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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Oh, and dont worry about Larry, he just has 3 or 4 replies to ANY qdm conversation that he repeats like a broken record. ;D
  2. Doc, in the thread talking about only hunting does for 3 years, he specifically said it wasnt a plan in the works, it was just something to talk about. I dont understand why you keep trying to spin it into some sort of "management plan" that he (or anyone for that matter) really supports or stands behind. Its pure conversation fodder, nothing more. Why does it keep getting brought into this thread, which has nothing to do with the subject? Lets try to stay on topic or at least close to it lol.
  3. While its your legal right to do so, think about the way you felt when you were 17 and those guys laughed at you. What if the deer you put down and lay claim to was someone else's first deer? That makes you as much of a (fill in the blank) as the guys that did it to you. Maybe instead of being spiteful and continuing the attitude, you should break the chain and do the right thing? Just food for thought.
  4. It has in the Northern Zone
  5. Yeah if you read into Charles Alsheimer's theory, it specifically says the amount of moonlight. Ill see if I can find the link for you.
  6. I have a Summit Viper SS. I used to have the open shot top for it that I used a couple times as a tree seat. It was a bit cumbersome just for that, so I sold it. You can buy small strap on tree seats for very cheap. They are less weight and more compact than the top of a climber.
  7. Why? The perp was not hunting or participating in any legal activity. Its another crime.
  8. http://www.huntingpa.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1972136&fpart=1 Apparently its one guy. From the sounds of it he was jack lighting deer, caught in the act and fired at the officers. Sounds like they may have shot him and wounded him. I hope they finish the job when they find him. My sympathy to the friends, colleagues and family of the officer.
  9. Great buck! Congrats to him!
  10. Ill take a doe or buck with 8 points or more at this point. After I get my first buck with my bow, Ill up the anty by looking for more mature deer instead of just any 8 point. I was skunked completely last year from passing deer, and I did pass alot of them. It sucked, but I wasnt that upset. I have yet to get a good shot on a doe, have missed a basket 8 and came really close to taking a shot on a big non-typical this year. I dont mind passing on the little guys.
  11. Did you practice from an elevated position? Try doing that and when you shoot, dont bend at the waist when you aim. Ill bet money that you have the same result as when you missed the deer. You probably didnt have your anchor points right. It happens, I did the same thing opening day.
  12. I stopped by my dad's place today and noticed some big tracks tearing into the ground out back by my stand. Id be will ing to bet they are from that big guy I grunted in last week. They are starting to move good now. This weekend, next week and the week after are gonna be great times to be out there.
  13. Pretty basically, yep. There are theories that the amount of moonlight stimulates a gland in doe and pushes their bodies into estrous as well.
  14. Thanks guys. Im probably going to buy my daughter and son their lifetime licenses at the same time and surprise both of them together.
  15. Thanks guys! Im very excited to have a boy on the way. My daughter is great, and is my hunting buddy, but it will be even better to have another. Culver, I bought it last week lol
  16. Im with you 5.9, its almost looking like his prediction is going to be pretty close. I have been seeing younger bucks following does since opening day and have seen some seeking activity in the last week with a couple of older bucks, but I just have yet to see any real chasing going on. He did say that there would be a slow, drawn out build up this year, and so far thats what Ive noticed. Ive been watching the bigger boards, like AT for the usual flurry of mature bucks being taken and posted during the peak rut, and I havent seen that yet either. If it holds true, we should see alot of mature deer hit the ground once gun season opens.
  17. Dont be surprised if you see more of this. I have to see it happen to the DEC, but lets face it guys, they are a NY state agency, and there is no way this state will survive economically without reducing its overgrown government structure. Hopefully agencies that actually do some good for us, like the DEC, dont get as much of the hatchet as some of the special interest crap.
  18. Thats an awesome video. A couple of bruiser bulls on that video. That non-typical bull is awesome. Ive been putting in for the tag drawing for 2 years now. No luck yet.
  19. LOL, someone give that guy some Bean-o
  20. Are you guys getting topics mixed up here? This one wasnt about doe only hunting.
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