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Let's throw some gas on the fire - MI Report


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How about this one guys?...[snip]...I also think it should be up to the landwoners do decide the amount of pressure they will impose on their property. Make them legal on private land.

Now there's a compromise I could live with. My land borders state land, so it would be a minor inconvenience to have my crossbow legal on one side of the line, but not the other. I could live with that.

Zhe Wiz

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But is it considered archery? It's not "bow season" it's a special archery season.

Ive posted these for you before, but here they are again just in case you suffer from some sort of memory loss.


That definition includes crossbows as a type of bow used in archery.


That definition describes crossbows being shot by archers.

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I'm not sure what school you graduated from, but wikipedia is not the definitive say in anything. Do you know how wikipedia works? anyone can create and edit anything, you dont even need an account. Write a college paper and use wikipedia as a source. let me know how well you do.

for example, please go back now and read your second link and let me know where someone with a crossbow is mentioned as an archer :pogranichnik:

but pre-edit here is some statements from your wonderful wikipedia that counter your point

In the armies of Europe,[42] mounted and unmounted crossbowmen, often mixed with javeliners and archers, occupied a central position in battle formations.

Today, the crossbow often has a complicated legal status due to the possibility of lethal use and its similarities to both firearms and archery weapons. While some jurisdictions regard crossbows the same as firearms, many others do not even require any sort of license to own a crossbow — even for people, such as felons, who may not legally possess a firearm. The legality of using a crossbow for hunting varies widely, however (especially in United States), and is beyond the scope of this article.

so you can see. claiming it as 100%, is in fact 100% false...

Yawn ........ how long before this gets to page 20 ?

i'm over it. it's fun to kill the time at work but its run its course again...

Edited by Belo
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Ive posted these for you before, but here they are again just in case you suffer from some sort of memory loss.


That definition includes crossbows as a type of bow used in archery.


That definition describes crossbows being shot by archers.

Add the IBO to the list.

International BOWhunting Org.

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I'm not sure what school you graduated from, but wikipedia is not the definitive say in anything. Do you know how wikipedia works? anyone can create and edit anything, you dont even need an account. Write a college paper and use wikipedia as a source. let me know how well you do.

for example, please go back now and read your second link and let me know where someone with a crossbow is mentioned as an archer :pogranichnik:

but pre-edit here is some statements from your wonderful wikipedia that counter your point

In the armies of Europe,[42] mounted and unmounted crossbowmen, often mixed with javeliners and archers, occupied a central position in battle formations.

Today, the crossbow often has a complicated legal status due to the possibility of lethal use and its similarities to both firearms and archery weapons. While some jurisdictions regard crossbows the same as firearms, many others do not even require any sort of license to own a crossbow — even for people, such as felons, who may not legally possess a firearm. The legality of using a crossbow for hunting varies widely, however (especially in United States), and is beyond the scope of this article.

so you can see. claiming it as 100%, is in fact 100% false...

Well seeing as the dictionary sites dont delve into what implements comprise archery, we have to go with a far more descriptive source. The information provided in the wikipedia articles is unbiased and very detailed, and yes, I do know how it works. You can choose to cherry pick here and there to try and prove your point all you want, but the basic jist of the subject remains.

Heres a challenge for you, seeing as you seem to think of yourself as some type of brilliant definitive on the subject (that sound was my eyes rolling as I typed that), post something to prove that it isnt the case. From a source that would be considered unbiased.

BTW belo, its nice to see that you went through and edited the wikipedia page to remove the section that described crossbow shooters as archers, which has been in the description for a long time. I could actually dig around and find the thread in which I posted this description and quoted it directly to you some time ago. Its nice to know that you are the type of person that uses underhanded means to try and prove your point.

Oh, and I took the liberty to undo your edit on the wiki page.

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Add the IBO to the list.

International BOWhunting Org.

Yep, we could sit and list the organizations that say they are bows and are archery equipment all day long, but it wont matter to him. Hes so blinded by the falsities that NYB spews, along with his massively egotistical attitude that would never allow him to admit to being wrong, he is just incapable of removing the blinders and seeing things for what they are.

Its ok though, if hes happy with all that wool pulled over his eyes, thats his choice.

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Doc, did you notice the part where belo went in to the wikipedia page and actually edited the reference to the shooter being an archer out? Then tried to claim it was never there. Good thing wikipedia keeps logs of all the changes, and one happened to happen today right before belo posted on here. Hmmmmmm.

