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Honest opinion on the safe act being repealed

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But 3 percent approximately actually participated in the revolutionary war as far as fighting it.  The rest jumped on board when it was easier to become a patriot.  If this gets repealed watch the people come out of the wood work who have done very little to take credit.  

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This is Alice-in-Wonderland talk. In case you haven't noticed the entire nation has been on a socialist downward spiral for at least 40/50 years. It doesn't have too far left to travel and that's why things seem worse now but the thread is long and can be followed back quite some ways. If you think the answer is in the ballot box, I have some Montana beach front property I have been trying to shift.


The 'Tree of Liberty and the Blood of patriots',  etc etc.

It didn't take long for someone to jump in and prove exactly the point Doc and I are making. If there has been a socialist downward spiral of any kind it has been created by the apathy of the people that said it would never happen and did nothing. Again, ready to give in or just deny long before the fight begins... yet squawks the loudest after losing without ever having thrown a punch.

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But 3 percent approximately actually participated in the revolutionary war as far as fighting it.  The rest jumped on board when it was easier to become a patriot.  If this gets repealed watch the people come out of the wood work who have done very little to take credit.  


300,000 well trained and well armed French helped a little too ;)

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Conservatives have been throwing their punches at the ballot box for decades and it clearly has gotten us nowhere. Einstein said that doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result was a sign of madness. See ya all in the nut-house. The founding Fathers knew what needed to be done. I note that everyone dances around this reality like the 800 pound Gorilla.

Ha-ha .... the nut-house reference may be more appropriate than you realize. But I am curious as to whether you have begun construction of your militia compound yet. Time is drawing near you know. Make sure you stock up on fertilizer and diesel fuel. Take a lesson from those who went before you with those same paranoid thoughts. But remember, it ain't paranoia if they really are out to get you .....lol. :crazy:

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I think it will be shot down in higher courts/scotus but wouldn't hold out hope for repeal. It will take years but I also think there will be big problems with the law due to non compliance which could well become a bigger problem for the law in the immediate future. If Connecticut is any indicator the law is in trouble in NY....

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A total repeal is unlikely because there is just enough BS in there to keep the pro-SAFE folks armed, and the courts busy, for a long time. But we can nibble away at it.

A federal judge has already considered the 7-round magazine limit "arbitrary". That's something. It's a small victory I'll take.


Apathy and lack of awareness are what will keep the voting numbers of 2A supporters from getting rid of the current regime and it's mindset, over the long term. A defeatist attitude or a non-vote on the issue is basically a vote for the other side.


It's NY and a handful of other states right now, but the SAFE act could become national policy very quickly if we don't all stand together on this. Get the word out and make sure everyone you know is informed and aware. Then get out and vote.

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  • How was the state of CT able to find out who had unregistered assault weapons ? Were these letters just sent out to the general public??


Interesting question. It kind of casts a shadow of doubt on the whole story. The only possible answer that I can think of is that previous background checks at time of purchase were being used as a defacto registration system in that state. It kind of makes one wonder what our background checks at time of purchase are really doing with that information. 

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CT will be the testing ground for the nation. What happens there will set the pace. And now that 'The Donald' has bowed out we can forget about the politcial process as an avenue to seek satisfaction and repeal. I was gonna say that folk need to start to think ouside the [ballot] box but events in CT may push things out of the box in any case.

Which makes one wonder what kinds of "outside the (ballot) box" solutions you favor. Is it time to form up our militias now and over-throw the government? I hear a lot of this quasi-military style, feel-good, rabble-rousing "talk", but have yet to hear what kinds of action you are supporting. Are you looking to roll the dice and throw the baby out with the bathwater, in hopes that some unknown, future style of government might be better than what we have? Or do you simply have the attitude of destroy everything and leave it up lady luck to decide our fate? I hear a lot of talk, but I suspect that too little real thought is being applied, and perhaps one too many Rambo movies.

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The way it used to work in NY, and probably still does, is when you bought a gun from a dealer, the record of you buying it was retained by the gun dealer....it wasn't sent back to NY State or the manufacturer, which makes me wonder how the State has any record of what you own.....from what I recall, when they called you're info in for the background check, all they asked for was whether or not you could buy a gun, they didn't provide them with make model or serial #....I may be wrong, maybe if there is a dealer on this site they can enlighten us.

