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Suggestion - DEBATE Forum!

Cabin Fever

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John -

Listen. Don't know if it's just me or not, but I really think it would be a good idea to have a "Debate" forum. I am soooooo sick of seeing the posts regarding hot/debate topics, where either someone starts a post to stir the pot or just "drops a turd, then leaves". Its sad to see all the infighting and bickering that these guys do and it makes sportsmen look bad! Don't these guys have a real life to stress over? Seems like it's always the same head-strong/ opinionated/arrogant/pompus/asses that will get up on their soapbox and push their opinions on everyone else until they're blue in the face! It's like a pitbull grabbing onto something and not letting go! I'm sick of seeing it too! It's like hearing Democrats and Republicans bash eachother in a political debate and nothing gets resolved. So what's the point??

God knows, there are plenty of topics to keep these boys going so they can have their pissin' contests! (ie. mandatory hunter orange, AR, baiting, crossbows, ethics, food plots, etc...)

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Hmmmm......Let's debate this issue. 


If we start a debate forum, the other forums might go wanting.

All things considered, I like the idea!

A good debate on an issue is very informative, provided people debate politely and not degenerate into name calling and innuendo.


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What's the problem? Most of the subjects have some pretty definitive titles. If you don't like the subject, don't click on the topic.

If you want sterile, non-confrontational topics, anyone that wants to can start one can. You want topics that have no opposing opinions, I doubt there is a forum around that can supply that (or wants to).

Do you want censorship?


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I think you'll know which ones can/should be moved there, just by looking at the posts! And the pages upon pages of bantering back and forth without accomplishing anything! I'm sure I could point you to a few!!  Just need a sandbox for these boys to have their pissing contest in! Like bucks that need to show dominance? Need to belittle others that don't share the same view? Bullies on the playground? I dunno...

Life is too stressful as it is. I come here for stress relief and to BS about something as enjoyable as hunting! Imagine how bad it will be after season closes if it's this bad now? Jeez!

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What's the problem? Most of the subjects have some pretty definitive titles. If you don't like the subject, don't click on the topic.

If you want sterile, non-confrontational topics, anyone that wants to can start one can. You want topics that have no opposing opinions, I doubt there is a forum around that can supply that (or wants to).

Do you want censorship?


Sounds like someone is getting ready to whip it out! LOL

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My opinion is, if it looks like a "hot topic" or the thread gets a little too warm for you, dont read it. Nobody is twisting your arm to read anything on here. Internet forums are much like radio, TV, movies and any other form of entertainment, if you dont like the channel (subject), then change the channel. If you want to see what a hunting forum looks like with censorship and that only allows mild debate, go look at deerhuntingchat.com its traffic is pretty light in comparison to other hunting forums. I am a mod over there and have stopped going because I have seen what the policy over there has done, its driven members away. Id rather spend my time on a site that doesnt rule with an iron fist. Take a look at one of the largest, busiest sites in the sportsman forum category on the net, Archerytalk. They let things fly for the most part on there and it takes alot to get banned or put in time out. They have a huge, huge following.

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I just feel like some formal rules need to be put in place. Unfortunately you are going to have people that have attitudes, especially on an internet forum. Also, you are going to have people that are constantly offended by anything even vaguely confontational. All you can do is lay down some guidelines and stick to them. If the guidelines are too strict, youll choke the life out of the site, if you just let it be a free for all, well it gets out of control and becomes worthless. You need to keep a nice, happy medium, and to be honest, I think this site is doing a darn good job of maintaining that. You will never, ever ever please everyone.

The woodshed seemed to be the tipping point on the Empire site. The rest of the board dried up and the woodshed got too hot. It killed the site. Doing something similar would not be good for this site either.

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"The woodshed seemed to be the tipping point on the Empire site. The rest of the board dried up and the woodshed got too hot. It killed the site. Doing something similar would not be good for this site either"

That may have been a contributing factor, however sites such as these are seasonal and it takes a lot of work to keep a site that serves a specific niche alive and interesting. You are spot on with your statement: it is important " to keep a nice happy medium" and to date the moderators have succeeded.

