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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Of course repeating something many times does not lend any credibility to a statement does it? As far as what is classified as what, the only observation that I might offer is obviously the place where the x-bows have been located in ....... the gun season. That may or may not be where it remains, but their first instinct as to where it belongs turned out to be in the gun season. I think they got it right the first time. Bubba is absolutely correct, they put them in with gun season temporarily to appease the NYB crowd. In the 5 year plan they flat out classify them as bowhunting equipment. That is the only time they have ever put a classification to crossbows, and they got it right.
  2. "Whammm", what? Did you actually read the proposal or are you just basing your reaction upon what people are assuming might happen? The DEC is NOT proposing that you will have to pay for tags, and you currently pay $10 for the possibility of 4 DMPs unless you bought your lifetime before the set date, then you dont pay. See, this is the kind of misinformation I am talking about. :
  3. The fees will increase, whether any of you like it or not. We may not be happy about it, but its simple economics. NY is on the less expensive side of things when it comes to hunting anyway. Hunters are in no way an untapped resource to the state. We move ALOT of money right around deer season in equipment, gas, vehicles, ammo, guns, lodging, food, etc etc, all of which we pay tax on. The state knows this and isnt going to do anything that seriously jeopardizes all of that cash flow. There are alot of towns out in the boonies that wouldnt be able to stay solvent without hunters during deer season. Im just trying to say that over reaction to guesses and what could happen is not going to do anything other than make us look like a bunch of Chicken Littles.
  4. Yeah I know how it goes. Taxes can grow quick.
  5. The cost was at what? $68 for Super Sportsman for how many years before it went up to where it is now? It has been going up at a very slow rate in comparison to anything else. Look at other states, WI is $165 for the equivalent to our Super Sportsman, look at IA and what their license costs add up to, how about Nebraska? More than ours. Im not going to go through every state's cost, but face it, we dont have it that bad in comparison to alot of other states. Sure you can cherry pick a couple that are lower, but what is the quality of the hunting in those states? How much publicly accessible state hunting land do they offer? There are many other factors to it as well. Look, I dont like paying higher prices any more than anyone, Im a cheap bastard that is always looking to get a good deal on every single thing I buy, but I do realize that inflation is a fact of life. Regardless, this is not the original point of what I said. Bottom line is, you got all worked up over your guess as to what might happen, and I wanted to set the record straight that it was only your guess, and not something that has been proposed by the DEC. There is enough misinformation going around about the proposal on this site, like for some reason, some seem to think they want to shrink the 500 foot limit for guns to 150 feet, when in fact, its just for bows, and that the DEC doesnt support expansion of the AR zones, when in fact, they are proposing it to be expanded. No matter how I feel about these things, the facts are what they are in the proposal. Debate the facts, not a guess at what could happen.
  6. I havent had that issue, and am not sure if you can replace the piezo in it with something out of a lighter maybe. Take it apart and see, worst that will happen is you have to replace it.
  7. So you admittedly are guessing at what they will do, and going off on a rant about it? There is nothing in the plan that says or even implies that you would have to pay for each DMP. With their doing away with the either sex tags and going to a 1 buck policy, you will probably have the chance at x number of DMPs included with your license fee. Thats just my guess though, and I am not going to go off on a rant about my guess, Ill wait to see what they actually propose first. My rant was about how they are constantly finding ways to make us pay more for less. Its a trend thats been going on for some time now so what makes you think it wont continue? Sorry for stating my opinion, I thought thats what these forums were for! I guess your opinion is the only one that counts. And there you go assuming again, I never said your opinion didnt count. I am saying that it is not a fact, like you are acting like it is, and that DEC has not even insinuated to such a plan. None of us know or even have a good idea of what will happen based on fact at this point. If you think the cost of hunting will or should never go up, your delusional. The cost of EVERYTHING will ALWAYS go up, thats just the way things go. The cost of hunting in NY has risen very slowly, and hopefully that slow rate continues.
