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Who misses bow season already?!!


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I sure do! Had a pretty good bow season , shot three doe's , unfortunately lost one of em on opening day, shot a buck, had two encounters with one of my hitlist bucks, and saw deer nearly every sit... Saturday sounded like opening day of duck season on lake okechobee back home in Florida n havnt seen a deer since! First gun season up here n never seen so much orange in the woods in all the years I've been hunting, guess u guys r used to it, but dam! I couldn't believe archery, felt like I had the whole place to myself! Be back out with the rifle in Wyoming county Wednesday n see if I can make it a two buck season... Good luck from here on out... Feel like the seasons pretty much capoots already with all that hell fire... Can't wait till bow next year!!! Stay safe... Joey

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I like the variety that gun season affords. It is almost like a whole different activity. While they are both "hunting", they are completely different ways of hunting. For one example, today in a short while I will begin the still-hunting part of the hunting year. I don't bother doing that with a bow, but have been very successful in past years hunting that way with the gun.

Also, this is the time of the year when almost all of the hunters get involved. The discussions and experiences now expand to include everybody. Gun hunting seems to involve many more people and the gatherings and comraderie involve way more friends and relatives.

And then there is the fact that all those nasty little deer that have been thumbing their noses at me by staying out of bow range all of a sudden get a big surprise ..... lol.

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I always have mixed feelings when archery ends. I love bow hunting and if I had to make a choice (like Colorado) it would be easy but I also love gun, any gun! Like WNYBuckHunter, I enjoy the late season quite a bit. I put all my effort into bow and take it very seriously. Gun is just a good time to spend with friends & family.

When I get some more time, I'll post up a picture and a story about a REAL problem I had last Friday morning while getting ready to end my bow season. Wow, you won't believe it..................

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I miss it for sure. Played cat and mouse with a 140ish for the last 3 days on letchworth but could not seal the deal. He was locked with does in a very hard to get to spot. Had him at 60yds once. We were able to get one 140ish 11pt with an awesome look with the bow out of there and many with the shotguns but its far from the same for me.

I could handle bow only and antler restrictions but thats just me! Cant wait till next year but im also ready for the late season Bow/Muzzle down there!

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Many would say bow season is ridiculous.

Both would be foolish selfish statements.

Ah- SteveB.. We live in the same general area so I suspect that what I see and hear is similar to what you see and here near you; droves of orange coats pushing patch after patch of brush, people shooting from and across roads, trespassing, ATV riding where there shouldn't be, shots before and after legal hours, etc. The rah-rah-rah BS drives me nuts. I probably live too close to a large population center so maybe get to see more than my share of wannabe gunslinger yahoos that give a bad name to our sport. The only time I hear a complaint about bowhunters is when someone sees a deer with an arrow sticking out of its head, which is not often. The general public have issues with gun hunters all the time.

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I miss it.. especially after seeing some of the loons out rifle hunting.. driving through fields.. parking in fileds hunting out of their trucks.. just insane actions... Was one of the deciding factors in me shooting a 3 point that I passed up with the bow 3 days before... He would just get shot by one of these guys and figured better he be in my freezer than theirs.. I know, not the best management thinking, but my family only eats venison for red meat, we do not buy beef... I'm hoping muzzle loader has less idiots out...

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I miss it.. especially after seeing some of the loons out rifle hunting.. driving through fields.. parking in fileds hunting out of their trucks.. just insane actions... Was one of the deciding factors in me shooting a 3 point that I passed up with the bow 3 days before... He would just get shot by one of these guys and figured better he be in my freezer than theirs.. I know, not the best management thinking, but my family only eats venison for red meat, we do not buy beef... I'm hoping muzzle loader has less idiots out...

good point, especially if you only have state land to tromp around on... feel like every spot i go to there is some orange there... went to three spots saturday evening and couldn't find a place by myself... by that time i through a dart at the map and went. hell i even sat down in the third spot for half hour and stood up cause i wasn't feelin it and there was a dude 40 yds behind me... never even bothered to say hey im over here... glad we didn't try to shoot the same deer if it had walked up. at this point you'd be hard pressed to see a deer, so when you do, BANG! during archery i have no problem passing up deer cause i know im gonna see more, but now its just luck of the draw to see em... glad i still have a DMP to burn cause i hate shooting little bucks... but as a broke gradschool student im not scared to put meat in the freezer either...

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Personally I don't get it what this fuss is all about. We are all hunters, we have the same goal to harvest a buck or doe, what tool does one use is a personal preference. Bow, shotgun, MZ, crossbow, who cares, just shut up and hunt and hope you get lucky and fill your freezer for the next year. It reminds me of Chevy vs. Ford debate, we are all drivers who cares what you drive, you drive what you like or can afford. Orange army this, crossbow that...I bet ya 90% of folks on this forums hunt all seasons, so I don't get it why some people get bend out of shape for bow.....like it is special, yeah its harder but that's why it starts early....OK off my soap box now :-)

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Personally I don't get it what this fuss is all about. We are all hunters, we have the same goal to harvest a buck or doe, what tool does one use is a personal preference. Bow, shotgun, MZ, crossbow, who cares, just shut up and hunt and hope you get lucky and fill your freezer for the next year. It reminds me of Chevy vs. Ford debate, we are all drivers who cares what you drive, you drive what you like or can afford. Orange army this, crossbow that...I bet ya 90% of folks on this forums hunt all seasons, so I don't get it why some people get bend out of shape for bow.....like it is special, yeah its harder but that's why it starts early....OK off my soap box now :-)

you actually inadvertently proved my point,,,, people get all bent out of shape about bow, but it is harder given the circumstances.. but i feel because of that, a bow hunter is a more dedicated/ethical woodsman taking the time to scout scout scout, put in the time, master scent control and wind to get em in close, and appreciate a kill more than just a gun hunter.... sorry for those of you who are gun hunters only who are legit, but i feel that a good majority of the masses are weekend warriors who expect to buy orange the day before season, a deer cart, some rounds, and walk outa the woods the next day with a deer.. for some yes it does happen that way, but by luck.... not like the rest of us who put in the time and work before and during archery to put that deer on the ground.... now im not talking to ya'll like me who are bow hunters first and gun hunters second... i'm talking to the guys who pick up the gun but a few times a year and one of them being opening day of gun...

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Me... I miss the solitude. Knowing no one else is around and the deer will be moving, or not, in their natural state while I wait in ambush. Ahhhhhhhh! Love it! Miss it!!!

pure bliss my man, pure bliss... first season up here n felt like i had the place to myself during bow unlike where i come from... felt like the deer could move naturally and i saw a good amount... i can't wait for next years bow! dialed in my bow spots now and next years gonna be a killer!

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How's any bowhunter more dedicated? The hunting implement doesn't make you a better hunter, your personal approach to the craft does.... there are lazy asses bow hunters as are many gun or MZ hunters. It is YOU that makes the difference no matter what tool you use...IMO

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