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I'd like to have a formal set of rules, something simple, easy.  I'll draft something up when I have some free time, open to suggestions.  I'll search the net, I'm sure there are some good ones out there.  The mods here are great, and whats even better, is they have not had any issues at all other then a spammer or two getting through the spam checker.  The members here have been awesome.

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It's not broke . Don't fix it . A couple of threads on here would get locked on other sites and someone would get a pm telling him to settle down , blah , blah , blah ! There is enough Political Correctness in the world without bringing it to this site . Members have had to Freedom to argue their points / views etc..

If you know a topic is hot ( Blaze Orange ) , don't go there . Seems foolish to need a special forum to argue a disagreement . alt=my sidehttp://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/2cents.gif[/img]

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I'm NOT saying there should be censorship OR that we need rules! Just have a designated forum for these boys to have their throw-downs, so they can stand on the soap box and beat their chests! This sounds easier to me than creating "rules for play"!

I'm still a bit confused as to just how anyone would know exactly what topics are to go into this "special" forum. Obviously there would have to be some rules or criteria established. And then, what would the purpose be? Would that be to shield people's sensitivities from confrontational subject matter? I always figured that topic titles gave members an opportunity to not access certain topics that they had some kind of problem with. Isn't that true? I guess I still am not following what is being suggested here and why.

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Even if you reply and find the topic heads off in a direction you do not like you always have  an option to unsubscribe to it. (great feature). There are topics I read and didn't interest me that much but I just have the choice to not continue following them.

I hate to see this site get handcuffed and to be honest I probably would end up reading most of the topics in that part of the forum most of the time....lol

I like the debate. It actually give me a view of what is out there across the state for opinions

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My opinion, take it or leave it!

Think Cabin Fever is on to something with his intentions, maybe not the debate, woodshed or behind the barn scenario.

Do not tell me I can not read topics that get too heated, I'm interested in all hunting related discussions and all the member's opinions.

Expressing opinions and discussions are healthy and a way of life. Members want to listen, whether agreeing or not.

Rule #1 should be that every one is entitled to their opinion and not every one's opinion is correct or appropriate for all members or all situations!

Do not keep repeating your opinion; it doesn't get any more palatable with subsequent servings.

If you don't agree with some one's opinion, simply respond why. Name calling gets you no where and shows your true colors.

What's with the in your face, meet me on the street or holier than thou comments & attitudes - crazy!

Any of you members realize there are female and younger hunters in the forum?

Maybe the crude comments about condoms & "pecker checker" weren't really appropriate?

We're not shooting the bull in a bar here. I can do that with the best of them, but there is a proper time and place.

I’m far from a role model for PC, but I do try to be civilized.

Look at the bottom of this forum's main page, there generally are more visitors than members viewing what we are saying.

Whose reading and what are their thoughts about us?

I've only seen the moderators intervene a couple of times when postings got heated.

Other times when I thought they were needed, are the discussions being ignored or intentionally left to run their course?

Couple of times I've even attempted to clear the air with my stupid comments about "Things I learned in kindergarten" or "Do onto others".

I'm definitely not for censorship, but shouldn't we monitor appropriateness, aggressiveness, redundancy, etc?

No thanks, I don't want to be a moderator!

I think every member should think about the basic rules of engagement or etiquette when involved in any discussion forum.

If the members were to follow a set of loose guidelines, the moderators could drink coffee & relax.

Do a search for- discussion forum etiquette, you'll be surprised. Well worth the 15-20 minutes you invest.

End of my 2¢ opinion!

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My opinion, take it or leave it!

Think Cabin Fever is on to something with his intentions, maybe not the debate, woodshed or behind the barn scenario.

Do not tell me I can not read topics that get too heated, I'm interested in all hunting related discussions and all the member's opinions.

Expressing opinions and discussions are healthy and a way of life. Members want to listen, whether agreeing or not.

Rule #1 should be that every one is entitled to their opinion and not every one's opinion is correct or appropriate for all members or all situations!

Do not keep repeating your opinion; it doesn't get any more palatable with subsequent servings.

If you don't agree with some one's opinion, simply respond why. Name calling gets you no where and shows your true colors.

What's with the in your face, meet me on the street or holier than thou comments & attitudes - crazy!

Any of you members realize there are female and younger hunters in the forum?

Maybe the crude comments about condoms & "pecker checker" weren't really appropriate?

