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Everything posted by eaglemountainman

  1. Apparently, it is a comprehension problem because of how you comprehended my post, which was completely wrong. Just slow down and try to concentrate a little bit harder. And no, I don't hunt over, or near, any man made food sources. BTW, ag crops are planted for the benefit of human consumption, or as fodder for livestock, not with the intent of attracting and holding wildlife in a specific area.
  2. Like I said, your reading comprehension needs a little work. I'll explain it to you.That was referring to shooting over the planted bait field, not tree stands.
  3. No, that's not what I said. Seems like a reading comprehension problem. Go back and reread my post again, then tell me what made you come to that conclusion.
  4. Like I said, do what you want. I don't care. It's very noble that you plant these plots to help sustain all wildlife all year long. But, let me ask you something. When hunting season rolls around, do you then set up a tree stand to shoot deer from, much the same as a bait pile hunter does? Or do you spend the same kind of time and effort breaking your ass actually hunting deer ? Good luck this season. Hope you shoot a good one.
  5. True. And I make no judgement on anybody's hunting methods. I really don't care. It's none of my business. But I do follow my own conscience, and my coscience tells me that there is little distinction between the two.
  6. Some feel exactly the same about hunting over food plots.
  7. Temps in the mid to upper 20's, overcast with no wind and a fresh 3-4 inches of snow that ends around 4am, and no moon for a couple days prior.
  8. Since I retired, clocks mean nothing anymore. However, you do start to wonder about time in general.
  9. I never thought Dick's was particularly cheap. Plus, anytime I went there, they never had what I wanted. Always seemed like cheesy, second rate crap to me. I always left empty handed. Since they started sucking up to the anti second amendment crowd, I don't even bother going there to look for something I know they won't have.
  10. I just bought a new bow in '85. I don't need another one yet.
  11. We might be looking for a couple of new members this spring if you're interested. You can PM me for details.
  12. We run our camp with a Honda 2000 generator and propane. We have a propane stove/oven, Propane/electric refrigerator, and a propane hot water heater. Also ran copper tube exposed throughout camp for backup propane lights. We have a spring a couple hundred yards uphill, behind camp. We buried an 1,100 gallon poly tank on the bank, just behind the cabin and above the roof line which gives us very nice gravity fed pressure. We ran PVC on the ground to fill the tank. We buried PVC out of the tank below frost line to the cabin. If the feed into the tank freezes, it doesn't matter. It takes a long time to go through 1,100 gallons in the tank. Officially, we have an outhouse. We have also installed our own small septic system that has functioned without a problem for over 20 years. We heat with wood. If you search for a piece of property with a good spring uphill from your cabin sight that will be key. Good luck.
  13. For about 15 years I hunted the mountain just north of Ski Windham, on the north side of Rt 23. Up at the end of Nauvoo Rd. Shot piles of deer there. Then, in '86 we went up there and the whole place was cut up into a subdivision.
  14. There's a line from an Eagles song that says, "call someplace paradise, kiss it goodbye."
  15. Exactly! That's what makes it so sweet when you're successful! Now, imagine the first time you're successful still hunting and creeping on a deer with your bow. I do it every year with a rifle, but only 4 times with the bow. But, oh man, what a feeling!!!! Stay with it. I wish you luck.
  16. When I'm turkey hunting, I wear full camo, including a bandit face mask. I don't bow hunt anymore, but during early rifle deer season, I wear a red, heavy wool Woolrich shirt. When it gets colder, I break out the ole tried and true, red and black plaid Woolrich Pennsylvania tuxedo. Always topped with an orange and black camo vest. A deer's eyes do not perceive orange as we do, but blue jeans will get their attention.
  17. Agreed. The key is to move very slow and only a very few yards at a time. Just enough to give you a slightly different visual perspective. Spend much more time scanning than moving. When you think you're doing it just right, slow down. And, I know this is heresy, but I don't hunt the wind at all. In the mountains, the wind changes and currents swirl so often that if I tried to hunt the wind, I would be walking in a 25 yard circle all day. Whenever possible, if it's out, I will always try to move with the Sun at my back.
  18. Same here. I keep rain gear in my ATV box, but sometimes, when you're not expecting it, you get caught. I'm a still hunter exclusively and have yet to find rain gear that is absolutely quiet. So, unless it's a heavy, noisy downpour, I don't use it. That's when it's nice to have wool.
  19. Warm when wet, that's huge. Technology has not come up with anything yet to surpass good old wool. (okay, pile on )
  20. Now that's my idea of a camp. Beautiful.
  21. I've always loved my dad's '54 336RC in 35 Rem. It's one of my most cherished connections to him since he passed. A lot of deer found their final resting place in our freezer because of that gun. Since I was a youngin', I've always coveted a savage 99 in 250-3000. A few days ago I won an auction on GB for my first 99, a '50 99R in 300 Savage. It is a very clean example with a factory original Redfield receiver site. I should have it in my hands in about a week or so. I already ordered ammo for it and hopefully, I'll have time to get it cleaned up and sorted out so I can carry it a few days this deer season. I still have my eyes out for a nice 250-3000.
  22. In my coat, I always carry some home made jerky, and maybe some leftover Halloween candy. In the storage pack on my ATV, I keep a Jetboil, a couple bottles of water, some Ramen noodles, tea and more venison and candy.
  23. Have you read his post," What Gun To Use In The Adirondacks" ?
  24. May I ask? Are you Buddhist or just into Steely Dan?
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