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Interesting question. It kind of casts a shadow of doubt on the whole story. The only possible answer that I can think of is that previous background checks at time of purchase were being used as a defacto registration system in that state. It kind of makes one wonder what our background checks at time of purchase are really doing with that information. 

The only information, in regards to the type of firearm being purchased, that is entered into the background check is "handgun, long gun, receiver or other" "other being something like a pistol grip only shotgun. An AR style, or as the elite call them "assault rifle" would be entered as a  "Long gun" …..Interesting……Maybe CT has a different system, but I would think that the national background check system would be universal.

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if any government entity thinks they can track down any gun that was sold/bought in the last 10-20 years to find the current owners without spending a massive amount of money and manpower, they're in for a rude awakening....I would say it's next to impossible.

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The only information, in regards to the type of firearm being purchased, that is entered into the background check is "handgun, long gun, receiver or other" "other being something like a pistol grip only shotgun. An AR style, or as the elite call them "assault rifle" would be entered as a  "Long gun" …..Interesting……Maybe CT has a different system, but I would think that the national background check system would be universal.

So, what are we saying .... that this news story about sending out warning letters to assault rifle owners is totally B.S.? I think so. How can they send letters out to people they can't identify? So perhaps we should regard this story as a fabrication, because I really can't see anyway that the CT state government could do what they are claiming.

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So, what are we saying .... that this news story about sending out warning letters to assault rifle owners is totally B.S.? I think so. How can they send letters out to people they can't identify? So perhaps we should regard this story as a fabrication, because I really can't see anyway that the CT state government could do what they are claiming.

Im thinking you might be right. Unless they just sent letters to every person, who say had a hunting license or pistol license, in an attempt to B.S. and scare people. When you buy a long gun, the form that you fill out, which lists the firearm model, stays in the store for 10-15 years or until the store closes. After that the forms are sent to the FBI, not to the state.  If the state of CT did have the names of people who had purchased "assault rifles" then an unimaginable amount of time and money was spent going from store to store and sifting through piles of paperwork. 

But I may be missing something. Maybe CT required stores to send the state copies if the form for each person that bought certain firearms….But that would be back door registration……I don't know. For now Im going with B.S.

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Im thinking you might be right. Unless they just sent letters to every person, who say had a hunting license or pistol license, in an attempt to B.S. and scare people. When you buy a long gun, the form that you fill out, which lists the firearm model, stays in the store for 10-15 years or until the store closes. After that the forms are sent to the FBI, not to the state.  If the state of CT did have the names of people who had purchased "assault rifles" then an unimaginable amount of time and money was spent going from store to store and sifting through piles of paperwork. 

But I may be missing something. Maybe CT required stores to send the state copies if the form for each person that bought certain firearms….But that would be back door registration……I don't know. For now Im going with B.S.

I think you are right!

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Sounds like B.S. to me too. At least the whole 'letters sent' scenario.

It would appear that the numbers used as a baseline for how many so-called 'assault rifles' might be in any particular state are an estimate. How those estimates are arrived at is an interesting question in itself.


So, the government's fear of non-compliance with the registration laws is based on someone's guess as to how many guns they think are in their state that need to be registered.

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From what I have read about the letters, the letters where sent out to people who tried to register their guns the CT made illegal, but where past the deadline. So CT has your signed letter saying you own a gun that your tried to register. Seems like that is how they got the information.


Also not sure if many of you have followed the NY registration but there was someone that did and posted pictures of forms, and his confirmation that the NYSP received it, it also states IF YOU ARE APPROVED they will let you know, so just because you give NYS your information does not mean they will approve you, so what do you think will happen when they say you are not approved, we have a list of these guns you tried to register and you need to turn them in.



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From what I have read about the letters, the letters where sent out to people who tried to register their guns the CT made illegal, but where past the deadline. So CT has your signed letter saying you own a gun that your tried to register. Seems like that is how they got the information.


Also not sure if many of you have followed the NY registration but there was someone that did and posted pictures of forms, and his confirmation that the NYSP received it, it also states IF YOU ARE APPROVED they will let you know, so just because you give NYS your information does not mean they will approve you, so what do you think will happen when they say you are not approved, we have a list of these guns you tried to register and you need to turn them in.

Any way you can post  that letter?? It wouldn't surprise me if NY state would do something as sleazy and underhanded as denying a registration and then demanding that the rifle be surrendered, especially when you consider who is leading the state government…...

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