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What Do You Snack On?

Brother Nature

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So when I am up in the tree, I like to have some food available to eat. Nothing will get me out of the woods faster than a growling stomach!!!

So, was wondering what people take to snack on. I always pack a hearty sammich, some water, and some leftover halloween candy...

For snacking, I like to take up some peanuts of cajun trailmix or some deer jerky...

Just interested in what other people snack on...

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I generally  rely on candy bars, granola bars ( or trail mix bars) and water....

I buy packs of the small Halloween type Snickers, Baby Ruths, Payday, Almond Joy and Reese Cups...

Sometimes I take jerky also...

Since PA season opens after NY season, sometimes I have some leftover deer heart...If I get lucky in NY, the first day of PA season I'll often make myself a leftover deer heart sandwich, with mayo and coarse black pepper... Just seems like the perfect sandwich to eat on deer stand...

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I usually much on trail mix or sunflower seeds if nothing else the shells from the seeds make the squirrels come out and as long as there occupied with the shells their not half as annoying. water and energy drinks are a must for me though I am a true caffeen junkie.

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Ok I'm going to let you guys in on the best kept hunting secret.Atomic Fire Balls.

My daughter played BB for her high school, I noticed one of the other Dads always had Fire Balls to share. He said he bought them for deer season,they last 20 minutes keep your mind occupied and so forth.

So this year i bought a bag, and I saw more bucks then in 30 years of hunting !! Not only that but no matter what time I put one in my mouth a buck would show up before it was gone.

I shot my 8pt. with one still in my mouth !

Just be sure in bow to put it on the opposite side of your mouth , so not to mess up your anchor point.......... ::)

Works better then any cough drop  too!

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Ok I'm going to let you guys in on the best kept hunting secret.Atomic Fire Balls.

My daughter played BB for her high school, I noticed one of the other Dads always had Fire Balls to share. He said he bought them for deer season,they last 20 minutes keep your mind occupied and so forth.

So this year i bought a bag, and I saw more bucks then in 30 years of hunting !! Not only that but no matter what time I put one in my mouth a buck would show up before it was gone.

I shot my 8pt. with one still in my mouth !

Just be sure in bow to put it on the opposite side of your mouth , so not to mess up your anchor point.......... ::)

Works better then any cough drop  too!

OK...I will try it....any reason to eat candy is a good one in my book

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Well I'm kidding, sort of...... I do love the Fire Balls though ! I did see a ton of bucks as well as kill one with a Fire Ball in my mouth. Beats a pair of 'lucky " socks I guess.

Perhaps they should make them in a camo wrapper,sell them in hunting stores for 5x's as much.

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I hope I don't gross anybody out, but I have kind of grown partial to cold fried egg sandwiches about 8:00 or 9:00 on opening morning (it's an aquired taste .... lol). I'll bet there aren't too many people that could really get into that, but I usually have a few of them to munch on. Also, a thermos of coffee gets a pretty good work-out.


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I hope I don't gross anybody out, but I have kind of grown partial to cold fried egg sandwiches about 8:00 or 9:00 on opening morning (it's an aquired taste .... lol). I'll bet there aren't too many people that could really get into that, but I usually have a few of them to munch on. Also, a thermos of coffee gets a pretty good work-out.


Actually., I think I would eat that!!!

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I might " improve " mine with a couple slices of very thin shaved ham...

Oh man ...... Now you're talking!!!!

Yeah - really .... shouldn't be talking food at this time of night. I'll be out there in the kitchen pretty soon frying up some eggs. ;D

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