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I told a story of when I first started bow hunting..... I was using the recurve and it was the first shot I'd dare to take on a deer...It was a doe at only ten yards...she caught my drawing and we had a stare down until I could no more, and released the arrow...she was broad side and I swear it looked like her feet were on hinges for she didn't duck but just went over sideways and then popped back up after the arrow barely sailed over her shoulder..It was just bizarre to see...Well I've been scoffed at over this story...and here is the closest thing I've seen to that since...I have no clue what spooked this deer...

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Sure ... think about it. They want to turn and get out of there as quick as possible. Well the only way to begin a run is my dropping down to load up their legs for that first bound. The best way to turn is to twist and lean over to push off at an angle to begin the turn. All that puts them in an inital lowered, twisted, and leaned over position. Now .... lol .... try to make your arrow follow that maneuver. The only thing you can hope for is a bad shot that the deer moves into ... ha-ha-ha.

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Thanks Eddie...I just thought it was a funny pic...there were no before or after on this deer so I have no clue what caused it to do that....I did catch this guy walking by the next night....maybe he was out and about then? There is a watering hole 50ft behind the camera that gets used a lot...least I know I wasn't seeing things   way back when...LOL

Edited by growalot
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possibly the camera scared it. i watched a presentation about 7 months ago about trail cameras. showed solid evidence that deer do notice trail cameras and can be spooked by them. they suggested putting the trail cameras up higher above 6 ft angled down and running on video setting. you end up getting alot more data about the game on video and less likely to spook.

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I refer to this as "deer drop" and is biggest reason why most of us miss with the bow. IMO...  I have watched so many missed shots on deer over the internet and most shots where on the money IF the deer stayed still.  This is why I always tell my fellow bow hunters to aim LOW...  A well placed heart shot will still be a good hit if the deer "drops" but if you go for a double lung you might miss completely.  This is the main reason I will not shoot past 50 yards with my bow even though I am good out to 65...  I try to do a maahh call when target shooting to "freeze" the deer just before the shot, another thing to do while aiming but I think it can work, what do you guys think about that?  I have not shot any with my bow yet so I can not say it will work...  But it sounds like a good idea.


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Yeah, I wouldn't really call Grows pic deer drop. More of a tilt.  It's rare to see someone capture it on camera .  Unique animals, those whitetail.

The results are the same...  Drop or lean they both equal a drop in the elevation of the deer's body which can result in a missed or bad shot...  My point is if you can get them to stand still for that spit second you might have a better impact with your arrow.  Calling just before or even better as you shoot might result in a better placed shot as long as you can keep your prey in the same position as when you released your shot...  I do the same thing with stopping yotes as I try my mouse squeak to get them to stop...

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