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Prince Andy ---- What a hypocrite !


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"The language about abortion in the measure is spare: five sentences at the end of a 59-page bill. The sentences would guarantee a woman’s right to an abortion as established by Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized the procedure. The measure would secure a right to late-term abortions when the health of the pregnant woman is at risk or when the fetus is not viable, as determined by a doctor."


Im no fan of Cuomo, but unless that article is misrepresenting the facts, it doesnt sound like anything will be legal that isnt already. Am I missing something?

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"The language about abortion in the measure is spare: five sentences at the end of a 59-page bill. The sentences would guarantee a woman’s right to an abortion as established by Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized the procedure. The measure would secure a right to late-term abortions when the health of the pregnant woman is at risk or when the fetus is not viable, as determined by a doctor."


Im no fan of Cuomo, but unless that article is misrepresenting the facts, it doesnt sound like anything will be legal that isnt already. Am I missing something?

Im all for this, and don't believe anyone should tell a women she should not have an abortion if the kid has some kind horrible deformity or if the health of the mother is at risk. On the other hand late term abortion because a women just changed her mind is something I'm not too keen on, but still not my decision or any of my business.

The original poster should get all the facts before putting out half truths, we get enough of that on cable news. In fact I would bet he heard that on Fox News or some right wing wacko tabloid....

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Prince Andy used the term " if it only saves one life " for his "common sense" Safe Act . Now the prince is pushing to legalize abortion in New York State . The slaughter of innocents ! What's with this madman ?

abortion is already legal in New York. 5 minutes down the road from me there is a clinic that does the procedure and every wednesday you see protesters with signs out front and a cop car sitting nearby. almost every Planned Parenthood clinic does the procedure and you can find non clinic doctors offices that do the procedure. I know of a few people that have had it done. One of which was raped and became pregnant because of the rape. I do not think that late term abortion is ok because someone changed their mind. as stated before me. BUT I feel if the women  decides to do this procedure because of  health risks to the child or the mother or if the women finds out early term then wants the abortion then I feel NO ONE should tell them what they should or should not do. If it does nothing to affect your daily life, MIND YOUR BUSINESS!!!!  People claim they are all for freedom...... of but wait, when it comes to abortion then you chould be governed..... its either you are for freedom or against it you cant have both.. ...

Edited by apoallo
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Abortion should be a right of the woman/ Family involved, As well as being able to take ones own life, We live in a country where we say we are free but we are far from it,   I just don't care if a woman chooses to abort a fetus, Or keep it, Its not mine or anybody else's decision to make except the mother,  I think that everybody should just shut up mind their business and go on with their own lives, Protesting at a clinic that offers a service that has to be hard for a woman to choose to have already is inappropriate. To have people complain about the terms of the abortion is just as crazy, who are we to decide whats good for another person, Sick, healthy, i dont care its not my business its theirs, Its should be a right that is not infringed upon, And if old Johny down the road is of sound mind and still would like to end his life why should i care, Its not my business, Pay up front and good luck JMHO

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I have never been drawn into this abortion debate before, because the issues involved are so complex and intertwined with personal values and morals that I have pretty much an impossible time coming up with any absolute decision.


To me it boils down to when a life is a viable human being. After all, I assume that no one is in favor of murder regardless of where the life taken resides. But I will say that while people should have the right to control what is going on inside their body, no one really has the right to end a life even if it is one that they created.


And so the debate will go on forever as to when a living human being becomes a living human being. I'm not in anyway capable of making that decision, so I will continue to let the debate be carried on by others.

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I like ur way of thinking Doc... none of us support murdur (I HOPE not!!!)so why is it different if it is an unborn human? I would agree that ultimatly its the mothers choice and in some scenarios I can see it being nessessary but i think that nowadays is becoming more and more a more "convinent" thing than a neccessity...



lets see how this stirs things... lol 

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What gets me is how Andy can yap about saving one life to sign a law on guns / ammo and then say it's okay to end lives with late term abortions .


Hes not saying you can just decide to abort a baby late term on a whim. Its ONLY if the baby is deemed not viable by a doctor or if the mothers life is at extreme risk.

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Is it too late for Andy's mom to have a"late term"abortion?



Funny, I thought the same thing yesterday hahaha. Ill deem him as not viable if that helps!

Me too!! and a threat to society

I thought we all knew that the safe act really wasnt about saving lives but taking your guns away?

We did... but it was pushed thru at midnight and we couldnt stop it...

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Hes not saying you can just decide to abort a baby late term on a whim. Its ONLY if the baby is deemed not viable by a doctor or if the mothers life is at extreme risk.


Once they open the door , it can be changed to suit one's needs !

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