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What are you packing?


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Extra socks, and gloves

Got a roll of TP generally, and a zip lock bag with some scentless baby wipes

A few tree steps



An extra safety Belt, and my linemans Strap.

Flash light

Extra Knife

Pen, Zippy ties, keys to my cable locks

Heat packs

Water(camelbak pack)


GPS(depending on where I'm at)

Thats all I can think of right now.

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I have in my fanny pack.


scent blocker breath spray


knife with gut hook

bleat can

rattle bag

digital camera

hand warmers, cough suppressant tablets

extra head gear my light weight beanie with attached face mask for cool days and a full head and face fleece for those extra bitter cold days

That is all I can remember as of right now

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Ok. I just use some string for the tags but have recently seen the ties used in a butt-out video to I of the pulled out section.

ohhh i gues you can use them for that also. I dont see the point of the butt out tool when I gut it i rip out everything including the lineing that connects to the inside of the anus anyways. no tool needed IMO Edited by apoallo
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Just four hours....

gutting bag(wipes..knife..string...extra plastic bag a couple of sheets of paper towel )...flagging...snack.... hard candies to help stop coughs and a drink......tags are on my back ...cell in my front pocket calls in leg pocket....small scent away spray bottle in other leg pocket..I use a fanny pack

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I carry to much ! I keep the same stuff no matter where or how long. NY farms or mountains out west.

2 lights,headlamp and handlight.

First aid kit w/ Quick Clot. Knives and broad heads cut deep !

Gutting kit.gloves,zip ties,pen, tags.ez out, small folder for gutting,flagging

Extra facepiece.

Hat. If I wear a ball cap then carry watch cap. wear watch cap carry ball .

I have one haul line for all my stands.Its in my pack in the water bottle holder. I use it as a rope bag.tangle free works great.

Water. Snacks.

folding saw.

Survival pouch. Fire,compass,trash bags,550 cord ect.


lenght of rope.

and most important Fireballs!

Well maybe baby wipes are most important.....

Cell,wallet, large Spyderco folder on me.

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Interesting packs since many have said they would probably not be calling/rattling this early yet many have them packed. I feel the same way yet the calls and rattles often find their way in the pack even early in the season. Occasionally even a turkey call jumps in the bag, just in case.

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I tried to and sometimes do go light in gun on the last week end when we drive.I'd like to just grab a knife,light and gun, but then I need pen,like the gloves,wipes,rope for dragging and to tie in when I did not think I'd be in a stand..and so it goes....

I could use a son for dragging i got one 22 y/o daughter that hunts,not much at dragging but she's dissected human bodies , so as she says" gutting a deer is nothing" .

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my pack gets heavy too but I need it all:

1) safety belt

2) SPOT emergency unit

3) handheld GPS

4) flashlights 2

5) rangefinder

6) hand saw

7) camera and small tripod

8: calls

9) trail markers

10) bow hangers

11) knife

12) sunglasses

13) vented camo ball cap

14) tie wraps

15) license and pen

16) extra release

17) lighter

18) extra bow ropes

19) 1/2 inch camo rope for emergency safety belt

20) extra AAA batteries for SPOT device

21) extra AA batteries for GPS or flashlight

cold weather:

1) extra camo watchcap

2) extra neck warmer

3) extra batteries for electric foot warmers

4) hand warmers

Edited by skyhunter
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Call (grunt tube that can do bleats, etc), knife, pens, zip ties, wind checker, rangefinder, Livewire, headlamp, flashlight, spare release, spare hoist rope, spare tree strap, spare tree hanger, hand warmers. Thats what is always in my backpack.

If i sit all day I take 2 drinks, sandwich, snacks.

If I sit a half day or still hunt, I take 1 drink and some snacks.

For gun season I add my gun stuff (bullets, sabots, powder, etc)

I always have my cell, and if you get lost where I hunt, youre dumber than a rock lol.

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