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Missed 3 times today


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Got in my stand around 5:45am today. For some reason I just couldnt settle in and be quiet. I was making all sorts of noise. Dropped my flash light three times. Had a serious coughing fit for almost a half hour. Finally got myself together about 6:45. Well 6:58 I see a huge brown body about 20 yards away. Trail was all flooded so I didnt even hear the deer coming. Still cant make out if its a buck or doe cuz of branches. Deer got to just the right spot to thread an arrow. Got the deer to stop I pulled the trigger and THUMP. Hit the tree that was about 6 inches to the right of it. Didnt even phase the thing. It just kept walking. Im hoping it will be taking the same path again tomorrow. Afternoon hunt got in around 4:30 and was a lot less noisy. 5:30 rolls around and I was getting a lil cold so I threw on my hoodie. Got it over my head and boom 15 yards away a nice doe. My bow was hanging on a tree within reach of my stand. Grabbed bow while the doe was staring at me drew back and pull trigger. Arrow flew right threw her front two legs. She jumped and turned broadside and sat there watching me grab a arrow from quiver, nock it and draw on her. I was shaking the whole time. This was the first time I didnt spook a deer by missing. Release arrow and flew right over her back. She took off running. Sat 15 min before getting down to make sure I didnt just think I missed. No blood. The last hour and a half of hunting I saw 8 deer all around me running around chasing each other. A really nice buck was with them. But none of them came within range. I never saw that many deer by my stand at one time. Idk why I missed. I practiced everyday since I got it 6 weeks ago. After the first week I was on the money. I just dont get it.

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This is my 8th year bow hunting. After a week shooting this bow I head it tuned dead nutz. However I looked at my old bow and I thought I set the pins to match. I some how mixed um up. So when I though I was using yellow for 20 like my old bow. The yellow on new bow is 30. I made a lil cheat sheet with yellow green and red tape on my bow with 10,20,30 so we will see how it goes. That and try releax and not get so fired up when I see a deer lol. Hopefully whatever I missed yesterday morn will travel the same path again this morn. I'm pretty confident it will cuz it didn't spook. And if I miss this morning again I'm gonna break out the old bow

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This is my 8th year bow hunting. After a week shooting this bow I head it tuned dead nutz. However I looked at my old bow and I thought I set the pins to match. I some how mixed um up. So when I though I was using yellow for 20 like my old bow. The yellow on new bow is 30. I made a lil cheat sheet with yellow green and red tape on my bow with 10,20,30 so we will see how it goes. That and try releax and not get so fired up when I see a deer lol. Hopefully whatever I missed yesterday morn will travel the same path again this morn. I'm pretty confident it will cuz it didn't spook. And if I miss this morning again I'm gonna break out the old bow


most of a miss sometime or another. I have to admit that I wouldn't consider a weeks worth of shooting adequate. And if you're not shooting from a practice stand or at least a high deck, then its unrealistic. Shaky knees are unavoidable sometimes, so try to breath deep and slowly release. I don't advise holding your breath, but I know that works for some.

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I shot the bow for six weeks before the season. I had it tuned dead nuts the first week of having it. When I get done with my morning hunt I take six shots on my target in the yard. And before I head out in the afternoon I take six. I should practice out of my stands more than I did setting up target at diffrent scenarios. This year I just took a few at the "perfect world scenero. This is my four bow I owned and yesterday made me feel like i did when I owned my first. When I got my first all I did after school was shoot. And all I did in the summer was shoot. And when deer season I was putting the the old timers to shame. Lol. I'm sure having my first kid just before last year's season has a lot to do with it also. Hopefully next spring o can get a bow in her hand.

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Have you practiced shooting from a treestand? 

How many feet up off the ground are you hunting?

If you have only shot for 6 weeks, standing in your yard, shooting on level ground at a target..... Then you better get off the ground and practice. You may find your problem.


All so, make sure you are not looking through your peep and just shooting at the whole deer....pick your spot.


Good luck!

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I can't see or shoot more than 30 yards in our woods. At this stage in my hunting life I am not all that keen on shooting past 25 yrds anyhow.No point having more than 1 pin for me. Also, when I shot my Buck last week my 1 pin sight all but covered him up in the sight picture at 20 yards. Can't imagine you would see anything with multiple pins in the way!


Sounds like you need some smaller pins lol.


As for the misses. I have a buddy of mine that has missed three times. He is beyond frustrated but hey, that's why they call it hunting, not killing. You''ll knock one down eventually. Be patient and calm.  

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This is my 8th year bow hunting. After a week shooting this bow I head it tuned dead nutz. However I looked at my old bow and I thought I set the pins to match. I some how mixed um up. So when I though I was using yellow for 20 like my old bow. The yellow on new bow is 30. I made a lil cheat sheet with yellow green and red tape on my bow with 10,20,30 so we will see how it goes. That and try releax and not get so fired up when I see a deer lol. Hopefully whatever I missed yesterday morn will travel the same path again this morn. I'm pretty confident it will cuz it didn't spook. And if I miss this morning again I'm gonna break out the old bow

That's why I only use 1 pin set at 25 yds in a TruGlo pendulum sight. You don't need more than 1 and I know not every one will agree but it sure does simplify things for hunting purposes.

Edited by nybuckboy
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As I'm sitting here thinking about it. I'm thinking it was deer fever. Last year was the first year since I started bow hunting I didn't fill my tags due to my daughter being born. And I just got so pumped with adrenaline yesterday I was shaking and couldn't calm down. This morning I had a nice doe 30 yards away and was able to draw on her hoping she would make it to the shooting lane. But her friend came running in and shr chased her around. Anyway I was a lot more relaxed and focused. And if it wasn't for the other deer I probably would be setting up the garage to start processing her.

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All my years of bow hunting this is my first season I seen deer running around like kids playing. Last night I could three deer in the area my dad has his stand chasing each other around in the swamp that formed under his stand. About 50 yards away on the neighbors land there were 4 running around. Never even seen that many deer at once in a stand

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three misses... it is bowhunting but after three in a row I wouldn't even consider heading back out until the you get it resolved. pick random lengths and elevations on your target and try to practice judging distances and what not.

In my case those three instances of him jumping the string led to me going and buying my Z7 that very same day.

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