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Shooting well=damaged arrows!


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As I am preparing for the season, I have been shooting 3-4 days a week in my yard. I have a glendale 3d buck that i use as a target. I obviously try to aim for the sweet spot from various distances/angles. I noticed though that as my groups are getting smaller, I am damaging arrows. I am not robin hooding them but if i hit an arrow it will scratch and damage it. I dont want to ruin my arrows but I dont want to aim at other areas of the target. I want to aim for the actual spot where I will aim at a deer. I cant afford any other target and i dont want to ruin my arrow. any advice???

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Back up! I mainly practice 50 -60 yds...makes those 20-30 yrd shots seem easy.. Big confidence booster.


If you are hitting arrows next to each other at that distance, Why don't you just take the advice jiven by others above.I shoot only carbon arrows now, Even a scratch on one of them could be an accident wating to happen.5 each  3 " dots on the face of my target.

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Find a local 3D shoot, it will test your knowledge and skills of distance judgment and accuracy.  Best bet is to shoot spots as WNYBuckHunter says.  We use little orange dots at 20-30 and 1-3 inch at 20-30-60 +.   You can build your own practice target if you shoot a lot...  Moving back helps, shooting 50 and under seems like a chip shot when you shoot at 60-70 same with a 20-30 if you practice at 40-50...  Plus shooting long distance is FUN!!!  One thing I notice with my consistency is shooting at least every 3 days is imperative for steady shots.  I try to practice every other day and avoid shooting two days in a row as I stress out and loose form.  Never liked my sights, too big, found a nice bright orange outer circled small sight just need one with 5 pins as the 2 pin offers little range options.  New string for the season with time to sight in, hopefully with a new sight.  Ahh the season is approaching fast!!!

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