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Everything posted by dan46n2

  1. That's how you call out a female with short hair? Please, think before you say things. That's someone's daughter, niece, granddaughter, etc On the other hand, carry on as you please as my opinion of you should not make one bit of difference on how you choose to carry or present yourself
  2. You can't change it's age and with that low of miles, some may want it for that but others see one thing: neglect (or the possibility of). At least you have records of some service being performed (i hope) fairly regularly if you say the local shop picked it up every few years.... $2k-$2500 if you can find someone looking for that particular sled in that condition. But at the end of the day, it's a 15yr old fanner so the market is limited and fairly saturated for sleds in this area. Best of luck with the sale
  3. Here's one of mine 2012 Hoyt Carbon Element, WB, Truglo 5pin, Gold Tip Hunter XT 340's. This pic was from a couple years ago. Only changes I've made were new strings (60x), new single pin sight (MBG Verdict), and an adjustable WB rest. I've also got a 2013 Hoyt Carbon Element which has the AirShox, in RealTree max. I bought this one to have a camo bow and to be able to try out the airshox version of my 2012. I didn't notice any significant difference in vibration or sound so I'm gonna sell this one and just hunt with my black 2012 from here out. Prior to this 13 element, I had an Elite Synergy and I'm really tempted to get another one as it just shot and held so well (aside from the bare weight of the bow). I'm also tempted to shoot a PSE Xpedite as I really like the specs on those... but I need another bow like I need another belly button...
  4. great looking rifle there. I'm incredibly tempted as I've wanted a lever-action Marlin for a long time, and even have some 35Rem leftover from a T/C contender I sold some years back.... Good luck with the sale!
  5. "Won't be" is the term you're looking for, any account/profile can be deleted from a mod/admin side.
  6. Another vote for the First Lite Sanctuary bibs here (although you already bought the sitka). Well worth the money IMO- super warm, great fabric that doesn't collect burrs, ample pockets. Not sure about them being water proof but their DWR works well for a light rain and snow. Sitka's prices are too hard to swallow, I thought Kuiu was expensive....
  7. yep, we got one in our house for my 2 girls (4 and 5) and I can't wait to until the year that "Judy" stops showing up... They do love looking for her every morning, and since my wife is short then I'm left to do most of the moving as I can reach the higher places. We specifically put them out of reach just to not have to deal with the "You touched her and now she has no magic to get back to the North Pole" discussion...
  8. I've had the tools and parts to build a few lowers for a few years but just haven't gotten around to doing it. My brother has me convinced I want to do a 6.8 SPC upper. He's got a Bison build that shoots awesome and makes a great deer gun, but their complete uppers are pretty pricey. I'm gonna have to keep an eye on this thread to stir up some motivation...
  9. .5 cents per mile, that's quite the deal. Gonna be hard to pass that one up.
  10. I have a foxpro electronic caller (with the little remote that has like 12 different calls on it) that I wanted to try out this year on some yotes. I also have a couple nice red foxes on the cameras that I thought would be cool to have the hide tanned. I have a Savage A17 that I was going to try to use, along with a red led spot/flashlight (shines out to 200yds with 150 being the max for what you can identify an animal at). I've never done the predator calling/night hunting thing but I definitely want to give it a try.
  11. This is such an interesting (and in some ways sad/frustrating due to the seemingly high occurrence of poor shot placement) thread to read. Thank you so much for posting this. It's incredibly informative and insightful regarding the lengths some people go to to get and track deer. Thankfully, I've never had to track a deer a fraction of some of the distances you've gone. Just out of curiosity, what's a rough estimate as to what you charge for this service? Or is this just you being incredibly helpful and extremely generous with your time and energy? It's ok if you don't want to say, I can understand that. At the very least, some of these guys should be tipping you regardless of the outcome just based on high-value service that you're providing. Again, thanks for posting your encounters in this thread!
  12. it was probably trying to figure out how to remove the SD card, as it already knew it was on camera. I hate trespassers.
  13. I was just saying the same thing earlier this year, I need rearview mirrors because I had a few sneak up behind me. It's actually a great idea for an elevated blind I think...
  14. I just picked up pork fat on Saturday from the meat department at our local price chopper. $1.49/lb
  15. I'm all about the Montreal Steak rub/seasoning. Always my go-to for venison grilling, although go light if the people you're serving it to have an aversion to pepper.
  16. Welcome to NY and to the forum. I'm very familiar with that area, grew up near there and still have a lease near HH as my family still live near there.
  17. Thank you so much for sharing. My dad was my best hunting buddy and every year I get a little sad that he's not here to share in this with me. We are lucky enough that we did get to spend time doing the things we loved together so as long as that memory remains, they're still with us. Very sorry for your loss.
  18. Gorgeous. This has been my dream rifle for a bit, but I was wanting a synthetic stock. My brother has a BAR Safari II in 30-06, it shoots so well!
  19. Nice to see all the DW's in here. I've got a DW 15-2 in 357 but have never hunted with it. My brother has the 15-2 power pack (the 2,4,6,8" barrel kit) and he has a scope that he wants to use for hunting but never has as far as I know. No pics of it right now but I usually use my Parker-Hale (1200 model I think?) in .270 when I can hunt with a rifle, and a '72 Browning Auto-5 light 20 that my dad bought new.
  20. Don't worry, you're not alone- I'm another one that doesn't shoot crossgun. When late bow/ML season rolls around I keep it vertical.
  21. Sounds like the best outcome you could have hoped for, really. Glad it sounds like it's resolved.
  22. dan46n2


    Welcome. I'm originally from Schuyler County and regularly hunt in Chemung. Even had a lease in Steuben a few years ago in Bradford State Forest.
  23. I'm a little further south in Cortland.
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