  8. At least we can plan on the amount we get screwed each year lol
  9. So you admittedly are guessing at what they will do, and going off on a rant about it? There is nothing in the plan that says or even implies that you would have to pay for each DMP. With their doing away with the either sex tags and going to a 1 buck policy, you will probably have the chance at x number of DMPs included with your license fee. Thats just my guess though, and I am not going to go off on a rant about my guess, Ill wait to see what they actually propose first.
  10. Thats your theory. Like I have said many times in the past, crossbows are in fact, archery and bowhunting equipment, they work upon the same principals as bows with the exception of how you aim it and most of the major archery associations recognize it as such. The only associations that do not classify it as archery equipment are those that wish to keep it out of archery season for whatever reasons they have. My opinion, is that most of them hold elitist, selfish views on how "their" hunting season should be. Lets get back to fact though, and say that at no time has the NYSDEC ever classified crossbows as anything other than bowhunting equipment. In the past they simply did not espouse any classification to it, which is not the same as saying it "isnt archery equipment" or is "related to a gun". Sorry, but you NYB types lost the fight to keep them out of the NY woods and you will be losing the fight to keep them out of bow season. The writing is on the wall, or should I say, in the 5 year plan.
  11. Well the state now says bend over and pay $10 for each doe you want to shoot! I find this crazy especially for the guys that buy a Super Sportsman or Lifetime hunting licence! When they started to charge the buyers of the SS to apply for a DMP I stopped getting them and just used the extra antlerless tag for bow/muzzleloader. I must not have been the only one to do this so now they are eliminating that tag! They are strong arming us into paying more and there isn't a darn thing you can do about it. They are going to do whatever makes them the most money! You dont pay $10 per DMP, you pay $10 and get how many ever DMPs you draw, which could be up to four. Before you go on a rant, you might want to get the facts straight about how you are being bent over.
  12. The Eternabond is done, and turned out great. Here are some more pics, in some you can see all of the crud that came out of the Max Air vents. If you have these on your camper, make sure you take them off once in a while and clean them out. Heres the new refer vent cover I picked up today, looks a ton better than the old, dirty, brittle one. The TV antenna got removed, it wont be needed. Shots of completed areas. The front vent all scraped and ready for Eternabond. The front roof seam, done with 2 overlapping 4" strips. This is the front cap, which I sealed up the side seams and the one horizontal seam. Front corners all done.
  13. I tested them out in my little plot last year. They dont do well in the shade at all, and the deer wiped them out before they got 10 inches tall, which was a month before bow season started. If you plant them, plant alot of them, and maybe youll still have some left by the time bow starts.
  14. Well hey, next year Ill be game. The camper will be whipped into shape and my vacation time will renew.
  15. Man, BBQ fest sure does sound good. You guys have to remind me about it next year and Ill plan a camping trip around it so I can go.
  16. I started getting the roof done last night. Here are some pics, I wanted to take more, but I was trying to get it done before it got dark. After seeing how bad some of the seams were, Im very surprised the leaking wasnt worse. If it were let to go one more year, it would have gotten to the point of no return. I have a few more spots to finish up tonight, so Ill get some more pics. First, here are some pics of what I was dealing with. You can see that the sealer was in real bad shape. With the Eternabond, you dont have to scrape the old sealer, you can just put the Eternabond over top of it, but Im way too picky so I scraped most of it. And here are some pics of the Eternabond going on after scraping and cleaning with Acetone. Ill get some pics of it later today before I start rolling it all to get as many of the wrinkles out as I can. It goes on incredibly easilly, you just have to make sure you have it where you want it the first time, as it will NOT come off once its stuck.
  17. Looks like a nice little popup Stretch. Weve done the backyard camp out thing a ton of times, its fun. Im sure youll enjoy the heck out of it.
  18. I have done a bunch of searches, and couldnt find anything saying Brenneke was shut down or out of business. Their website is still up and slugs are still for sale.
  19. I will be taking plenty of pics and show you guys.
  20. The other thing you have to remember is that in the winter, they have more fat and thicker fur, which could cause the stump to look smaller than when shes in her summer coat and slimmed down. Its hard to tell though, she doesnt have any distinguishing features other than the leg.
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