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US Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare Health Mandate


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  1. 1. Do you agree with the US Supreme Court's decision upholding the Obama Healthcare Mandate?

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This society is doomed. Wait until you see what Obamacare will cost this country and how much taxes will increase to pay for it. Employers are already starting to think about dropping their private health plans and paying the fine for not having one because it will be cheaper not to.

That's ridiculous. Have you seen what the fines actually are- something like $40k.

Can you show me where you got the $40K amount from?

I read on Kiplingers site and others that it is:

11. A new tax on individuals who don't obtain adequate health coverage by 2014 -- this is often referred to as the individual mandate. The tax is to be phased in over three years, starting at the greater of $95, or 1% of income, in 2014, and rising to the greater of $695, or 2.5% of gross income, in 2016.

Read more: http://www.kiplinger...1#ixzz1z7esb9vr

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Edited by wooffer
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I think the mandate to make people take responibilty for their own health insurance is GREAT. This is a conservative Republican idea that was brought foward by the Heritage Foundation ( a very right wing consevative group)years ago, YES make people take responsibilty, a very conservative virtue. Mitt Romneys health plan put in place in Massachusettes 2006 is the same exact thing word for word.

The truth is the Republicans biggest fear is this new health care law might actually work..

Lets see how it goes and it can always be repealled down the road if it turns out to be a total failure. Maybe now our congress can work on getting our economy back on track.

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As bad as this law is, My bigger fear is the precident that this courts decision has set. Basically it gave congress the ability to mandate any behavior they deem neccessary by simply calling it a "tax". Thanks Roberts For the law or against it, it is impossible to not see a tremendous loss of personal freedom vanished today.

Edited by dave6x6
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I think the mandate to make people take responibilty for their own health insurance is GREAT. This is a conservative Republican idea that was brought foward by the Heritage Foundation ( a very right wing consevative group)years ago, YES make people take responsibilty, a very conservative virtue. Mitt Romneys health plan put in place in Massachusettes 2006 is the same exact thing word for word.

The truth is the Republicans biggest fear is this new health care law might actually work..

Lets see how it goes and it can always be repealled down the road if it turns out to be a total failure. Maybe now our congress can work on getting our economy back on track.

I think you should re-read the news. Obamacare doesn't make people responsible for their healthcare. It makes the working slobs of this country pay more in taxes so the lazy cant get subsidized insurance on our dime.

Bad news for you but Romney is no more a Republican than Barack is a Democrat. This healthcare plan is NOT a republican idea.

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I think you should re-read the news. Obamacare doesn't make people responsible for their healthcare. It makes the working slobs of this country pay more in taxes so the lazy cant get subsidized insurance on our dime.

Bad news for you but Romney is no more a Republican than Barack is a Democrat. This healthcare plan is NOT a republican idea.

not a republican idea?



and this is Fox News even, lol.

Edited by sits in trees
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this is why i do not, and will not follow politics. it is what it is, and and its just gonna kill you to bitch about it all the time. Its just stupid.

Could not dis-agree with you more. Politicians are stupid. Thank God that we had brave men and women risk and give their lives so you can have the freedom to do nothing but in our current state of affairs, i think you should man up, educate yourself, pick a side and participate in the preservation of freedom, or ride the sewer water into a banana republic. Edited by dave6x6
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Lets see how it goes and it can always be repealled down the road if it turns out to be a total failure. Maybe now our congress can work on getting our economy back on track.

Yeah, great idea, try it out and then try to fix it after it bankrupts our country. Nice plan.

BTW, Romney is anything but a Conservative, he is only the lesser of two evils, maybe.

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not a republican idea?



and this is Fox News even, lol.

The links you sent are for articles from the AP. The AP's reporting accuracy and objectivity is right up there with the NY Times. I see no mention that Republicans ever considered a tax on citizens to make the middle class pay for everyone elses health insurance....aka Obamacare.

The truth is just the opposite. It was the Republican controlled congress under BJ Clinton that stopped Hillary from a similar healthcare scam.

The closest thing mentioned is

In the early 1970s, President

Richard Nixon favored a mandate that employers provide insurance.

Not sure how you draw a connection to Obamacare from that statement.