We're not shooting the bull in a bar here. I can do that with the best of them, but there is a proper time and place.

I’m far from a role model for PC, but I do try to be civilized.

Look at the bottom of this forum's main page, there generally are more visitors than members viewing what we are saying.

Whose reading and what are their thoughts about us?

I've only seen the moderators intervene a couple of times when postings got heated.

Other times when I thought they were needed, are the discussions being ignored or intentionally left to run their course?

Couple of times I've even attempted to clear the air with my stupid comments about "Things I learned in kindergarten" or "Do onto others".

I'm definitely not for censorship, but shouldn't we monitor appropriateness, aggressiveness, redundancy, etc?

No thanks, I don't want to be a moderator!

I think every member should think about the basic rules of engagement or etiquette when involved in any discussion forum.

If the members were to follow a set of loose guidelines, the moderators could drink coffee & relax.

Do a search for- discussion forum etiquette, you'll be surprised. Well worth the 15-20 minutes you invest.

End of my 2¢ opinion!

It may not be a real bad idea to come up with some list of general concerns regarding conduct of debate. As long as they are not so restrictive that they inhibit debate. It also might serve as a general assist to moderators as well as a guideline for determining when action is appropriate. The above list is not a bad start. The only problem that I can see is that an awful lot of it is terribly subjective. I'll bet we all have different and wide-ranging limits on all of those terms mentioned above ("appropriateness, aggressiveness, redundancy, etc?"). How do you get around that?


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I'll never understand why many hunters are so hung up on wanting "everyone to get along" and never want to hear hunters debating or disagreeing on anything.  It simply doesn't make sense.  Without debate and discussion NOTHING will ever get solved or even get done.  It's not like there isn't debate and disagreement in any relationship, be it husband and wife, brothers and sisters, relatives, friends, etc.  Thinking that everyone will always agree and that people shouldn't voice there differing opinions is simply unrealistic.  I see no reason for a special debate forum.  Like others have said, if someone has a problem with a threads content, they can simply choose to click out of it.  Very simple solution! 


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There have been some heated discussions, however I think the end result of them were either people apologizing or moderately getting along.  Some topics will always be heated topics, that's what happens when your passionate about something.  The only thing I've moderated is a few curses here and there, just to keep the forum somewhat clean. 

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Subjectivity is what opinions are made of!

Every one has opinions on most things, some strong & others loosely formed!

Debating & disagreeing with other member's opinions is why this forum is here!

Secondary purpose of the forum is a learning tool. I've hunted ~45 years and have learned things from discussions on this forum.

I am still seeking more knowledge to make me a better, more effective hunter.

If an individual ever stops that quest, they'll wither mentally!

If you think you already know it all, get over it or get help!

All forum members have the right to participate or browse any topic they wish!

I'm not real thrilled about some of the member's opinions, but I read them and accept that they have different views!

Not a good fact of life, but opinions are formed of an individual's personality by the opinions they express. Be it good or bad.

Not every one on the forum is going to be "best of buds"! I try to be civil to all and hope they return the decency. Sunday School 101

Ex: I had no opinion about AR. Was following the debate to see of I could form one.

Got turned off by the whole 3-4 topics/70+ pages of arguing, name calling and constant brow beating.

I have since formed an opinion from the arguing, name calling, etc. and it's not a good opinion.

Still follow it to see if a member expresses an opinion that may sway me.

We are all adults on this forum. Every one is responsible for their own actions. Parenting 101.

If we act other than as an adult, what does that tell others about our opinions?

If we're hung-up in a time warp other than adulthood, grow-up or get help.

We are all in this together, we all establish a perception of hunting & we are all responsible for any negativity created upon an outsider.

No offense to the moderators, but they should not be needed.

No I don't want to meet behind the school and duke it out!!

No, I don't want to meet you for coffee or a beer unless we have common opinions!

Yeah, I'm crude, rude & PC incorrect, but I reserve those for the proper situation.

No, I don't want to see more rules, regulations or by-laws restricting this forum!

No, I'm not going to ignore topics when I could learn something or change/modify an opinion I have!

YES, I want to see this forum flourish!

Yes, all members have something to add to our beloved sport!!

Are we writing our own destiny???

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