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Has the Zombie Apocalypse begun?

sits in trees

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Its possible that it has begun and we are all too stupid to even realize it. Unlike how its portrayed in movies usually happening overnight i think its underway and has been for about 20 years and as recent events have shown it grows worse every year. The decades of 50% divorce rates and mothers having to leave their children every day to work are starting to show there results with disconnected kids who are saddled with all kinds of new mental illnesses and much like zombies they are feelingless and can commit horrible acts without showing any emotion or remorse.

I mean is it natural for a child to have 3 different fathers, dozens of differant daycare workers and having to move multible times in the process of growing up. We have pacified ourselves with phrases like ohhh its better for the children if they seperate or ahhh children are resilient they bounce right back, well do they really? Growing up my parents never divorced but i can remember having to move at the age of 13 being very traumatic and it still evokes certain feelings in me to this day.

What im seeing now is we have a generation thats been exposed to this already new norm of a lifestyle having children of their own and the manifestation continues without any of us even realizing.

We can cry for gun control or censoring video games and movies but im afraid we are to far gone as a society and i truly believe we are only at the very beginnings of what is yet to come.

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zombie epidemic? not quite... if there was to be one, id say it would start out as a few unexplained isolated incidences covered up by military and the government then before long would spread like an uncontrollable fire. Within in weeks 70% of the world would be infected... Just my guess tho lol

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i pretty much expected light hearted responses to this, but thats what we pretty much do in helpless situations, because there really isnt anything anyone can do but wait for the next shooting and hope its not in our town, or in a school we have a kid in or a movie theater we happen to be in, or burger king next time we are eating lunch...this situation i believe cant be fixed and will get worse, oohh well Happy New Years folks...

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It's indicative of the culture we're surrounded by. The fact that these quality educational programs are no longer available is because people stopped watching them. I remember as a kid I was facinanted watching Bob Ross paint. It was like watching a magician at work and you're waiting for the big finale in the end. Kid today will probably find him boring.

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It's indicative of the culture we're surrounded by. The fact that these quality educational programs are no longer available is because people stopped watching them. I remember as a kid I was facinanted watching Bob Ross paint. It was like watching a magician at work and you're waiting for the big finale in the end. Kid today will probably find him boring.

Depends on how they are raised. My daughter reads more than she watches TV or play video games. I dont even have to prompt her to do so very often. The trick is to limit the time she spends with the video games and things like that.

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Depends on how they are raised. My daughter reads more than she watches TV or play video games. I dont even have to prompt her to do so very often. The trick is to limit the time she spends with the video games and things like that.

the only reason i have bad eyes and wear contacts is from years of staying up past midnight reading when i could hardly see the words... thats how much i love reading...

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I know of a women who drives a school bus and the things going on there are insane, lots of parents have choosen to drive their children to school because of it, its pure mayhem on these buses today. We have all seen bullying on school buses growing up but nothing like whats happening today. They have to have video cameras and monitors on every bus today.

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This is a double you tee eff topic all the way. lol. Zombies? wow. Its all on how we bring up our children. Give them the proper security, love and protection, and more love they need, the better their future wil be. Gee whiz, look at how many foster kids and orphans are out there. Look at moms throwing their infants in dumpsters....... That leads to the heroin addict, dope smokin, bath salt chewin pill poppin Bi+ches you see today. Disgrace.

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Some kids and their parents are real jerks ! One of my daughters is in charge of kids that are on School Detention . One of those little turds won't serve detention with her and serves it with a teacher instead .

The reason -- my daughter doesn't let the kids use their cell phones in her room while they are serving detention . What's with the teacher ??? These kids can't live without a phone and are turning into Zombies .

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women i know who drives this school bus had a young darling about 14 yrs old point his finger at her head on his way out of the bus and tell her, im gonna bust a cap in yo head, i know what your thinking but he was a white kid....she filed a report with the school and they did absolutely nothing about it.

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