We all wear orange in our hunting party. Plain and simple, if you can be seen by another hunter, your risk of being shot drops. It is always possible and the risk goes up and down depending where you hunt- private or public lands. We were all taught in our hunting coarse to know your target and beyond. In that coarse, we were told to wear orange, by our instructor.It's far safer; we were told. As far as a law to make you wear orange, seems like the state will do what it thinks is right, if it can make a buck. Looking out for hunters saftey? I certainly hope so! Alot of other states have made it manitory. Has that lowered the shooting rate? A few years ago, I switched over to a breakup orange. I have had deer walk right by me. I had tree cover behind me, motionless, and they didn't catch my scent, the main things deer go by. My two scents.