservation Fund (and other dedicated accounts) to balance the books. And there, according to the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Division of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources Assistant Director Doug Stang, lies the problem. “Even if the DOB has no intent on using conservation fund money for other reasons than its intent, the fact that the budget allows for them to do so is enough for the USFWS to withhold P-R and other funding,” Stang said, adding that “the conservation fund would be in deep trouble without it.” Federal funding from P-R pays for up to 75-percent of project costs, with the states putting up at least 25-percent. The assurance of a steady source of earmarked funds has enabled the program’s administrators, both State and Federal, to plan projects that take years to complete, as short-term strategies seldom come up with lasting solutions where living creatures are involved. In the more than 50 years since P-R began, over $2 billion in Federal excise taxes have been matched by more than $500 million in State funds (chiefly from hunting license fees) for wildlife restoration. Benefits to the economy have been equally impressive. National surveys show that hunters now spend some $10 billion every year on equipment and trips, providing for thousands of jobs; and while Pittman-Robertson is financed wholly by firearms users and archery enthusiasts, its benefits cover a much larger number of people who never hunt, but do enjoy such wildlife pastimes as bird watching, nature photography, painting and sketching and a wide variety of other outdoor pursuits. In defense of the DEC, this situation isn’t unique to New York. It’s happened in other states including New Jersey, Connecticut and Kansas, and if it were up to Stang and others in the agency, this inexcusable action would have never developed. But it’s not. It is both the Cuomo administration and state lawmakers who are at fault and unless they come up with something that will satisfy the USFWS by July 15, we can kiss the federal funding goodbye. On the other hand, it’s not that the DEC wasn’t aware of this possibility. During the April meeting of the Conservation Fund Advisory Board, I asked DEC Commissioner Joe Martens if there was any truth that Gov. Cuomo had any plans of transferring money from the conservation fund to the general fund to reduce the state’s deficit and was told in no uncertain terms, no — even though he knew (or should have known) that the budget allowed for it. It’s not that the conservation fund wasn’t raided in the past. Gov. Cuomo’s father Mario did it when he was governor — transferring $20 million into the general fund in 1990, replacing $15 million of it a few years later. During that time, Commissioner Martens served as Assistant Secretary to the Governor for Energy and the Environment and was later named Deputy Secretary. In any event, sportsmen need to contact their state legislatures and tell them to rescind the language in the 2011-12 budget that allows the DOB to use your sporting license fees, and other conservation fund money, for anything then what it was intended. News and Notes: Area hunters who travel to Pennsylvania to hunt deer, bear and other wild game should be happy to hear that legislation was introduced (HB 1760) to end the ban on Sunday hunting in the Keystone State. The legislation comes on the heels of the Pennsylvania Game Commission passing a resolution supporting the idea of ending the ban on hunting on Sundays. HB 1760 would lift the ban and shift authority to regulate Sunday hunting from the General Assembly, where it currently resides, to the Game Commission. Pennsylvania is one of only seven states that doesn’t permit Sunday hunting. In a somewhat related matter, a federal appeals court recently decreed that the National Park Service can continue to use sharpshooters to reduce the number of deer at Valley Forge National Historical Park. The three-judge panel on Monday rejected arguments by two animal rights groups who said officials had failed to consider alternatives, such as more coyotes. Officials hope to reduce the white-tail deer population from an estimated 1,277 before the program began last fall to less than 200. They say the herd is devouring the native forest and crowding out other species. — His name may not be familiar to everyone who has purchased a sporting license, but Harold “Bud” Woodfield was — as the representative of the Fish and Wildlife Management Board to the Conservation Fund Advisory Board from 1993 to 2007 — instrumental on many of the changes in fish and wildlife programs. A lifelong hunter, fisherman and trapper, Bud was a strong advocate of the sports and, over the course of his life, received dozens of awards in recognition of his support and dedication, capped off with his induction into the New York State Outdoorsman Hall of Fame in 2007. Bud passed away last week. He was 88. Dropping anchor ‘til next time.
