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Everything posted by eaglemountainman

  1. Apparently, you didn't enjoy it. To the contrary, you seemed to get butt hurt by it, judging from your response. You're right, it was my opinion and I never said it was right. You are completely free, as an American, to disagree with it, just as I was to state it. Hell, you can even rebut it, if you think you're capable of stringing seven words together in a sentence. Carry on.
  2. Seriously? No, I don't feel the need to start a political thread, but thanks for your permission. Also, just so you know, I will comment on any thread on this forum any way I see fit without consulting you. I don't care what your post count is. And thanks for your opinion.
  3. Have you ever checked out Rodney Elmer and Mountain Deer Taxidermy? They are a father and sons and some friends that track deer in Maine and Vermont. If you're into tracking or still hunting, you might like it. Reminds me of the early Benoits, before they got all commercial and Hollywood.
  4. So, if I'm reading this right, the city of Albany paid $5.2 million for the property, and sold it for $814,000? Remind me not to turn to the State of New York for financial investment advice. Sounds like the well seated politicians who sold the property to the state did alright, though. And Cuomo is saying that the climate/weather is the reason that people are leaving the state. My dad used to say, "Don't piss on my back and tell me it's raining."
  5. Sauerbraten! My mom's aunt's recipe. I got it before she passed, rest her soul.
  6. Hahahaha! Sorry guys. It showed up on my front page. I never noticed the date when I posted. But hey, it's like an old movie from the 40's. If you've never seen it, it's new to you, right?
  7. Have you looked at BedTred ?
  8. Curious, were either one of these rifles assembled in South Carolina? I've been led to believe that the Winnies, at least, were now assembled in Portugal. Wondering if that is true and, if so, does that hold true for the Brownings as well, since they are both owned by Herstal.
  9. Congrats! That is a beautiful firearm. Best of luck with it. I really wanted the Featherweight Shot Show version that was offered in 2017. Unfortunately, it wasn't offered in 7mm08, my favorite round these days.
  10. Papist, Sir I like and agree wholeheartedly with the quotes in your signature.
  11. I retired and left NY two years ago. Now, I split my time between Crystal River Fl and 100acs in Cherryfield Me. I still go back and spend a month deer hunting at camp with my friends in the Catskills. But, the only climate that made me leave NY was political and tax related. As warped as this may sound, I hope you get your wish to die in Maine.
  12. I know hindsight is 20/20, but between Andy and his loser brother Chris the CNN commentator, Matilda should have been precluded from procreating. They are both very strong arguments for abortion.
  13. I've had good luck with both Tink's and Golden Estrus. But, they don't work 100% of the time like some mystical deer magnet. But, when conditions and timing are right...
  14. I hesitate to post this because I don't want to start a war but I have to ask the question. When did hunting become about sitting over a pile of apples and corn or a food plot. I really don't care how anyone else decides to go about harvesting their deer. That's their business, and if it seems a bit unethical to me, or even illegal, I still don't care. Have at it, and enjoy yourself. But, I wonder if these methods are all that those guys were ever exposed to as they were learning. Have they ever still hunted or followed a track in fresh snow applying woodsman skills learned, and felt the satisfaction of getting within range of a deer that is unaware of your presence? Or sitting in a little makeshift ground blind,with their back against a tree, at a natural pinch point or intersection of some major deer trails? Or the comradery of getting together with a few neighbors and friends and putting on some small dives on a Saturday or Sunday? There used to be a time, when a guy went hunting, his gear included his rifle and shells, a knife, a length of drag rope and a simple compass. Maybe there were a few candy bars or an apple in his coat pockets. The rest of his arsenal was in his brain. The memories and lessons learned from past experiences acquired over the years. It used to take a long time to be considered a good deer hunter. You had to pay dues and earn it. There were no shortcuts. So, if a guy wants to plunk down his credit card and stare at a pile of apples, more power to 'em. If that's what they think makes a successful deer hunter, then great. I hope they pile em up them like cord wood. But there's so much to the experience that they're missin'. Me, I'm 62 now and crammed full of those lessons learned. I might even be on the back side of the curve, so I think I'm gonna keep doin' it the old way.
  15. Or fireworks in Pa. Buy all you want, just shoot them off in your own state.
  16. ^^^ This way here, the corporations still make their profit, the state still gets its tax revenue and nobody gets hurt except the bait shooters when they get caught.
  17. Looks to me like a turkey stretching out and half fanned.
  18. I'm thankful she's no longer suffering. Please accept my condolences for both her and your dad. Cherish your memories.
  19. Back in '75, I was living for a while in El Paso right out of HS. I took second place in a 300 yard competition with my 742 shooting against guys with varmint barreled bolt guns wearing better glass. Now, maybe that was a group of sub par shooters that made me look good. I don't know. What I do know is that gun, wearing only a VX3 1.5-5 is capable of 3/4 to 1 inch groups at 100 yds.. I used to do it on occasion when my eyes were younger. The trigger group is a little complicated, but I'm told by knowledgeable people at my range that they are very workable , and in the right hands, can be transformed to be much lighter and very clean breaking.' These guns also get a bad rap for malfunctioning. Some guys call them Remington 742 Jam Masters. I've had mine since '72, my dad has his since '76. and neither has ever once hiccupped. We've always kept them clean and very, very lightly oiled.
  20. Agreed. She should be in much better shape at this time of year. One way or another, I think she has seen her last spring.
  21. If you don't mind my asking, where in the Catskills are you?
  22. I wish! I'm in Fl and it's 78 at 8:12. Not for long, though. Seven more weeks I'll be heading back to Delaware county to spend the entire rifle season.
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