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recurve frustation


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i bought a samick sage #50  set the the brace height @ 8'' shoot 400  carbons w/ helical fletchings [feathers] also 2016 aluminum 100g tips. sometimes i cant do wrong i hit the bull everytime , other times fling the arrows go right the arrows go left then other times no matter what i do i hit high to the left  try to compesate and  they hit low . i bought  become the arrow  book by byron fergison very helpful . i just want to be consistant very frustrating any comments would be appreicated i want to hunt long isand w/ it and wont till i can be more consistant

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pulling on the release assuming your shooting fingers maybe not consistent with your anchor or your twisting your wrist, It could be your limbs are twisting one way or another mark your string and your limb so the string goes back the same way every time, 

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Because of your reference to Byron Ferguson's book, I assume you are attempting to shoot instinctive. That is not something you can pick up overnight. Some people never do. Instinctive archery is a very demanding style of shooting. It is something that I gave up many years ago because I got swept into the techno-frenzy approach to archery, A decision I have often regretted since. I do wish you success and hope that somebody here can help you out.

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Your post doesn't say how long you have been at it, but as Doc said it takes time and practice to be consistent.  If you are just starting out don't worry where the arrows are hitting, just concentrate on form, anchor and release.  Once you develop this and are consistent, then start working on your accuracy.  Also, have you tried playing around with different arrow spines and tip weights?  With a recurve you need to tune the arrow to your bow which also takes time to learn.  I would say you are a little over spined for that bow.  Try bareshaft tuning with some 150 and 200 grain tips.  Maybe pick up a few 500 spine arrows and try those also.


Shooting a traditional bow can be frustrating, but it is also a lot of fun. 

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Consistent draw...anchor...and release are very important; as is follow through. Get a fellow archer to observe you when you shoot to see if you follow through the same on each shot. Also, because shooting a recurve is tougher than shooting a compound, many overgrip the recurve...and apply this overgrip differently from shot to shot. Be a little more conscious of your grip as you shoot...maybe a sling would help. Something else to think about: Shooting a 50# recurve is more difficult than many think. Might be a good idea to get a lighter weight bow (35#) to practice with until you perfect your form.

Good luck.......Stick with it!

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I'll add that follow through is one of the most important things IMO and experience.  Tradition archery equipment shot instinctive is a TOTAL mind game.  If you aren't concentrating all the time on your release, follow through and focusing on that TINY little spot, you'll be SOL.


I had a second stint at traditional archery from 1987 to 1999 before I also went back to a compound for good. (grin)


I just didn't have the time to practice year round, religiously. 


You owe it to the game your hunting to make the complete commitment to instinctive shooting to become the best shot in the woods and the only way to do this is to perfect all aspects and keep your head focused.



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Also, once you have your equipment tuned and your form down, research gap, split vision, string walking and other methods of aiming a bow without sights. Instinctive is not the only choice. You also have the option of putting a sight on the bow. Sights where not invented by or for compounds - lots of hunters used them on recurves. Many still should.

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Good stuff, Steve.  I and many of my hunting buddies progressed from instinctive to gap to shooting with a peep & pin.  Our shooting got better with each new change.  Fred Bear and Francis Davis were great instinctive shooters...most of us are not!

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Well everyone has touched on something that could be wrong....and being some one that even though I'm shooting a modern compound now still shoots instinctive...and started out with a borrowed 45# Kodiak bear recurve ..that my archery guy set me up with...at that weight he had me using  2116 Easton LT's and 100gr tips....


You never mentioned some important factors and that would be Eye dominance and whether that matches your bow being rt or lft....and your knock set up and the type of release...be it a tab or a glove or even a mechanical...I had a knock bead above and below...to keep me from pinching the knock on release and I shot with a tab under the bottom knock...Hope that came out so you understand what I mean...that kept things more consistent for me...Then you have arrow length...Due to the fact that I am a left eye rt handed shooter and my aiming as it were is to line the tip of arrow with my target I have to shoot a long arrow 30 " order to stay accurate...even now with my compound I have to have that length arrow...That was trial and error when first starting

Now, I'm a tad different in every way I shoot ..even guns but that's just how my eyes and brain link...find your groove and stay with what is working and practice practice and never mind what the books say...I drove my archery guy nuts...he shot competitively and even with Fred bear over the years...God rest his soul...but was proud as punch with the deer I brought in and the consistency of my shooting...also practice from where you plan to hunt...be it trees...standing or sitting ...that won't change your anchor point but will how you bend your torso

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thank you for the comments and segestions i shoot right hand right eye  dom. i've tried different anchors  three fingers under [ i shoot split w/ a glove] tried tabs horrible , i shoot 29 '' arrows @ 28" draw lenth been at it 2 yrs  . i love shooting this  bow  its the challenge but frustrating   i've shot bare shaft it flew perfect . so iknow its me . 

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pulling on the release assuming your shooting fingers maybe not consistent with your anchor or your twisting your wrist, It could be your limbs are twisting one way or another mark your string and your limb so the string goes back the same way every time, 


I had a bow that would twist at the limbs, I know it was not me because I gad 2 others of the same type and they did not do it. I just put that bow aside. After I hurt my hand and fingers and no longer could draw my bows back with my fingers, I went to installing string loops on all of my bows and using a Scott release. I did it with that bow also and no longer twisted the limbs.The string loop and release gave me the most consistant arrow placement I ever had with all of my bows and arrows.  

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You make shooting a compound sound simple, wow.  Dam, I did not realize traditional was so hard... 

I shoot a Heli-M compound.

I try to concentrate on good posture, form and consistency.  Try not to overwork yourself it will result in poor form.  Even though I really enjoy shooting my bow, I am limiting myself to about 50 shots a day and only every other day...  Try to record yourself if you have a camera it will help you correct mistakes.  


Try to shoot with just form, no aiming.  With a large back stop or target, close your eyes and do 10 shots with just good form.  A small mark on 2-3 arrows can indicate a draw point release for consistent draw length when shooting.  High left shot could indicate an over draw.  Low and rt could indicate you are stressed.  Just ideas, hope you figure it out and good luck! 


Again, I did not know traditional bows where so complicated, WOW!

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sorry didn't get back busy @work , had a chance to shoot in work yesterday first round all over the place[ ecept in the target], second round of arrows all in the gold , its all mental once i relaxed and focused on the target not on if my anchor is right or if my grip is right i did well one thing i did concentrate on was follow though i found my bow arm wasmoving slightly but @ 20 yds is way off , thank you every comment was very helpful

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tommyc50 I found that i used to grip the bow with my bow hand to tight and torque it when I released after my first round I started to relax and shooting got better.  After I figured this out and practiced not doing it my shooting improved.  


When I shoot it is almost a meditative state of being relaxed and concentrated on the target.  


What is your complete setup?


Example=  I am shooting a Striker Fastback 50# @ 29".  Goldtip  5575  32" 100grn brass insert with a 165grn simmons shark. My total combined weight it around 650 grns and I would like heavier.  My draw is only 29.5 inches and I leave the arrows to length so I get the spine weaker and still have the full weight of the arrow.    


A couple of places to check out for help is the "trad gang" and the "Leather Wall"  these are both forums dedicated to strictly traditional shooting and hunting.  

Also check this book out it is also super helpful and should be in your collection along with byron's book.



Food for thought also is there is a big trad shoot coming up in the utica area called oxtar.  There will be a ton of people there and you would be able to talk trad gear with anybody we are all just a big family.  if you have any questions let me know.



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