  6. My father told me they found a big infestation of it years ago when they were doing work on 390.
  7. I did some years ago for my mom in Florida. Her setup has 12 path lights and a couple of spotlights and came as a kit. It was easy to install, just used a straight shovel and opened the ground up and put the cable in, then looped it up inside the posts of the lights and attached the light to it, then dropped it back in the ground and so on. If you really want to, you can run some underground conduit I guess. The cable ended up at the transformer, which is mounted outside and has the sensor on it to turn them on and off at dusk and dawn. Im not sure about piecing a system together though.
  8. This stuff pops up every year. Its nasty stuff.
  9. Thats a nice buck John, hopefully he stays in the area for you.
  10. We have a couple of fawns with the same mother by my father's property that we have been seeing. They are similar, in that one is noticeably smaller than the other.
  11. Exactly ! But how many will be willing to plop down $1500 for a quality crossbow ! You dont have to plop down more than half of that for a quality crossbow. Most people are not going to buy TAC15s lol. Why not buy something that will reach out there rather than settle for a 20 - 25 yard shot ! Back to the gun hunting . Don't give the gun hunters the shaft . They deserve their time in the woods also . Well, if you want to drug the deer first so it wont have the reaction speed to jump the loud 'thunk' from a crossbow, then you can take all of the 50+ yard shots you want
  12. I know eddie, and from what I have seen most states are more expensive to hunt in than NY. If I had time, I could compile every state's fees for what would be the equivalent of NY's Super Sportsman plus 4 possible doe permits, unfortunately I dont have that kind of time.
  13. Exactly ! But how many will be willing to plop down $1500 for a quality crossbow ! You dont have to plop down more than half of that for a quality crossbow. Most people are not going to buy TAC15s lol.
  14. I clean mine every time I shoot them, or twice a year even if I dont shoot them. Thanks for reminding me, its getting to be about that time again.
  15. We ended up going to the Rochester Red Wings (baseball) game yesterday. It was a nice change of pace.
  16. If the state had a record of jacking the license fees up at a fast rate, then I might be able to agree with you, but go back and look at how you worded it. Sounded alot like you were taking what was said by someone and acting as if it was a fact. My last statement about the misinformation was in reference to my previous comments in the thread. BTW, I agree with your last couple of sentences, and I dont want to pay more for my license, but I do realize that will happen at some point. Im never happy about it, but it is what it is. If the time comes that they want to raise the price unreasonably, Ill be writing my reps in opposition and doing whatever else I can to show my disapproval.
  17. Or, like another member of the bird family, the osterich, we can all just stick out head in the sand, Not think about potential future implications of current actions, and simply live with whatever surprises come our way. I don't really have a problem with people trying to look ahead a bit and pointing out possible scenarios. Sounds reasonable to me. Frankly, I worry more about those who just shrug their shoulders, open up their wallets and pay whatever the government demands without a word of protest or any sort of forward look as to what is likely coming. Waiting to see what the DEC will propose or saying that people are just making guesses and getting worked up about it isnt sticking my head in the sand. Its not over reacting to something that doesnt exist. Doc, when have you ever known me to stick my head in the sand about real issues that I either agree or dont agree with? I couldnt even tell you off hand how many emails I have sent off to my reps about different issues. I just do not get myself worked up over things that anyone, including myself, is making guesses about. The more a rumor is repeated, regardless of validity, the more people are liable to believe it. I gave two examples of just that happening on this site within the last week or two.
  18. Not once the crossbow is included in archery. Wont take as much practice for the gun only guys to be able to hunt with a crossbow. They will have to change some of their tactics a bit though.
  19. Nice! Looks like a great time. One of these days I gotta get another boat so I can get back to fishing like I used to do.
  20. Nobody is talking about shortening the hunting season, just the gun season. Archery season would be expanded and ML season would be as well.
  21. I have been shooting CX Maxima Hunters for a few years now. I am going to move over to the Victory VForce HV V-1s, which are all matched in straightness and weight. From the research I have done, you cant get a better shaft, especially for the price. http://www.victoryarchery.com/VForceHV.aspx
  22. Honeoye Lake fireworks grand finale from last night. They did an awesome job this year! Honeoye Lake, NY fireworks grand finale 4-3-11
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