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Woofer, with all do respect (because i am on your side on this obama thing) Sits in trees is actually mostly correct on the Republicans basically inventing the individual mandate but it's not entirely true that the heritage foundation were the masterminds behind the idea. And Sits, there were some pretty important reasons for this position at the time. It was devised as an alternative to Hillary care which put the mandate on the employers with the idea of forcing them to provide coverage for all full time employees. It was also to discourage the free-loader effect. And it was proposed as incentive based ,voluntary enrollment. Not mandatory comprehensive coverage, or pay the fine, or go to jail voluntary enrollment.. Big differences. Read Forbes: The Tortuous History of Conservative and the individual Mandate. Also, it should be noted that many true conservative think tanks have opposed mandates since the beginning.

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I paid $400 a month for med ins. up untill passage of bammer care! TheCompany I work for said they could no longer afford the plan we were on so they went down to a cheaper one that costs me around 360 a month. Only problem is it only covers a 1/4 of what they charge me. I can no longer pay my bills for medical. Before ins paid alot of it so I could keep up now I cant. And the cost is suppose to go up next yr for the same coverage I get now. So all I can say to Bammer is. :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou::fuck: :fuck:

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I am still standing beside myself scratching my head how this president has turned this country upside down. What scares me the most is how much he is holding back in hopes of getting re-elected. I am damn scared as to what his next 4 year plan is all about because I dont think we have even seen the begining of his socialist antics. Im sick just thinking about it. This jackass we have in the whitehouse is a discrace to this country and every man and women who have fought for our freedom. I cannot believe Obamacare was accepted. How can anyone be proud to call him our president is so far beyond anything I can fathom. I witness and personally know (ashamed to admit that) people and even a family member that are perfectly capable of getting off there ass and getting a job to support there family. But under Obama there is even less reason to do so. He has given our children no reason to be succesful when he puts absolute bullshit like this in our face. You are far more wealthy to have Obama hand you everything you need to take care of your family if you are an absolute bum and lazy SOB. I am ANGRY< PISSED OFF AND SICK to see this ass some call our president ruin this country. Mexico is looking like a better place to be in the near future if this ass gets re-elected. Hell when he gives them all a free pass to america we are going to have to move there to get a job. Im going to go puke now.

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I hate the very thought of being told I must buy insurance or get fined. But the alternatives are ??????? I would absolutely love to hear a solution. A solution that would work in reality not a theoretical or "perfect world" Let the sick die on the street?Back to survival of the fittest? Sounds good I have been blessed with being healthy and faster and bigger than most of my peers(of coarse I am getting older though). Not gonna happen ....we are paying already , like it or not. I have struggled on and off financially for much of my adult life(I am proud to say I paid my bills and received zero handouts). Yet, I have only had health insurance for a short time... If I was sick.. suck it up ...hurt , that is what duct tape is for . . But, the fact remains at some point my luck could have run out . I could have been seriously hurt or sick and it would have cost somebody $$$ it would not have been me(can't get blood out of a stone) I think this health care bill sucks..but I did not see any real alternatives introduced .

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During the days of Joseph Stalin’s rule over Russia, in a Marxist experiment, he made an unforgettable point in front of his henchmen. Stalin said nothing, but he clutched a nearby chicken, holding it with one hand and plucking each feather off of the chicken with the other. When he was done, he set the featherless, fear­-crazed chicken on the floor, with some bread crumbs in his hand he walked away. The chicken quickly raced over to him warming itself against Stalin’s pant leg. Then Stalin gave the chicken some bread crumbs and walked to the other side of the room and the chicken repeated its actions. Then Stalin said, “This is the way to rule the people. Did you see how that chicken followed me for food, even though I had caused it such torture? People are like that chicken. If you inflict inordinate pain on them they will follow you for food the rest of their lives.” (Zacharias 26-27)

The American people will get what they deserve.­
Edited by erussell
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Norman Thomas, leader of the Socialist Party of America and American socialist candidate for President, in a 1944 speech said, “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” (“The day socialism comes to America.”)

