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Beard growing

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Increases ones creepiness 10 fold , especially the people that groom and manscape it, kid at work wears a beard and can't land a chick and i told him "Nobody wants to date their uncle, lose the beard ." Beards are not meant to be sculpted and shaped ,just throw the razor away and let nature run its course or shave it off.

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at first glance I thought the phrase on the bottom left said Quadruples Homelessness....On a lighter note I heard the "most interesting man in the world" is donating his beard to science upon his death.....

and when he isn't, he's drinking Dos Equis!


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Hair retains and promotes bacterial growth. No need to add to your scent problem. I shave my armpits during bow.



Geeze, Phade, did you HAVE to tell us that ?


Do you wax your bikini line too..??..


Do you squat to pee on scrapes..??..



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Haha the shaving his arm pits is too far, but you're still a good dude phade! I would have to agree though that I'm a scent freak so I'm definitely growing a beard, but maybe not to the rats nest I had planned until 'yote hunting in the winter. I don't want to be struggling with a stinky beard all fall that is unmanageable.

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2 funny!!!  I am happy I have enough Italian blood to grow a full one, and enough Danish and Swedish to keep my back free of hair!!!  Not sure where the Polish fits in.  (No wise cracks!!!  LOL)


Facial hair is frowned upon by work, yet one of my old bosses who use to complain had a full beard!!!  So he did not have the right to tell me it was not acceptable, even though he tried...  After fellow coworkers pointed that out he stopped.


I usually grow one for rifle season yet recently I seem to start earlier.  I have to trim otherwise I would look like grizzly Adams in 2 weeks.  The gray hairs seem to be multiplying every year, might have to put on more war paint this year...  Arg.  I will start September 26th on the way up to scout/bow hunt and will not remove until after dec 8th if the gray does not bother me too much...  And yes I agree no facial hair has ever gotten me a deer but the tradition is fun...Q-

 Q:  Why do Italians wear gold chains ?


 A:    So they know where to stop shaving.


But seriously im too handsome to cover my face with hair . This thread delivers , so many opportunities to take and give shots and crack jokes.

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