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Syracuse weather says light and variable for wind today, which means your scent will be drifting all over he place. This is why I laugh when guys say you don't need to try to be scent free, just hunt the wind. Well, what do you do for days like today, stay home? And what if its like this for a week during the prime rut? Miss the whole week?

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Helps if i turn my gps on lol

Sent from Outer Space

Haha happened to me for the first time to. I thought it was a piece of crap until I remembered I turned it off. I have a few of my stands marked and can check wind conditions/ temp at any one anytime. Can also use it as a gps to find your stands in the dark. Its definitely not accurate to the nearest foot but gets you within 10-15 foot most times.

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I had a great morning (saw a 4 pointer) today and needed to get out by 9:30...just felt right so I sat 5 more minutes---as I was climbing down I was slammed with rain(forecast was for rain starting a noon). When it came to my evening hunt the weather was predicted to be dicey but the conditions were perfect(thank god they are wrong a lot). Sat till dark with no sign and get a call from my partner who shot a doe. As I was climbing down...your guessed it- buckets of rain. Thankfully he double lunged her and she dropped within 30 yards - no blood trail would have remained. Weathermen suck!

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