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hunting over corn


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I know this subject had been talked about briefly but when talking about a cornfield that has been just "roto chopped" with no attempt to collect the corn would you consider this baiting when dealing with deer only. I know its against the law for waterfowl where every attemp must be made to harvest the crop.

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nope, saw three guys in court today with lawyers for getting written tickets for "deer hunting" over a cut corn lot not attempting to harvested all got guilty....guilty....guilty $250.00 a piece. After the attorny told the judge that there was no difference in the standing corn that was legal to hunt and the corn that was "mowed" down the Encon officer spoke to the ADA stating that hunting deer in their normal state of browsing standing corn was different then when it is cut and on the ground where deer would congrigate and have the chance of passing diseases by eating off the ground. Judge liked it and fines stood.

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nope, saw three guys in court today with lawyers for getting written tickets for "deer hunting" over a cut corn lot not attempting to harvested all got guilty....guilty....guilty $250.00 a piece. After the attorny told the judge that there was no difference in the standing corn that was legal to hunt and the corn that was "mowed" down the Encon officer spoke to the ADA stating that hunting deer in their normal state of browsing standing corn was different then when it is cut and on the ground where deer would congrigate and have the chance of passing diseases by eating off the ground. Judge liked it and fines stood.

That is absolute Bullsh*t not your story but the verdict

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Public defender?My paid lawyer better do better than that!!!

So you get fined for hunting does the farmer get fined for feeding.Because you stated how the econ officer said ;" the Encon officer spoke to the ADA stating that hunting deer in their normal state of browsing standing corn was different then when it is cut and on the ground where deer would congrigate and have the chance of passing diseases by eating off the ground. Judge liked it and fines stood.So according to this the attorney should have been all over it stating that it wasn't the "hunter" that was breaking the laws.Baiting and feeding could be classified as two seperate things.

i could post the Definitions but you know what i am saying.Cut corn is not baiting.And the farmer cut the corn.So then how does the hunter get fined for feeding.Sounds like the PD my son had.The typed that shruggs his shoulders and says all well.Next please.

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Not knowing anything about that case other than what was posted here sounds a little rediculous.

I'm thinking maybe they plead that one down from something more serious of a charge.

Maybe they dozed all the corn into one end of the field or something crazy like that. I just think there may be a little more to the story that wouldn't necessarily come out in court if they settled for that verdict.

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Most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Every single deer in a herd lick each other and stick there mouths in each others asses, every single deer. It is ridiculous to think that this would impact deer spreading diseases.

Once again.the hunters didn't pile up the corn.So why did they get fined for baiting or feeding?The farmer piled up the corn or just plain cut it.That means the hunters were not the ones feeding.Just a backwords loop hole in the judicial system is all.

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I agree that this is BS but, if I find a salt lick in the area I hunt that I did not place there and I hunt over it, won't I get nailed for hunting over bait? Kind of the same thing except for the salt lick being manufactured and not grown on site.

Edited by crappyice
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nope, saw three guys in court today with lawyers for getting written tickets for "deer hunting" over a cut corn lot not attempting to harvested all got guilty....guilty....guilty $250.00 a piece. After the attorny told the judge that there was no difference in the standing corn that was legal to hunt and the corn that was "mowed" down the Encon officer spoke to the ADA stating that hunting deer in their normal state of browsing standing corn was different then when it is cut and on the ground where deer would congrigate and have the chance of passing diseases by eating off the ground. Judge liked it and fines stood.

There may be more to this story than what we are aware of. Otherwise it doesn't make sense.

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Once again.the hunters didn't pile up the corn.So why did they get fined for baiting or feeding?The farmer piled up the corn or just plain cut it.That means the hunters were not the ones feeding.Just a backwords loop hole in the judicial system is all.

Unfortunately the officer doesn't necessarily know for sure whether the corn was piled by the farmer to help the hunters per their request, especially if the hunters are the ones telling him that the farmer piled it... they just know for sure that the guys were hunting near piled corn...be an easy way to get around the law by having the farmer pile corn for you promising to take the blame if you get caught... if I'm an Encon officer I make the arrest and let them plead their case in court.

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