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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. So where is the goverment going to get the money for this? The price tag has already doubled from what was estimated. Wi'll just keep borrowing, Our grandchildren can worry about it. Move over Europe.
  2. lol, no WNY, just read to many of those darn travel guides.
  3. Ah, Niagara Falls, U.S.A., right in my back door yard. Where to begin, lets see. Well on this side, have the American Falls, Cave of the Winds, Maid of the Mist, and of the world renoun power boat rides. A beautiful view of the Horseshoe Falls awaits you. And don't forget the Falls Aquarium , kids will love it. All watered out, well maybe the kids might want to shop at the Factory Outlet Mall, While on this side Martins Fancy Island offers tons of ride with a carnival atmosphere minutes away in Grand Island. Want more, A quaint village named Lewiston NY is minutes north with outdoor concerts(Artpark), small shop, and wonderful dinning.Lockport Ny is 14 miles to the west. See boats navigate locks 34 and 35 on the historic Erie canal. Take a tour of the city on the trolley car, and be sure to visit the escarpment caves. Can tell u all about Canada if like.
  4. Great video. Their technology has gone far from the dishes, glassware items of yesteryear.
  5. Great pic. Bet he earned that meal.
  6. Know all to well about jumping the bowstring. Calling while shooting sounds like a good idea. I've been thinking purchasing an A-way Bowgrunter Plus to accomplish this. Going to take some practice though. Oh boy, now we get the small game and turkey hunters in an uproar. At least then, maybe get a decent amount of instruction on crossbow safety.
  7. Just lube it with a little gun oil once a while. Now you have me wondering if I put enough wax on? Never get wax on the release. Would never ever use white gas to clean anything, safety issue. Gasoline can ignite just for spite.
  8. Theirs something to look forward to.
  9. Boy, he does some wonderful work. Are you going to display it ?
  10. Eddie, I voted at 530 pm. Believe it or not, I was # 26 also. Whats this, like the 3rd primary in this area. one more to go in September, then comes November. I always consider the primaries as important as the general. A small minority decide who will run in the general. Doesn't make sense.
  11. I respect your opinion, but don't agree with it. Anything from a tree branch, to gun form is a bow, as long as it has a string on it. My opinion.
  12. NFA-ADK brings up a very good point about stats. Been saying this all along. The definitions of hunting related accidents are clearly written to keep New York one of the safest states. Others states include all hunting related accident-death, reguardless of circumstance. It bothers me to show public," a false sense of security", that stat numbers would be much higher if definitions were written as other states have them.
  13. Welcome to the forum. So you're saying compound bows shouldn't be allowed in archery season either, oh boy.
  14. Grow, that looks very serious, hope all turned out ok. Culver, I know the jeep liberty, my parents had a 96 that they retired few years back. Had just shy of 200,000 mile. Motors run for ever if taken care of, in line 6, ( got about 20 mpg) . Ignition switch burned out 3 times, until we put a heavier switch in it- Mopar recall that failed. Sender that reads impulses off the ring gear failed, no spark. Door knobs failed, power window trouble;electric seat failures. Of coarse it had 200,000, stuff don't last forever. Then add you usual stuff, rear drum brakes( design of the rear bad, good luck with the parking brake linkage.) Front brake rotor failure-recall, yours have been replaced with that milege.Exchaust, tires tread wear quickly. My knees were jammed into the dash, with the seat all the way back. Other than that, their pretty good. Never really liked Mopars, until owning GM's
  15. Any video? That had to be a sight.
  16. Doc, you have drawn my interest in this subject. I have yet, to find a formula for a calculation of food source quantity for browsing deer.
  17. Just can't get over the quality with those home brews. Thanks for posting.
  18. Wow, 50 years, big congrats Eddie. We're going on 32 in July. Ya, to the same women.
  19. Eloping. " Do what ever you want; Now their's a couple terms you don't hear much of these days.
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