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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. Can I borrow it, for just a few days, LOL.
  2. It depends a lot on the time of the year it is, and also the carrying capacity for the statement, deer prefer young tender clover. I can take you to a clover field that is mature now, by November that field will be stripped to the ground, the clover heads go first. I cycle acres of red clover every year from first growing to mature. They visit it all through the fall.
  3. It's late. Chopping started a few weeks ago. Bet the grain farmers, yet again will be chewing at the bit with 350 corn prices. The way some of the fields look around here, yields will be down.
  4. So, we should take less deer as numbers are dropping? It's going to be tough, watching the deer go by for the first two.
  5. The seed ran me around $10/ lb.. Planting rate for 22 inch rows was 2 lb/ acre . I wanted rows so I could cultivate. The weeds grow quicker than the beets.
  6. The basic thing to remember is to establish a good root system during the growing season. That way winter kill will be less. Maybe been nice to plant a cereal grain with the clover for two reason; one, to hold the snow cover more to protect the young seedlings during the freezing thaw cycle of winter plus hold snow pack on the ground to lessen freezing, wind burn and two, to draw in some wildlife this season.
  7. I grew them a few years ago, on the advise of an other member here. Now mind you, this was only a one year run. Cost me more than the radish seed. They were no match compared to the radishes. Hands down, the radish were clearly the favorites. I should have planted a three year run, to get a clearer picture, I know that now. We did get some excellent pickled beets for the table though. They keep very well in the root cellar.
  8. Cool evenings and a nice choice of salads. Hold the dressing please, LOL.
  9. Some of the best pic posts of the year. Hope to see your hands on antlers this season. Good luck!
  10. What turned me off right away was using a loaded firearm as a cane. Rule: Treat every firearm, as if it were loaded.
  11. This time of year, squirrels are nuts about the rain.
  12. That turkey pic was taken, just before the turkeys vacated the area. Haven't seen a turkey in three weeks now. Plenty of food too. Not sure the reason. Going to miss all that turkey action, while walking past the stands this year.
  13. Got out yesterday to do much needed tree stand work. Took one stand down, for a paint job, raised several hang on into place, a final adjustment all the rest replacing quite a few tree straps. Got most of it done with the exception of lane trimming. Inspect your stands very carefully. I noticed some flaking paint on one end, a metal ladder stand named old faithful, third rung from the top. Upon further review, my assumptions were correct. Metal thickness was equal to aluminum foil at one end and would have not held yours truly. Will rework the entire stand, on the next rainy day and put her back into production.
  14. I think it has a lot to do with what food types are available at any given time.Here, if we get the right year, the deer feed into February on the tubers which were still quite edible . Last year, they even fed on turnips right into spring.
  15. I didn't notice the tarsal gland on that buck until after I posted. Even a few weeks early, for this area. And in a doe only area. Figures.
  16. Oats are in the boot. Some visitors that just couldn't resist. Frogs now living in the salad. I watched this little chipmunk pull and eat on a radish.
  17. 1- 5th pic, Daikon radish, oats mixture; planted late July. 4th pic vetch, oats, radish, and bluegrass mix planted first week of August. 6th pic, today Sept. 10th, nearly 16 inches tall.
  18. When did you plant those turnips? They sure look good!
  19. You must be getting itchy to get back in that stand, LOL.
  20. Good luck on this one. These cases end up with nobody being a winner. Hopefully, your prize is not missing tree stands.
  21. Older deer make good eating too. I take back the lean from previous post as all that corn will add fat, LOL.
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