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Lets get your facts straight Doewacker...not once did he ever admit to committing a felony....

1. he said years ago...that would be before all the feel good laws


2. he said in the paddock of a sheep farm...legal all day long


I can't tell you how many times in just recent years that the Livingston County dog warden told me if they are in the fencing shoot them....


I admire you being passionate about your domestic dogs...I don't believe there is a responsible pet owner here that isn't...I don't care for your exhibiting and apparent absolute cluelessness as to how dangerous the family pet can be while out of your control and especially if "packed up " with other family pets.

I hope you never have a DEC officer tell you  your lucky you had your shot gun when you happened upon the neighbors yellow lab eating the rear end of a live deer....for when he charged you foaming at the mouth in a "feeding frenzy", ...he would have gone for your throat....See I think of that often when walking in the woods...because I missed him and hit the chocolate lab that was with him...thankfully he was so close the shot caused him to veer off at the last second and the chocolate took off in the other direction....I could have had 2 on me or it could have been my daughter or son out there.....

There is nothing you could ever say to me or about this subject that would change my attitude.

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I didn't see that ...


You need to tell me where I ever even hinted at being above the law...in fact there are several dogs still alive that should not be around here,under the law.


Perhaps there in lies the problem...you may not know the law as well as you think.

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Most feel good laws are fairly new, thank disney for humanizing animals (read the book bambi felix salten wrote in the late 1800 that bambi was made from its a real eye opener), many a cat/kittens been drowned in gunny sacks on the farm when i was a kid. same as taking them to a shelter and them putting them down only a vet doesn't get rich, or a pet cemetary.... i even had to put down my own horse when i was 12 , grandpa showed me the place to aim behind the ear. bang flop. better than letting it suffer and learning the value of life growing up on a farm are things that most  of suburbia will never understand so they just make laws to uphold their own beliefs.

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My husband is the same way. He will put a animal or pet down to stop its suffering, he hates doing it but it is done for the animal. I think after so many times it has to effect a person , even a vet. I don't think i could do it myself.

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I didn't see that ...


You need to tell me where I ever even hinted at being above the law...in fact there are several dogs still alive that should not be around here,under the law.


Perhaps there in lies the problem...you may not know the law as well as you think.



"but if I have a weapon...which I now carry at all times on my land now ......and a dog runs at me...with my past court history...police and DEC calls...and medical bills...The dog will be dropped and I have no concerns of legal ramifications"



Why wouldn't they belive you, after all you have been attacked by Chipmunks, Squirells, Deer, Bear, Bats, Yellow Labs, Meth heads and on and on.

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"but if I have a weapon...which I now carry at all times on my land now ......and a dog runs at me...with my past court history...police and DEC calls...and medical bills...The dog will be dropped and I have no concerns of legal ramifications"



Why wouldn't they belive you, after all you have been attacked by Chipmunks, Squirells, Deer, Bear, Bats, Yellow Labs, Meth heads and on and on. :girlcrazy:


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Well sarcasm is always a good way to go when you don't have a legitimate argument...and exaggeration as well.....I'm impressed, it only took you nearly two hrs to think that up ....

Really why wouldn't they believe me when I called after the lab charged me and I shot.....when I didn't shoot the shepherd in the pic ...but returned their other dog unharmed....when I ended up being taken by ambulance to the hospital due to my thigh muscle tearing ....Because a neighbors dog chased me as I ran backwards up our hill defending myself with a tree limb......Why ? because I yelled at it as it chased deer through our woods...or when the dogs from a half mile away treed me in a stand then went on to bite another neighbor.....Or the two pitbulls from a mile away chased me down the drive and circled the house as I called the sheriff...I have no problem calling the authorities when I have to defend my self...I have a legal right to do so...and to carry my rifle with me...

Edited by growalot
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By the way.....That's the difference between ppls lives....I can talk about the crazy happenings I have lived through and they are a matter of fact ,part of being outdoors all the time.....just like some ppl have the daily commuter stories and board room BS....paper cut excitement....

Some can relate and others can't...

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There was an incident a few weeks back just north of here. Dogs were seen by several people  BITING..CHASING TORMENTING DEER...AND THE DEC.. DID NOTHING ABOUT IT!!

I own several hunting dogs. I will NOT tolerate a deer runner. period! I have told land owners if they see one of my hounds chasing a deer on there land...shoot it

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Hope they never make it to Jefferson County!  Well my part of it anyways!



You don't have to worry about me and my dogs hanging around your deer pen, I have zero interest in it.


And for the record should anyone ever harm one of my dogs I would go after them one of two ways, either legally and make them pay out the ass for their mistakes or I would just react violently. I shouldn't have to worry about it though, I actually train my dogs and don't hang around fools like you.

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   The idiot from Hyde Park also left messages on the dog owners phone. "I shot your dog." " It didn't take many shots, but it was fun emptying the clip", "I'm looking at your dogs corpse right now" A real tough talker. He even mentioned that it was fun using 7.62mm ammo. He shot within a few feet from other houses too.

 The dog was a happy boxer that wanted to play with his dogs. It accidentally ran outside when someone knocked on the owners door. 

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Does it really bother you that much to get called out for thinking you are above the law?  Well good luck in court when you finaly do shoot a neighbors animal.

should anyone ever harm one of my dogs I would go after them one of two ways, either legally and make them pay out the ass for their mistakes or I would just react violently.


You certainly assume a lot...you do realize you can't "call someone out" for thinking something that is in your mind only right?


Your are really a piece of work you know ...I'll take a mental health report on me and compare it to yours...any day of the week.   Then perhaps a professional could explain the difference to you in regards to ..."dropping a dog that is charging me" and your "should anyone ever harm my dog....I would just react violently"....Okee dokee...lol

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If you have ever been bitten by a stray or somebody's pet and had to go threw the rabies tests I do not think you would want an animal running or charging you after that.

Doc, I think this subject is getting out of hand and should be pulled, No reason to be arguing with one another.

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Doewacker..I did shoot a neighbors dog...the DEC told me I was lucky I had my gun on me...no court...no ticket..I called the cops they investigated it..I was well in my legal rights...what part of protecting ones self and livestock on their property don't you get?


By the way Yes very illegal to shoot a dog that is chasing deer...take pics for it cost the owners a lot of money when you have proof... Then the second time ...the DEC with eat the cost of putting the dog down...save your self the cost of a bullet.



Edited by growalot
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Hey look grow doesn't know the title of thread I guess. I know about live stock and personal protection laws. This thread was about dogs running deer and then it turned into you justifying shooting dogs. Again good luck in court proving the whole protection is why you shot the dog thing in the future.

And good idea for all you giving animal rights groups more ammo by boasting about shooting dogs, real great idea for a hunting website.

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I don't post a lot, but read this board frequently for the good information and non-drama that I see on other boards.


Please stop arguing and insulting people.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion and additions to the discussion. It doesn't take a lot of effort to keep it respectible. Please make that little effort, OK?



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