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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by CharlieNY

  1. Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. valoroutdoors.com
  2. Regardless of the severity of the consequences I firmly believe that we should all abide by the laws in effect. We need to set a good example for our young hunters and be role models. I did this with my children and they in turn have done this with my grandchildren. I will not hunt with anyone who is in violation of any laws and if they violate any laws while we are hunting together I will leave and never hunt with them again. I was a hunting safety instructor for many years and I always made this part of the instruction. To me there is no such thing as a successful hunt when you cheated by violating the laws. valoroutdoors.com
  3. I believe this should be posted in the Out of New York Hunting forum rather than the General Hunting forum. For those of us who hunt waterfowl here in New York State there is a Waterfowl Hunting forum under New York Hunting Regions. valoroutdoors.com
  4. Here is the link to the current crossbow regulations in New York State. I was at the State Fair DEC booth a few years ago and I asked what the purpose of the minimum 17 inch width was. I was told it was to prevent poachers from shooting deer from windows inside of their vehicles. valoroutdoors.com https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/68802.html
  5. I am saddend to hear of your loss. valoroutdoors.com
  6. Dr Stirrup 4x4 rope cocker for a crossbow. Makes it easy to cock crossbow with 4 pulley system and large handles. Bought it for my crossbow but it did not fit. New and never used it. Paid $45 for it and will sell it for $35 including shipping tyd. PM me if interested.
  7. Went out with my son this afternoon. We were in our stands just under an hour when he scored on this buck. I have nicknamed my son Lucky Chuckie. He seems to score every year on a nice buck with his bow. valoroutdoors.com
  8. Bill here is the link to the video on the J C Higgins Model 20 turkey video. valoroutdoors.com.
  9. I have this Leupold 2.5x on my turkey gun. It is very lightweight and crystal clear. It was a little on the pricey side but it is a quality scope and I am really glad I purchased it. I highly recommend it. valoroutdoors.com. https://www.leupold.com/fx-ii-ultralight-25x20-wide-duplex-riflescope
  10. The young bucks are on the move in my area. Here are a couple of them squaring off. I can't wait until the rut starts. valoroutdoors.com
  11. I have owned beagles since I was a little boy and have 3 beagles right now. They are terrific loving dogs. Gus will be waiting for you in heaven and you will see him again. In the meantime cherish the memories of him. I have had to do this many times before and it is never easy. valoroutdoors.com
  12. Went out with my son this morning and we bagged 4 more birds. We didn't see a lot of birds this morning. Early season ends tomorrow and I can't hunt tomorrow but we had a good and memorable early season this year. valoroutdoors.com
  13. As a regular goose hunter here are my thoughts. The author states that he edited some footage but he definitely should have edited out the profanities from the video. Foul language hunters display a negative image of hunters and is not something we want to pass on to our new young hunters. Secondly cripples do happen to the best shooters. It is ideal to have a dog to send after cripples but if you do not have a dog you should slowly and safely walk towards a cripple until you are in range to dispatch it. The video shows a hunter running with a loaded gun towards a cripple which is an unsafe practice. A safe hunt is a good hunt any day. valoroutdoors.com
  14. We set up on the pond in the picture. We used silhouette decoys on the banks and the mowed lawn around the pond. We did not put any floating decoys in the pond. There were no birds on the pond last night but we did have several flocks fly over the pond yesterday morning. The birds were focusing on the silhouettes and coming in. We also had a motorized flapper decoy in our silhouettes. valoroutdoors.com
  15. We had another great morning today. We put the smack down on 14 birds. Picture is my son and I. Our shooting was phenomenal as today we only missed 1 bird. What a beautiful day and a terrific memory. valoroutdoors.com
  16. Went out this morning with 2 buddies on an early season goose hunt. Had a great morning. That's me kneeling in the picture with one of my buddies. We bagged 10 geese and honestly missed a few more. It got so warm out that we quit early. All in all it was a good day. valoroutdoors.com
  17. Scroll down on this page for detailed information directly from the Department of Environmental Conservation. valoroutdoors.com. https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/8305.html#Fluorescent
  18. I've been out there times so far during the early September season. Got 1 bird the first day and 1 bird on my second day. During September you are hunting the resident birds so you need to have a spot that they have been congregating unlike hunting the migrating birds in the Fall and Winter. Field hunting is near impossible as fields have not been cut yet. I haven't been out as much as I would like to as the mosquitoes have been unbearable this year along with the hot and humid weather. I prefer hunting the migrating birds in cold and bug free weather in the regular season. valoroutdoors.com
  19. I remember when you needed 4 hunters to apply for a single doe permit. I was a teenager then and was put in charge of doing the paperwork. I would have to bring the application around to the 4 hunters and have them sign it and attach the stubs from their hunting license to the application which was the procedure back then. I would then mail it in and wait for the results in the mail. valoroutdoors.com
  20. The mere sight of one makes me back up and retreat. However I am aware that many people will use them for decorative purposes and some taxidermists will add them to a mount display. If you go on ebay and do a search for wasp nest or hornet nest you will find them for sale at a high price. valoroutdoors.com
  21. So glad to hear that you came through this terrible ordeal. The months of August and September are the 2 worst months for hornet and wasp stings as they become very aggressive this time of year. You need to be on the lookout for them this time of the year and avoid disturbing them. I have run over ground nests in the past with the lawnmower and have been attacked. A couple of days ago I had to deal with a yellow jacket ground nest in my front lawn and a nest in my basement. Be observant and be careful. If you get stung be sure to have someone stay with you as a reaction can be delayed. Wishing you a speedy and full recovery. There is a similar thread here about this subject. valoroutdoors.com https://huntingny.com/forums/topic/92055-friendly-end-of-summer-bee-reminder/
  22. I spent yesterday morning dealing with 2 yellow jacket nests. The pic is of a ground nest on my front lawn. I spread Sevin dust at the opening. The yellow jackets will bring the dust into the nest as it sticks to them and will spread it through the nest killing them. The other nest was started on my basement ceiling after they came in under the siding. I soaked that nest with Spectracide wasp and hornet killer and let it set for 2 hours. I then sucked up the nest after they died with a shop vac. Luckily I was never stung. I have had this problem arise in the early Fall in past years and am careful to be on the lookout for them. valoroutdoors.com
  23. We have been using Panasonic Eneloop 2100 cycle AA batteries for years on both regular trail cams and recently on Tactacam Reveal cellular cams. We have had very good results with them including in freezing and even sub zero temperatures. They hold a charge very well and last a long time. Pic is from just this morning. valoroutdoors.com
  24. I watch Fox News. This morning they did a story and interview with this gold medal Olympic athlete Tamyra Mensah-Stock who loves living in this country and is proud to represent the United States. Her patriotism and love of this country should be a model for other athletes. This is why I watch Fox News. valoroutdoors.com https://www.foxnews.com/media/olympic-gold-medal-wrestler-god-spoke-through-m
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