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So buzzing them with helicopters and shooting at them in hopes to "kill a few" won't disperse them as much as guys shooting them on site say during deer season or turkey season?...OK....hhhmmm


If youve ever seen the videos of the helicopter shoots in other places, they are pretty darn effective at wiping out large groups of the animals at once. Much more effective than some guy shooting at running pigs from his tree stand.

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I've seen some videos of them shooting pigs from helicopters in Texas, both with rifles and with buckshot.. It looks to me like more fun than I've ever had with my clothes on.

Controlling wolves by aerial shooting from light airplanes has also been used in Alaska at times, much to the despair of the Greenpeace types.. It's effective at wiping out entire packs.

Helicopter shooting might be somewhat less effective in parts of NY where the pigs have access to dense overhead cover.

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That's right NYS isn't Texas nor Alaska...and where they do this now it is already over run...the idea of lowering dispersal rates is a moot point...a point the DEC used as a reason to ban hunters from shooting on site..Did you watch how fast and far those hogs were running...they do not get them all and they are smart...so I can't imagine them hearing a helicopters approach wouldn't  have them running for best cover/hills long before the crew arrives


PS...I miss quoted my bad it was"eliminate several"..if the main goal is to study and count ...why not use relatively quiet drones... Really we harvest our timber so the idea of lost timber prices with no compensation thanks to being shot up...would be a no go for me to say yes and I would assume anyone else that manages their timber....

Edited by growalot
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That's right NYS isn't Texas nor Alaska...and where they do this now it is already over run...the idea of lowering dispersal rates is a moot point...a point the DEC used as a reason to ban hunters from shooting on site


Excellent point, Growie..

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If youve ever seen the videos of the helicopter shoots in other places, they are pretty darn effective at wiping out large groups of the animals at once. Much more effective than some guy shooting at running pigs from his tree stand.


They are already dispersed across some states and exceedingly wary of people. That has not happened in NY yet. Even if that was the case in NY; aerial shooting in the hills and forests would be less effective than on the plains.

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They are already dispersed across some states and exceedingly wary of people. That has not happened in NY yet. Even if that was the case in NY; aerial shooting in the hills and forests would be less effective than on the plains.


Depends on when and where its done. Shooting through a woods canopy, not so effective. Catching them out in a field or brushy area, plenty effective. The helo being able to keep up with them as they run makes for alot more shot opportunities than a hunter standing on the ground or in a tree stand.

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My boss leaves for Texas tomorrow to do the helicopter hog hunt on Saturday and Sunday. Sooooo jealous. AR-15, ammo and video included

DANG..!! That would be more fun than being dropped off in a Mexican cathouse with a washtub full of quarters !!

MAUDIE..!!..Sell my CLOTHES, I'm goin' to HEAVEN..!!...

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So buzzing them with helicopters and shooting at them in hopes to "kill a few" won't disperse them as much as guys shooting them on site say during deer season or turkey season?...OK....hhhmmm

I have to admit that this activity does seem to contradict the language they used when they decided to protect the feral hogs from hunters. In fact, if I wanted to disperse any herds and drive them into nocturnal movements, chasing them around with helicopters might be one of the things that would come to mind.


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