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Northern Zone Bowhunters Get Hosed Again


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I went and got my bow tag over the weekend. I took a peek in the syllabus for opening dates and seasons. I see us northern zone bowhunters get hosed again. According to the syllabus we get one weekend of early season IF we have a leftover tag, then we have the weekend of Oct. 6th for everyone. Then on Oct.13th the blaze orange brigade hits the woods with the muzzloaders and daylight deer movement comes to an end. I'm glad you southern tier guys get over a month and some rut to bowhunt. We get one full weekend of regular season and that's it.

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I agree but will probably get chastized for it... I see why people do not come back to these forums or post for the first time. (Sorry just venting...)

After getting shot at last year I made the trip the 1st week availible to avoid any unwanted bullets. Hopefully this year will be better... Going deep for the weekend... With the exception of being shot at, always a good time...

Sep 27-Oct 2nd.

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Suprised no one mentioned being the same time as bear hunters as well. This is one good thing about having your own private property and probably just one more reason why so many have moved in this direction and posted their land as well. I will be on my own land and although ML wont be on my land while Im bowhunting it does lead to some fustration as to why our rifle season is so long and they feel the need to incorporate ML with Bow season after season. Why it is the way it is makes no sense. Why not give a week to ML out of Rifle season?

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I agree but will probably get chastized for it... I see why people do not come back to these forums or post for the first time. (Sorry just venting...)

After getting shot at last year I made the trip the 1st week availible to avoid any unwanted bullets. Hopefully this year will be better... Going deep for the weekend... With the exception of being shot at, always a good time...

Sep 27-Oct 2nd.

Shot at ? jeez man, did you return fire ? lol Just wondering what you do in a situation like that

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I don't see that bowhunters are 'screwed' as they may hunt at the same time. This is the reality of hunting public land. Hunting the northern zone also involves dealing with: many hikers, backcountry paddlers, an armada of kayaks attached to car tops, hippies, etc. If a great weekend is in the forcast, double it.

We can all wear a little orange, even bow hunters.

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I do not see how we are hosed. If you do not have a tag left feel fortunate. You must have tagged out last year opening day of archery as deer stop moving after that. I live just about as far north as you can be and I still am capable of seeing deer after the first day. I will be out there 9/15 looking for bear then the end of the month with the bow then with the mler when we invade the woods and take over. As i see it just another selfish rant for the poor archery guys. Wait until they make crossbows legal in archery. And as you may not know the week of mler is taken out of rifle, as it now starts a week later.

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Was it actually taken out of rifle or was rifle pushed back a week later? Trust me Im not preaching poor archery guys. I have said it before Im not feeling my preference is an elite form of hunting by any means. I prefer bow but I still love sporting a rifle or ML. I dont frown upon others choice of preference and feel pretty good that we have such choices and not limited to what someone else just wants us to use. I also fail to see the big contraversy with Xbows during archery either. What I do find extremely humorous is thread after thread you hear about people saying theres no place to hunt even with millions and millions of acres of state hunting land in NY, so if hunters have eaten up all the private land and posted it off to other hunters why the hell do we hear so much complaining about Xbows or ML in with Bow or most any other rant on such topics. Seems to me if they are all on private land its their choice to choose if they want to use a bow or xbow on there land, choice of taking the Bow or ML. Doesnt make much sense to me since no one seems to hunt state land since NY seems to not have any to hunt on. lol

Edited by wdswtr
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Nobody in the northern zone should be crying about anything. Our deer season is way to long reguardless of what you choose to hunt with. I would like to see a couple weeks of each. Bow,Muzzle,Rifle then hang it up. If ya cant get tags filled in a month and a half then......

I don't like this concept. Many of us cannot take time off work and a very short period of time exists for us. When Ohio had only 1 week of gun season, too many hunters were in the field at one time. Hunting is really different here, as they typically close most schools on opening day. Pretty neat.

They have extended the season an extra weekend during gun and have an enormous bow season with regular and compound represented.

Still not enough time.

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I don't like this concept. Many of us cannot take time off work and a very short period of time exists for us. When Ohio had only 1 week of gun season, too many hunters were in the field at one time. Hunting is really different here, as they typically close most schools on opening day. Pretty neat.

They have extended the season an extra weekend during gun and have an enormous bow season with regular and compound represented.

Still not enough time.

Are you tellin me you dont think 3 months of deer season is not giving you enough time to fill tags?????

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some people are never happy. What more do you want? It sounds like the woods to yourself for at least a month then the rest of us can join if if you have your tags filled. I agree a shorter season would be beneficial. Hunting is what it is. If you have other obligations well guess what so do the rest of us. I work 2 jobs one is mostly weekends. So if you think I or anyone else hunts from first light opening morning to last light of season closing, I think you are mistaken. No one has an unfair advantage here. You hunt when you can and do the life thing when you have to.

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That is twelve weekends, - 4 for being on call at work, -1 trip for college, -1 paying attention to wife= 6 weekends.

That is of course if I want to pay for a bow and Muzzleloader tag in NY.

So much is life!!! If you are also one of the guys that dont believe in AR and you are sayin you cant go out and kill one of, If not, the dumbest deer in the woods. Well i believe you would need to hone up on your hunting skills.

I guess i could complain that i work a full time job, Have my own business,Have a wife and 2 daughters but what good would that do. Life changes with the dropping of the leaves, Always has! 3 months of deer season, No antler Restrictions, Way to many DMAP permits and crappy soil is the reason Ny is the way it is.

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That is twelve weekends, - 4 for being on call at work, -1 trip for college, -1 paying attention to wife= 6 weekends.

That is of course if I want to pay for a bow and Muzzleloader tag in NY.

6 weekends is not enough? And for God's sake... why would you pay any attention to your wife during hunting season??? LOL... that would give you 7 weekends!!

Edited by nyantler
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I live on the border. I hunt state land for northern tier and belong to a lease/hunting camp southern tier. I don't seem to have a problem getting atleast one deer a season. If they change the whole state to AR, then I guess we will just have to deal with it or move. I guess you can't please em all.

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If you get one tag you can take one deer, two tags two deer. What difference does it make how long season is? It could be 6 months long, once someone tags out they're out of the woods anyway. If they have used their tags and are still killing deer then it wouldn't matter if season was open or not.

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