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Deadly buck fight and hunt footage


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What an amazing video! What an amazing hunt! Unbelievable.


I wonder just how many of these deer-on-deer homicides take place each year....lol. Around here just a prolonged fight like that would take an awful lot out of a deer even if they both wound up walking away. With an impending winter coming up, that would have to make the survival of both deer questionable.


Anyway, it made for one exciting video. I do wish the guy could have held that camera a little more steady, but  with the excitement level, a little loss of camera control is certainly understandable....lol.

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A couple of years back I put down a buck that I believe may have had his difficulties begin with a severe goring from a fight. My theory is that he was badly injured by a fight and then had further severe injuries added by a predator of some sort that left him laid up. It is my opinion that he would not have made in very far into winter, injured the way he was.






Here is the part where I think some predator took over:


That area of torn up meat around the back end is not the result of a botched gutting job....lol. That is the way he was when I shot him. But there are other wounds along his body that were definite puncture wounds.





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amazing how much interest the other deer had in watching that whole thing go down

Actually, I suppose that is why rattling works. Those curious goats can't help themselves and have to go watch a good fight. Actually, I have seen videos of 3-way buck fights where one of the observer bucks decided to get in there and try to kick the butts of the original two. These guys are not the meek little fuzzy cute critters that most people think they are. Apparently they are not always just interested in kicking competitive bucks out of their territory, but actually get into a killing frenzy at times.


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that was a wild hunt,not knocking the guy but the deer was wounded too far back. he didn't know where the arrow hit but the guy 100% made the right call in coming back in the morning instead of pushing the deer that night.  great buck

Edited by Hardcore
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I agree Hardcore it was a bad shot but understandable after such an event.  His calling was horrible but that snort wheeze did the trick!  Awesome video!


With the adrenaline running for i think over 45 mins, guys nerves had to be beyond shot, he did well

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