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send letters for crossbows in NY

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Seperate season=adding to it..ooooo a week...wow ;D

Put the weed down and go back and read the post... I said IF there were a separate season... not .... i want a separate season. And I think Oct 1st to the 7th would be good southern zone.. then a week off before bowseason

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You feel so confident as to lump "Everyone" in with You!? With the incoherent babbling you do  ...Hhhhmmm

Either Sits is off his meds or he's taking too many of them . His "babbling" has been annoying .

very true, most anti hunters do find me very annoying, likely due to the total lack of respect i show them. just the way i like it.
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Cc...follow antlers rules...SEPERATE SEASON..mz/bow..and you can use mzl durring gun..

I gotta meet you sometime to see if you are as goofy as you seem here... Don't ask me why.. but for some reason I like you Rocket.. you make me laugh.. you're still goofy but you make me laugh.

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Crossbow Magazine is starting production on its new TV show. The show will be 100% crossbow hunting for big game. It will be sponsored by TenPoint Crossbow Technologies and The American Broadhead Company. Episodes will be aired on the Sportsmans Channel.......did you hear that anti hunting crossbow Nitwits, the "SPORTSMANS CHANNEL".. :):P :P

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The sportsman channel would have a show on hunting with darts if the dart company paid for the slot.You have a crossbow and a broadhead company splitting the bill and trying to make some sales.Nothing new there!

so now there is something wrong with making money????sounds like another "COMMIE" anti hunter to me..
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man i can't wait to dance on the faces of DUHALOT, SPIKER, TURDSLINGER when our day comes. it is inevitable and they know it.......true sportsman will have their day and the above emntioned worms can crawl back into their holes...

So should I dance on your face until then?

You are gonna have a sore face.  ;)

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If there were a separate crossbow season... when should it be?

First half of October.

Works for me.. then I would definitely buy one..

I imagine a lot of folks would, and the state would sell a lot more crossbow stamps than they would by just adding them to bowseason.

But for every pro crossbow guy like yourself that could accept a reasonable compromise, there is a radical activist like Sitsintrees who demands everything.  So....there remains radical crossbow opponents who would allow nothing.

So instead of a win-win, and a reasonable ending to a controversial issue ..... we get bitter infighting and finger pointing.

And idiotic statements about dancing on faces.

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very true, most anti hunters do find me very annoying, likely due to the total lack of respect i show them. just the way i like it.

There really is no need to explain that you are a total jerk. Your posts speak for themselves, and I'm sure everyone has already spotted your anti-social mental defects and the fact that your warped personality really has nothing to do with crossbows or any other hunting issues. You merely join these forums as an opportunity to be rude without any consequences. Heck, I recognized that messed up personality a long time ago. You really don't have to restate the obvious.

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very true, most anti hunters do find me very annoying, likely due to the total lack of respect i show them. just the way i like it.

There really is no need to explain that you are a total jerk. Your posts speak for themselves, and I'm sure everyone has already spotted your anti-social mental defects and the fact that your warped personality really has nothing to do with crossbows or any other hunting issues. You merely join these forums as an opportunity to be rude without any consequences. Heck, I recognized that messed up personality a long time ago. You really don't have to restate the obvious.

hey DOC where you been?? i've missed you man!!!! hey the "JERK" comment is alittle on the testy side but glad to see you back :D :D :D :D .

now lets get down to business, tell us all again how crossbows will end civilized hunting for all of us and how the woods will be over run by Hells Angels and Pagans riding their Harleys, and possibly NY Mafia types walking around the woods in suits shooting crossbows at anything that moves, ROTFLMAO!!!!!!come on tell us, tell us Doc??

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you see what you anti x-bow guy's are going to eventually have to realize is hunting and hunting season is for the people of NY, and no matter how much it may frost your balls when the people of NY state decide to include crossbows in archery season your going to have to deal with it in your own little way. you may wanna give up the sport or see a shrink or put a gun in your mouth, whatever it is your going to have to deal with it the same way thousands of other hunters in other states have had to deal with it.

we have 100s of thousands of people who take part in NY's hunting seasons and it sure looks like the majority is strongly leaning to full inclusion sometime in the near future.

face it your surrounded, PA, NJ, etc, etc....it is just a matter of time, it might be a year or two or maybe 3 or 4 but it's going to happen and it will be good for the sport of hunting in NY, just like it has proven to be good for every other state that has adopted full inclusion.

you anti wingnuts will see that full inclusion will be alot less painfull than the frenzy you have worked yourselves into fighting it. you will see that the sky has not fallin and who knows you might even be able to enter the woods again and enjoy the sport that belongs not to any individual but to the people of NY.

hunting is not "yours" or "mine", and it certainly doesnt belong to the New York Bowhunter assc.

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