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We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing. With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor; while with others, the same word may mean for some men to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men’s labor. Here are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name ­ liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names ­ liberty and tyranny.” -Abraham Lincoln (Basler 403

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Could not dis-agree with you more. Politicians are stupid. Thank God that we had brave men and women risk and give their lives so you can have the freedom to do nothing but in our current state of affairs, i think you should man up, educate yourself, pick a side and participate in the preservation of freedom, or ride the sewer water into a banana republic.

I'm wondering what anyone is doing about the preservation of freedom in this case. The law stands and nobody will do anything about it. Where is anybody preserving freedom? The only way to preserve freedom is to throw off the current government. In fact it is our duty.

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From Roberts himself!!

The chief justice, while he may take heat from his conservative peers for the ruling, said the decision on the wisdom of the law will ultimately be left to the voters. "We do not consider whether the act embodies sound policies," he wrote. "That judgment is entrusted to the nation's elected leaders."

Roberts went on to say the court's role is to interpret the law, not make policy judgments which is for lawmakers "who can be thrown out of office if the people disagree with them. It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices."

Now lets see if this wakes up Americans or not. If the government can tell you that you have to have insurance what else can they cram up your arse!! And I gaurantee they are getting the biggest bottel of KY ready as I write this!!!

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Can you show me where you got the $40K amount from?

I read on Kiplingers site and others that it is:

11. A new tax on individuals who don't obtain adequate health coverage by 2014 -- this is often referred to as the individual mandate. The tax is to be phased in over three years, starting at the greater of $95, or 1% of income, in 2014, and rising to the greater of $695, or 2.5% of gross income, in 2016.

I might have misinterpreted the $40k statement. But, the line in you post is referring to the penalty on individuals, not businesses.

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I think the mandate to make people take responibilty for their own health insurance is GREAT. This is a conservative Republican idea that was brought foward by the Heritage Foundation ( a very right wing consevative group)years ago, YES make people take responsibilty, a very conservative virtue. Mitt Romneys health plan put in place in Massachusettes 2006 is the same exact thing word for word.

The truth is the Republicans biggest fear is this new health care law might actually work..

Lets see how it goes and it can always be repealled down the road if it turns out to be a total failure. Maybe now our congress can work on getting our economy back on track.

I agree. The response to this legislation is a product of the Republican agenda to sabotage the current administration. This has been their stated goal since the day Obama was elected. Ensure the failure of any efforts made by the current administration and then blame them for it during the next election campaign. It's comical- this plan was considered visionary by many when the current Republican nominee created it. Now, it's the end of the world as we know it.

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But I quit smoking, moderate my junk food intake, and walk up that hill so that I don't have to see the doctor that often so why should I be paying for those who wants to those vices? Seriously, you mean they get to enjoy all those vices and have someone else pay the financial consequences of it?

This is the big misperception. The truth is that you have always been paying for the care given to people who don't take care of themselves. The Affordable Healthcare Act does not change that.

It's not really on topic, but I have to comment on this notion that unhealthy habits cost us more money. I have yet to be convinced that people with unhealthy habits and lifstyles cost us anywhere near what it costs to keep all the health nuts for years and years on their preventive medication and procedures and then eventually in nursing homes for decades.

Anyone ever consider what the alternatives are to people dying early from their health neglect. Does anyone think that it is not a super costly venture to be constantly expanding the life expectancy. I love the term preventive health care .... as if you can actually cheat death and prevent inevitable health problems. The only real difference is that the ones with bad health habits leave us sooner. It's all a question of timing, and longer is not cheaper. Sure it's nice that we can maybe add a few years onto our lives and enjoy some extra time here, but let's not think that the benefit is in anyway financial. I don't believe it for a minute.

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I have very little thinking in common with this current president, but some one a page or so back asked the question of "What are the alternatives". It's all well and good to throw the stones, and many of the complaints are absolutely spot on. But I still have to ask where are (or were) the competing plans to solve the health insurance situation. Obviously health care is on the fast track to becoming unaffordable ..... anyone arguing about that? All the brilliant minds in the country, and I have not heard anyone come up with even a suggestion of another approach to the problem. They have been picking around the edges with tort reform and other obscure meaningless things. But where are the comprehensive plans? Did I miss them somewhere along the line?

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