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I was surprised by Paul Ryan's speech

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Seriously? He called a woman a slut on his radio show because he didn't agree with her and has lost lots of advertising for that and other over the top remarks and you say he is not foul mouthed?

Anyone who is having so much sex that they can't afford the birth control is a slut. ......I wish I was one...lol

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I would bet you can buy them on the card. But of course to mention that is racist, sexist anti woman anti immigrant, anti tall people, anti short people anti cat anti dog, anti shoes , anti socks....Blah ..blah blah.. Cowards.. All of them. /buy your own condoms, pills what ever and stop acting like it's your right to have someone else pay for it. You parasites! Sorry

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Yes, that's what we want, poor people, who can't afford birth control, having unplanned children. I'm sure that will be cheaper in the long run.


They seem to give condoms out everywhere. Planned parenthood even gives out free pills to those that can't afford. The whole stik that one woman was making was becasue of a medical condition she needed special pills I guess.

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Yes, that's what we want, poor people, who can't afford birth control, having unplanned children. I'm sure that will be cheaper in the long run.


Stop ...We all know that birth control only costs like $7000.00 per month. and that you can't find it free any place !!!

Face it some poor people make real poor choices. Oh Wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There ya go

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LMFAO. Where the hell have you guys been since this ass took office? Do you even recall the stimulous package? And do you really think I can believe anything that link supports when it says drunken sailor in the link? Yeah I revert back to if you read it on the internet is absolutely has to be true. Thanks for the good hard laugh guys I was completely unaware that anyone can draw a bargraph but yet anyone cant write an article to say whatever the hell they want it to say. Sorry but there isnt any need to put a spin on something that you guys just plain did yourself. Yep I read it on the internet LMFAO. Where the hell has common sense gone with some of you anyways? Why the constant shoving shit in peoples faces to try to justify your political views? You know I actually think that Obama hasnt spent a single taxpayers dollars, I do believe he is so just and so for the people he actually took his own money and spent it on his propaganda and bullshit bailouts. Hold on while I go write up an article to support that theory. UNREAL. So lets see Bush in 8 years added 4.9 trillion the the debt, in 3.5 years Obama your hero added 5.3 trillion to the debt. I guess I just need to go back to math class because I was awfully sure of myself that in 8 years 4.9 trillion was far less spending in comparison to the 5.3 Obama has spent in 3.5 years. My guess is next time you want to post up stats you might want to consider the amount of time into the equation versus just dollars. Funny even at that minor left out part Obama has still spent more money. The other odd thing I just cant figure out because you all know Im a racist idiot because I think Obama is about worthless is does any of those great valid on the internet sources you all rely on to confirm what you have been bred to believe say anything about how many jobs have been loss since this donk took the seat? Nope lets just sway the stats and facts and make believe he is awesome and done this country right. I will just ignore the local 10% unemployment rate, my bank account and the 6th business that closed it doors in my profession locally this year alone.

Edited by wdswtr
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Yes, that's what we want, poor people, who can't afford birth control, having unplanned children. I'm sure that will be cheaper in the long run.


Now that you've made the statement.. show some proof that poor people can't get birth control.. we already know that free birthcontrol is available to the poor and the not so poor.. the fact that poor women are getting pregnant has little to do with the availability of birth control and more to do with lack of responsibility... and that doesn't seem to be much of a problem either because they also have the option of a free abortion at the same place they get the birth control... can you see the problem we have here yet or is none of this getting through??

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Seems to be a common theme of lack of responsibility and inability to make good choices....oh....and no consequenses for your actions.

The problem with this line of thinking is that it ignores the fact that the consequences of these individuals' lack of responsibility are shared by all of us.

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Virgil,,,What more can you do but offer them the services for free. they can get the free birth control....and when not used..free abortions...and when not used, free healthcare and food and lodging and utilities and on and on.

So how do you stop it so the rest of us are not paying for their choices? Do we cut off benifits? no that is considered cold hearted. Do we make them go get an education so they can get a job. No that takes the free choice away. Do we manadate sterilization ...no that is just wrong.

The problem exists and throwing more money and services at it hasn't worked. It has only gotten worse. I just don't know anymore.

Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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The problem exists and throwing more money and services at it hasn't worked. It has only gotten worse. I just don't know anymore.

Agreed. I don't know either. But, the truth is that it's probably more costly in the long run to cut off the assistance. It's very frustrating. But, it's a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' / 'don't cut off your nose to spite your face' kind of situation.

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