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i was simply proving to you that wikipedia is not a reliable source. That was all. You never responded to my question about writing a college paper sorting it though. Although if your eyes make a noise when they roll, maybe I already know the answer...

but you can quote the dictionary



notice it refers to an archer as bows an arrows, nothing about bolts...

Edited by Belo
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Doc, did you notice the part where belo went in to the wikipedia page and actually edited the reference to the shooter being an archer out? Then tried to claim it was never there. Good thing wikipedia keeps logs of all the changes, and one happened to happen today right before belo posted on here. Hmmmmmm.

wtf are you talking about? I told you exactly what I did when I said "pre-edited". seriously do you not see what I was doing to prove a point?

but pre-edit here is some statements from your wonderful wikipedia that counter your point

Edited by Belo
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i was simply proving to you that wikipedia is not a reliable source. That was all. You never responded to my question about writing a college paper sorting it though. Although if your eyes make a noise when they roll, maybe I already know the answer...

but you can quote the dictionary



notice it refers to an archer as bows an arrows, nothing about bolts...

LMAO, uh huh. Backpeddle backpeddle!

BTW, bolts are just slightly shorter arrows, made the same way, same components, etc. Just a quick snippet of info for your misinformed mind.

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wtf are you talking about? I told you exactly what I did when I said "pre-edited". seriously do you not see what I was doing to prove a point?

Funny that instead of just inserting something completely obvious into the article (which would prove the same "point") you edited it TWICE and removed the exact quote that I was referring to. Coincidence? Not to anyone with a bit of common sense. Its blatantly obvious what you did.

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you claim I have blinders, but the word pre-edit means nothing? I'm backpedaling? I forget how many deer you've taken with a bow, or if you bowhunt. I dont even really care anymore. You have a hard on for me and the NYBH, and I'm over letting you get to me but I'll concede that despite my best efforts that you have. I have a good job, a wife and kid and I'm a happy man. I dont need to keep fighting with a lonely man on the internet.

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Funny that instead of just inserting something completely obvious into the article (which would prove the same "point") you edited it TWICE and removed the exact quote that I was referring to. Coincidence? Not to anyone with a bit of common sense. Its blatantly obvious what you did.


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Believe me belo, I have no "hardon" for you. Sorry to disappoint you, but I dont swing that way. What I do enjoy though, is discounting your misinformation BS.

I obviously have you frazzled at this point, you cant even get the abbreviation of your beloved NYB right.

I have a fiance, 2 wonderful kids, a great job and lots of good friends. Im far from lonely, thanks for your concern though.

Have a great day.

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“Here we have a weapon of beauty and romance. He who shoots with a bow, puts his life’s energy into it. The force behind the flying shaft must be placed there by the archer. At the moment of greatest strain, he must draw every sinew to the utmost; his hand must be steady; his nerves under absolute control; his eye keen and clear. In the hunt he pits his well trained skill against the instinctive cunning of his quarry. By the most adroit cleverness, he must approach within striking distance, and when he speeds his low whispering shaft and strikes his game, he has won by strength of arm and nerve. It is a noble sport.” -- Dr. Saxton Pope (1923)

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Doc, did you notice the part where belo went in to the wikipedia page and actually edited the reference to the shooter being an archer out? Then tried to claim it was never there. Good thing wikipedia keeps logs of all the changes, and one happened to happen today right before belo posted on here. Hmmmmmm.

Actually, I didn't notice anything .... lol. It really doesn't excite me to see two guys playing word games, and I have stopped paying a lot of attention to either side. I could care less who thinks a crossbow is a bow or not or who can prove that their source is better than the other guy's. Who really cares? It's absolutely irrelevant. It's definitely not worth trying to make enemies over.

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Take the string from the crossbow... doesn't shoot.

Take the sting from the longbow or compound... doesn't shoot

Take the arrow from the crossbow... doesn't shoot

Take the arrow from the longbow or compound... doesn't shoot

Take the string and arrow from a gun... oh no... I can't seem to find the string and arrow... can't be right... I've been told how much a crossbow is like a gun... there must be a string and arrow somewhere.. I'll keep looking while you fellas debate which is the best dictionary to use to make your point.. :sarcastic:

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Actually, I didn't notice anything .... lol. It really doesn't excite me to see two guys playing word games, and I have stopped paying a lot of attention to either side. I could care less who thinks a crossbow is a bow or not or who can prove that their source is better than the other guy's. Who really cares? It's absolutely irrelevant. It's definitely not worth trying to make enemies over.

I guess you missed the point. Had nothing to do with whose source is better. Thats ok though Doc.

Joe, funny stuff!

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